I came here looking for confirmation of a number of suspicions...
...and soon realized that reading XJW material on the net doesn't turn you into an "apostate".
It just helps you realize you already are one.
when you look back the last 20 years , what a transformation!
back then witnesses were putting out poetry and most were singing the praises of the organization.
slowly and gradually, negative thoughts were allowed to be expressed about doctrines, elders and congregation life.
I came here looking for confirmation of a number of suspicions...
...and soon realized that reading XJW material on the net doesn't turn you into an "apostate".
It just helps you realize you already are one.
kayleigh had run out of postage stamps and was waiting for new ones to arrive.
it was slowing her assault on a local congregation of jehovah’s witnesses.. she pointed to a stack of letters she’d already written to what she liked to call “the jws.”.
Nitty-Gritty - "Have the Andersons sunk so low as to think that this article, about a woman wasting her time writing to JWs in some kind of revenge tantrum, is worth posting?"
As far as I'm concerned, anything the Andersons have to say is worth posting.
i have been in several congregations over the years.
the hypocrisy was staggering.
so many of these idiots were fake jws.some were strict followers and were as annoying as could be.
mickbobcat - "So many cult members would live double lives..."
It's like homophobic politicians...
...the more anti-gay they are, the more likely they're into the buttsex.
i overheard mrs eyeslice listening to '2021 governing body update 3' yesterday.
apparently, they have started ditching foreign language groups and congregations as these weren't exactly roping anyone in.
of course there is a positive spin on all this - '4,000 plus elders freed up to serve in local language congregations' and of course there has been immensely positive feedback from various branches about the benefits of this.. i suspect though there will be an awful lot of elders who were serving as king pins in these congregations who are going to have their noses put out by going back to local language congregations where they will barely be used.
Phizzy - "Even when I was a practicing and believing JW, when they used to spin stuff as a 'Blessing', or 'Evidence we are deep in to the time of the End' I use to think then, 'No it isn't'..."
"Everything is proof we're right! Even the stuff that contradicts the other stuff!"
Know what's really funny?
Back when I was still in (but by my mid-30s, terribly unhappy), a big part of me genuinely hoped that was true...
...specifically because I foolishly assumed that once the Big A was actually one and done, I'd finally be free of the Org.
I actually felt sick to my stomach when it became painfully clear (from both platform talks and in correspondence/literature) that the Watchtower Society explicitly planned on governing the entire world - with the Warwick compound serving as the de facto capital, no less - for the full Thousand-Year Reign, if not longer.
I didn't want to live on this planet, anymore.
i overheard mrs eyeslice listening to '2021 governing body update 3' yesterday.
apparently, they have started ditching foreign language groups and congregations as these weren't exactly roping anyone in.
of course there is a positive spin on all this - '4,000 plus elders freed up to serve in local language congregations' and of course there has been immensely positive feedback from various branches about the benefits of this.. i suspect though there will be an awful lot of elders who were serving as king pins in these congregations who are going to have their noses put out by going back to local language congregations where they will barely be used.
...downsize the property assets...
...downsize the meetings...
...downsize the ministry work...
...downsize the literature output...
...downsize the foreign language efforts...
...WTF is gonna be left?
webmaster for removing jw's that come on here to preach their crap.
i don't want to hear their fake stuff.
i come here to recover from their damage and to help others.
I love the drive-by witnessing; it's always good for a laugh.
Although sometimes my eyes roll so hard I can almost see my own brain.
2021-01-s-179-english--videoconferencing systems for meetings.
2021-01-s-179-spanish--videoconferencing systems for meetings.
"The person voting things down is probably some butt-hurt Bethelite..."
Well considering that this post hasn't had any, he's probably gone by now...
in this day and age, chastity devices tend to only be used by the bdsm community and it also seems to be a male kink, where a man's wife/mistress "locks him up" and only "lets him out" for her pleasure, blah, blah, blah.
however, the use of chastity belts for women still exists in many muslim countries and some strict parents in the west will lock up their daughters until they marry, in exchange for college tuition or other incentive (have you thought of this one, tr?
does it happen in the jw community?
Okay, Chris has gotta be Poe's-Lawing us.
when i was a witness i knew what my beliefs were and could defend my views, even if it really was wrong.
i understood jw doctrines .
i could define what the faithful and discreet slave was.
I will say this...
...at least the average rank-and-filer doesn't actually have to keep up on all the constant changes, anymore.
when i was a witness i knew what my beliefs were and could defend my views, even if it really was wrong.
i understood jw doctrines .
i could define what the faithful and discreet slave was.
WTWizard - "These days, the jokehovians are such pansies that they could not defend themselves against a regular cat lick, faith wise."
Crude, but succinct.
Like Outlaw once said, "...old-school JWs were Watchtower warriors...today's Witnesses are soft..." (paraphrasing, but not much).