Good afternoon FP, I will not be callin' you flo anymore
you are most definitley not a flo
Thx, I may be confused on some things, but not on that.
in late 1976, i had just turned 17. everyone in my family dropped out over the next few years, except a a brother who has been going strong his whole life.
my mother went back a couple of years ago and i live in the same town as she does and she keeps talking to me about it.
reading this forum, it sure brings back a lot of memories.
Good afternoon FP, I will not be callin' you flo anymore
you are most definitley not a flo
Thx, I may be confused on some things, but not on that.
in late 1976, i had just turned 17. everyone in my family dropped out over the next few years, except a a brother who has been going strong his whole life.
my mother went back a couple of years ago and i live in the same town as she does and she keeps talking to me about it.
reading this forum, it sure brings back a lot of memories.
It doesn't have to haunt you, you just need to seem them as a cult and not the "truth". All these years, in some part of my mind. I could still hear people telling me, "Perry, you KNOW it's the truth". Until now, I never dealt with that "voice". Now, being detached from it for so long, it's easier to see them for what they are. "The truth", what a brainwashing technique. I see people saying, "the reason I left the truth........". These people are good at what they do. Just remember, there are depressed, unhappy people everywhere. Just because you can do things now that you felt like you couldn't before doesn't mean it's going to bring happiness. It may initially, but that may be more from the freedom of restraint. If you still want to be a Christian, sin is still an issue. You just have to deal with it on your own instead of someone jumping in your face to force guilt on you. The social stucture is what most ex-JW's miss, from what I can tell.
i've been watching the us open and there are some fine looking tennis players on the circuit.
the ladies are all talking about juan martin del potro, the 6 foot 4 player.
personally, i like almost any of the russian girls.
i've been watching the us open and there are some fine looking tennis players on the circuit.
the ladies are all talking about juan martin del potro, the 6 foot 4 player.
personally, i like almost any of the russian girls.
in late 1976, i had just turned 17. everyone in my family dropped out over the next few years, except a a brother who has been going strong his whole life.
my mother went back a couple of years ago and i live in the same town as she does and she keeps talking to me about it.
reading this forum, it sure brings back a lot of memories.
Thanks for the B.R.C.I. link. Very informative. I have recently decided to commit my life to God, I just was unsure of what I should do. Obviously there have been a lot of unresolved questions in my mind that needed resolved before I could move on. Understanding who the Jehovah's Witnesses are is a big help. These people influenced my life for my first 17 formative years. "Religion" has been a turn off for me since then. The WT society is a lie. They are part of the ones they preach AGAINST. Their ways inflicted a lot of pain and confusion in my life, some of which I never understood until now. The Lord knows I needed to understand who they are and what happened to me before I could move on. I look forward to more reading and conversing on this forum and others.
in late 1976, i had just turned 17. everyone in my family dropped out over the next few years, except a a brother who has been going strong his whole life.
my mother went back a couple of years ago and i live in the same town as she does and she keeps talking to me about it.
reading this forum, it sure brings back a lot of memories.
"Faith without works...."
Yeah, I recall that one as a kid.
So let me get this straight, is this how they believe? If you don't go to the Kingdom Hall and are not a JW, you will be given a chance after Armageddon. If you spent 60 years going door to door but you just didn't quite meet standard, you will be killed. Is that correct? It can't be, because that sounds ridiculous.
in late 1976, i had just turned 17. everyone in my family dropped out over the next few years, except a a brother who has been going strong his whole life.
my mother went back a couple of years ago and i live in the same town as she does and she keeps talking to me about it.
reading this forum, it sure brings back a lot of memories.
I have read the NT many times. I'm open minded in regards to truth and thought I would give the JW's an objective look. I just can't understand, now, how intelligent people like those in my family could allow themselves to believe some of the things the JW's teach. They do have patented answers for so many things. "My people are no part of this world...". They have distorted and used that to justify so many things that seem bogus. Salvation is a GIFT. That is clearly made in the NT, that it CANNOT be earned. JW's SAY they agree with that, but that is clearly not as they function. So, when discussing with them, they can say their doctrine is THIS in making points, but it is THAT in reality.. But I have the advantage of having lived in the group before, so I recall the reality of it.
in late 1976, i had just turned 17. everyone in my family dropped out over the next few years, except a a brother who has been going strong his whole life.
my mother went back a couple of years ago and i live in the same town as she does and she keeps talking to me about it.
reading this forum, it sure brings back a lot of memories.
