"What have you forgotten you ever even knew?"
I dunno.
I can't remember.
at a certain point, as the years tick by, you start to realize that you have forgotten a lot of things.
typically, something you learned, some knowledge or skill you used to have, that you just haven't used for so long you no longer remember anything but that you once knew it.. i saw an article about electrical resistors the other day, and how the colored bands signify the rating.
now all i remember is that i used to know it, and that resistors do something with, erm, electricity ...
"What have you forgotten you ever even knew?"
I dunno.
I can't remember.
i periodically check the talk page of the jw wikipedia page.
when i entered the search terms, i noticed jw in norway, which aroused my curiosity.
according to the article on religion in norway, norway funds most religious groups.
You can't help but wonder if they ever thought the teat would dry up.
i was googling the subject and came across this story.
i just had an incredible phone conversation with a long-time jw who has strong "q-anon" "sovereign citizen" beliefs.
the wife(first gen) says she is not surprised.
Loyal JWs can be quite susceptible to conspiracy theories, 'cause it doesn't much retconning to make 'em fit with WT eschatology, and the Org primes the membership to be suspicion of secular authority already.
Know how I know?
Cause that was me.
In fact, it wasn't until I actually watched one of Alex Jones' videos that I actually stopped short.
I'd always read his stuff whilst imagining him speaking in a concerned, measured tone like Ted Koppel...
...imagine my surprise when I actually heard Jones' spittle-flecked over-the-top ranting, and realized, "Holy shit, this guy's a fucking loon."
they have predicted this for years.
religions of the world would become attacked by the governments.
the only difference is when they go after jehovah’s witnesses, then jehovah god will step in and destroy the governments..
Finding out that the UN charter has, in fact, clauses protecting religious freedoms was, in retrospect, one of my little wake-up moments.
someone made reference in another post that the awake magazine had ceased publication.
maybe i missed it since i have not been on here as much in the last 6 months.
is this true?
Sea Breeze - "...It seems like something from Mad Magazine..."
"National Lampoon" meets "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion".
what is brazen conduct according to the watchtower?.
here are some references from the new flock book:.
they have really pushed the envelope to bundle a bunch of things into one really evil word.
Credit where credit's due...
...so-called "brazen conduct" (see what I did there?) is hands down, without a doubt, the most useful catch-all judicial tool the Org has ever come up with.
i read on here someone paraphrasing from evolution versus the new world the quote in this post's title where a scientist is quoted as saying the theory of evolution is "much further from being proved than men are from flying to the moon.
for those interested in the quoted scientist actual words, you can read them at google books.
of course the author, a chemist, is refering to the theory of evolution by natural selection, something he refers to as "percise theory," as opposed to "vague thoery," the latter he is describing the easy-to-see evidence that evolution has happened.
Once I realized just how much creationists - including the WTS - used quote-mining, semantic pretzel-twisting, and just plain misinformation to support their case*, I had all the justification I needed to learn about the subject from unbiased sources. Guess how that went?
If you need to cheat to defend your beliefs, your beliefs don't deserve to be defended.
* All tried-and-true tactics from the sleazy lawyer's go-to grab-bag of shady courtroom tactics to use when you're losing said case, I might add.
on a recent jw.org video update joel dellinger makes thr case that the phrase " they keep saying to the mountains and to the rocks: “fall over us" in revelation 6:16 is a reference to symbolic mountain like organisation at the time of the end.what do you think?.
Shit, FedUpJW beat me to it.
what is your opinion of the wt's impact on children?.
here, children get to connect the dots and see what will happen to you if you are disobedient.
Being raised a JW wasn't "bad" for me, per se...
...but I sure don't feel like I grew up a "whole" person.
youtube's 'xjw curious,' pete corbeil, reads proselytizing letter written by a pimo jw who simply shares current watchtower teachings like no other jw.
use google drive link below to print your own copies of this letter.
(114) shocking letter reveals jehovah's witnesses true beliefs!
vienne - "Most videos that include 'shocking' in the title are 'click bait'. This one is no exception."
I didn't find the letter all that "shocking", either.
Gave me a chuckle, though.