I remember this.
It's gotta be the most ironic thing they've ever published, on every conceivable level.
hatred is a strong emotion exploited by propagandists.
loaded language is particularly effective in triggering it.
there seems to be a nearly endless supply of nasty words that promote and exploit hatred toward particular racial, ethnic, or religious groups.. so the sly art of propaganda can paralyze thought, prevent clear thinking and discernment, and condition individuals to act en masse.
I remember this.
It's gotta be the most ironic thing they've ever published, on every conceivable level.
david splane’s talk “put up a hard fight for the faith” was that last talk presented on the saturday of the annual convention.
this talk was to largely address apostates and restated ideas and arguments often presented before.
however, this year, watchtower is spending more time in disqualifying negative findings originating from secular courts and here is the segment of interest here: .
ScenicViewer - "...double standard on Watchtower's part?"
This should come as no surprise to any of us.
The Org's raised double-standards to a fucking art form.
i have been watching evans videos for a while.
he keeps attacking the cult for following the bible.
women are to be subservient to men.
Personally, I'm totally cool with the Bible.
In fact, I'm a big fan of fantasy, horror, and graphic violence.
a direct confirmation that judge joseph rutherford, 2nd president of the watchtower organization, had a weak spot for good whisky, can be found in the following hilarious watch tower article.. the u.s. congress had passed the spirit prohibition law, and the judge was absolutely furious that these "servants of satan" tried to take his booze away.. the watch tower, which according to fred franz had jehovah as editor during these days, directly stated that christians could not "participate in" such a prohibition.
in other words, they had to smuggle and drink booze to be loyal to god.
the jws are unfortunately a much more boring sect these days.. the watchtower, november 1, 1924prohibition.
Actually, I can kind of sympathize with Da Judge on this one.
God damn anyone who spills my drink on purpose.
what is it about some jws that they can't see the flip-flops of the wt's changing doctrine?.
some of the flip-flops involved the death of many of it's members, and it was not even biblical based.
yet for some reason they can't seem to grasp the significance of the matter.
Simon - "It's easier to fool someone than to convince someone they have been fooled."
It's when you convince someone by fooling them into thinking they've been fooled that things start to get complicated (or, at least, foolish).
so this kid adds trombone-effects to his mothers life and, well, if you haven't seen it you have to watch it.
seems like she see's the funny side for some of them at least.. it's awesome and hilarious.
kudos to them both.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhlfcezkvko.
in one form or another i've been a member of this site for almost 10 years.
in the past this was a great place for debate, news and support for ex jws.
i logged on several times a day and posted several times a week.
Me.Wonderful - "...you can't figure why you people might turned off by the constant 'Obama eats aborted babies', 'Biden bathes in the blood of virgins'..."
Everybody knows Obama only eats live babies, and Biden drinks the blood of virgins.
Get it straight, sheeple.
i know several wit-lesses that to date are researching these topics.. however i haven't heard much from any publications recently about it, i think the latest refresh was ~10 years ago.
since then the power of the us has severely diminished (or at least the rhetorics about it has), russia is a small potato in modern era, the eu is a cowardly dog in the eyes of everyone and we have the rise of china which is as far as military might is concerned, a paper tiger.. we also have the rise of islam, especially since the end of the nato nation-building effort in afghanistan which is now in power in most of the middle east and africa, as well as regions of asia and growing strong in europe.. does anyone have noooo light about these developments.
is islam the king of the south?
I always suspected (even back when I was still in) that the Org leadership experienced mild panic when the old Soviet Union unexpectedly collapsed.
They must have breathed a huge sigh of relief when Putin started acting all Bond-villain-y.
imagine you were a leader of a "gender equality" group started as part of the 'metoo' movement?.
now fast-forward and you're the one trying to discredit victims who have come forward with accusations.
but not they are accusations against someone you work for.. it's a perfect example of how activists so often end up unwittingly (or quite intentionally) perpetuating the very problem they claim to be against.
Activism wears many faces.
Personally, I consider participating here a form of activism.
for any who can't (like me) muster the masochism necessary to sit through an 18-or-so hour commentary on a 30 minute talk from a certain famous/infamous commentator, here is a link to a transcript from splane's saturday afternoon "apostate" talk:.
there are many topics worthy of consideration, but this particular section really stood out to me:.
Rocketman123 - "...the reason the WTS did what they did in such a irresponsibly way in situations of pedophilia within the organization is because the bible told them what to do..."
Partly, but there's more to it.
By the time it became a real problem, WT leaders and loyalists couldn't conceive that those so-called Biblical applications might be inadequate compared to the methods of "The World", let alone make the mess worse rather than better.
More importantly, though, on some level, they realized that reporting it to secular authorities would trigger further investigations that would likely reveal even more abuse...
...which ran the risk of becoming a matter of public record...
...which would, in turn, cast even further doubt (amongst the rank-and-file) on the all-important claim of "God's Exclusive Earthly Organization"...
...which, in the wake of the one-two punch of the 1975 failure and the Ray Franz defection, simply could not be permitted under any circumstances.
So they used the "two-witness" rule as a weapon to hide the problem rather than fix it.