The difference between a JW and an IDIOT????
A JW didn't ask this question.
Kismet - who'll take a shot at an open net any day
The difference between a JW and an IDIOT????
A JW didn't ask this question.
Kismet - who'll take a shot at an open net any day
I am certain those versions mentioned above of Wonderful World are superb, for me nothing beats the soulful intropective sound of the great one, Mr. Louis Armstrong belting out those lyrics....sigh...
Just one man's opinion.
wooooo hooooooooooooo.
who woulda thunk it???
the leafs sweeping ottawa 4 games to nothin...that's right nothin!!!!.
Who woulda thunk it??? the Leafs sweeping Ottawa 4 games to nothin...that's right nothin!!!!
Congrats to Capt. Sundin and all hail the almighty CuJo!!!
bring on New Jersey..... let's just hope Stevens doesn't kill anyone...
i recieved this note from a young person i know personally.
it brought tears to my eyes for someone so young to see things so clearly.
why can't six million others see this simple reality and the need for change?.
I think you misunderstood my words. I meant that your feelings and expressions are misplaced against me. You should move on and take that to others who may have the problem you inferred. I would never ask you to leave Simon's board, I have no right to even suggest that.
You are welcome. Please do not take my 'balance' as carte blanche to start preaching to me. Thanks.
i recieved this note from a young person i know personally.
it brought tears to my eyes for someone so young to see things so clearly.
why can't six million others see this simple reality and the need for change?.
Women in the real world arent always 'nicey-nice",,,,
now there's a huge leap from left field... where the hell did this woman's issue come from. I have noticed this as being a major focus of yours. Hey guess what... I give men and women EQUALLY a hard time about being civil.. Take your personal angst and personal causes elsewhere they ain't here.
Tina further wrote:
what I see is presenting info and making an arguement.
I saw that from others. All I saw from you was a grade school insult.
I don't think you've worked in 2 mental health facilities,I think you've been a patient in both. T
where is this alleged presenting of info or making an argument???
I am glad you found your voice. I hope one day you learn the balance in using it.
AF: I thought I had misunderstood something. Thanks for the clarification
dedalus: We all do what works for us individually I suppose.
i recieved this note from a young person i know personally.
it brought tears to my eyes for someone so young to see things so clearly.
why can't six million others see this simple reality and the need for change?.
Everyone involved in a discussion or debate is trying to modify others opinions or how they post.
When Jan H comments about the banality of some of the topics, he is trying to modify how others post? Is that "moderation?"
By your inferring that it is wrong for me to ask others to cool the insults are you trying to modify my posting habits? So do you want moderator tools too?
I fail to see why you are so against requests for common decency and civilty. Do you insult and attack people like this in the real world?
BTW the above apology was not for speaking my mind but rather for singling you out as an example.
i recieved this note from a young person i know personally.
it brought tears to my eyes for someone so young to see things so clearly.
why can't six million others see this simple reality and the need for change?.
I had editted that part out before reading this reply. I felt it was a cheap shot and had hoped to remove it before anyone got a chance to read it.
Sorry I wasn't quicker in the edit.
i recieved this note from a young person i know personally.
it brought tears to my eyes for someone so young to see things so clearly.
why can't six million others see this simple reality and the need for change?.
AF are you inferring he is a pedophile simply on the basis of a thread on the internet? This despite his quoting a reference supporting his position...
Wayne: You miss the point. What one person calls sexual molestation another might call a peck on the cheek accompanied by an out of place comment. See studies by Janet Wakefield PhD: forensic psychologyAF: Really, man, your words are precisely those of a molester who wants to justify his perversion as being "not so bad".
(If I mis-understood your comment above I apologize but the bold type certainly adds weight to my interpretation)
PS - and NO I am not trying to moderate this board. I just find it interesting that Waiting, a victim (rather a SURVIVOR) herself has been cordial to Wayne despite his differing view. But others (not referring to AF) do little but hurl insults.
Sorry edit 1 - took out rambling nonsense where I mistakenly thought this was a different Wayne
Edit 2- reworded PS so as to remove any possible inference to AF
the following is an excerpt from a book written by a new rochelle, ny.
police detective, mark gado.
pedophiles and child molesters: the slaughter of innocenece.
:He said he'd think about it, but to my knowledge, he never did anything.What happens when the mother in the natural defence of her daughter accuses the man of being a pedophile. Of course he will be upset that someone could accuse him of that and will deny it adamently. But when you think about this quote from Seven's post:Just didn't want to get involved.
These denials will be accompanied by expressions of shock, outrage and even indignation that he could even be suspected of such conduct. He will frequently make partial admissions or comments such as: “I was only bathing her!” or “I was just hugging her, I love her you know?” He will deny that his behavior consisted of any sexual intent.or perhaps saying I was only playing with the kids.
Personally I have always enjoyed kids..getting down on my hands and knees playing at their level.. or teaching kids how to toss a football ... playing games that encourage their imaginations... (what can we make a fort with? Okay that box is the stove..what can we use for pots? type of stuff)
When I walked into the Kingdom Hall there would always be at least one child come running up to me screaming "Brother Big John" wanting a hug. I have several "adopted nieces and nephews" that refer to me as Uncle.
Until one Sunday a pioneer sister complained to the elders that perhaps I was a pedophile since I paid attention to these kids despite not having any of my own. Since then I don't hug kids any more without wondering who is thinking I am abusing the child. So often I will not allow hugs to happen. I also hesitate to play any games with them and they will have to learn how to throw a football from someone else.
In 2001, a man is always guilty when accused of such heinous crimes. Even if found innocent (as I was) that cloud never goes away.
I certainly understand the guy in the pool hesitating to raise this with the girl's mom.
Yes and even kids are getting scared from too much warnings. My sister was telling me that at my nephew's school there are many boys who are deathly afraid to get undressed in common change rooms for gym or at the swimming pool. Preferring instead to go into one of the locked toilet cubicles to get changed there. My nephew is one of those kids and has never been abused but is suffering from the paranoia instilled from the constant warnings.
I don't claim to know the right answers but this extreme somehow isn't IMO healthy either.
this morning my nearest and dearest were discussing issues relating to adoption.
a close relative of the family has been turned down as an adoptive parent because he and his wife are too wealthy!.
the adoption people say that it is important that children have some negative input into their lives, apparently not having money worries can be bad for you.. we carried on talking and her ladyship asked me whether jw`s ever adopted children.
On the topic of adoption, I have mixed feelings.
My nephew who I adore and would do anything for is adopted. My sister and her husband are active JW's and in fact I assisted in the whole adoption process.
Now however I fear for his indoctrination into the JW's. Would I ever say they should never have been allowed to adopt? No. My sister and her husband are good parents. They love care for and take care of that little guy as if he was their own.
I certainly think their home is better than anything this child would have experienced in foster care.
I feel teh same way about same sex couples. If they can provide the caring stable home environment a child needs, this is far better alternative than never being part of a family.