Why do they try to make everything so hard? Like their baptism. Weren't people being baptised on spot in Jesus' day? Believe in him, that is the issue.
"Behold, he cometh with the clouds; and everyeye shall see him, and they that pierced him; and all the tribes of the earth shall mourn over him. Even so, Amen."
What's so difficult to understand about that?
in late 1976, i had just turned 17. everyone in my family dropped out over the next few years, except a a brother who has been going strong his whole life.
my mother went back a couple of years ago and i live in the same town as she does and she keeps talking to me about it.
reading this forum, it sure brings back a lot of memories.
If they were more like a group of "International Bible Students" without the GB, it would be pretty nice. But, "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts, absolutely". I was reading "Crisis of Conscience" and it really hit home. Franz seemed to be an honest guy who threatened the power structure. It's too bad they weren't more like him. I grew up in North Alabama and attended some Assemblies in Gadsen and knew the Gregerson's, and the guy Franz stayed with. I knew one of his daughters. They were good people. To see how his own brother's stabbed him in the back was mind boggling. I wonder what ever happened with the Gregerson's? Does anyone know what happened to them after the book came out? Why can't points of contention be discussed openly in KH's without the threat of being kicked out of the group? I remember as a kid there was a book or whatever asking "Why is it Wise to Examine your Religion?". Apparently, that only applied to everyone else when it SHOULD apply to everyone. The "truth" can't survive scrutiny? The TRUTH can. I remember asking friends to go to the KH with me and they agreed they would if I would attend their Church with them too. That was a "no go". I always thought that was strange. I remember when I went to a Baptist Church with a friend of mine when I was 19. I was SCARED TO DEATH! It wasn't even a sermon, it was about singing. I was always taught these people were doing the will of Satan. It felt like all these people were demons trying to pull me away from the true "God". Like there couldn't have been really good people there too in search of God and worshipping him. Looking back now, it seems silly.
in late 1976, i had just turned 17. everyone in my family dropped out over the next few years, except a a brother who has been going strong his whole life.
my mother went back a couple of years ago and i live in the same town as she does and she keeps talking to me about it.
reading this forum, it sure brings back a lot of memories.
in late 1976, I had just turned 17. Everyone in my family dropped out over the next few years, except a a brother who has been going strong his whole life. My mother went back a couple of years ago and I live in the same town as she does and she keeps talking to me about it. Reading this forum, it sure brings back a lot of memories. I read Trevor Willis' book a couple of days ago and it dawned on me just how much being raised a JW, though I was not baptised, has effected my life up until this day. Not all bad, certainly not all good. A sense of "doom and unworthiness" seems to be somewhere in the crevices of your mind, always. I find it interesting that people who left there decades ago are posting about that organization decades after they left it. For good or bad, it defintely had a big impact on their lives. It also seems to me that the organization has become more "cult-like" in that they seem to have gotten more away from the Bible and rely on their own lterature for answers. I don't recall people being judged so harshly when they left when I was going, as seems to be the case now. After reading parts of "Crisis of Conscience", maybe they were and I just didn't pay attention or maybe that was a turning point.
The thing that I do like about the Jehovah's Witnesses is the people. Most of them seem sincere in their trying to live a moral life. That's appealing because it's tough to be a "lone wolf". Quite a few people I've met in my life who were "Christians", pretty much lived like I did, only I never pretended to be living a moral life, according to my understanding of the morality taught in the New Testament. I have noticed in my life that you could usually tell who ex-witnesses were. Many of the younger ones, when they let go, they REALLY let go! Sodmom and Gomorrah Part II.
However, I never understood when I was going what the Governing Body was all about. I guess I thought that they were just an administrative group, as any organization would need. I didn't realize they were to be looked at as Catholics view the Pope. The Elders that I knew in the KH that I went to seemed to be kind, sympathetic and non-judgemental. From what I'm reading they don't appear that way anymore, as a whole. Is there really STALKING going on to members who leave? If so, that's absurd.
A problem I have with JH is their view of Jesus. I talked to my mother and JH brother about this. I believe you have to go through him, and they say they do. Maybe, technically, they do. But they seem to downplay him as much as they can. There seems to be quite a few things like that with the JW's. "Technically" they say they believe in this or not in that, but in REALITY it appears to be much different.
Anyway, just a few ramblings. I enjoy reading the forum.