Sneaky buggers.
At no point do they mention that technically, Jehovah's Witnesses don't actually have to be registered as a charity.
The only real advantage to the Org being a charity is the tax-exemption it affords.
The grudging acceptance of voluntary joining the scheme...
...i.e. showing their throat to agents of "Satan's World', tacitly admitting that the problem was real and their fault, and potentially undermining their authority in the eyes of the membership*...
...therefore suggests that they signed up not because they "respect and cooperate with the authorities", but because they want, nay, need said tax-exemption.
Just how badly, I wonder?**
*I freely admit that I actually thought the Org wouldn't budge on this for these reasons. Surprise, surprise.
**A rhetorical question; I think a really strong argument could be made that at this point, they just might be fucked without it.