You have to wonder…
…membership growth and success in the courts have been touted as evidence of God’s favor for so long, there’s gotta be at least some cognitive dissonance by now…
last spring norweigian state refused to give public contribution to jws (religious organisations can apply that in norway and previously wtbs has been granted that).
the decision was caused because of practise of disfellowshpiping.. now there is a new twist.. 25.10.2022 authorites in norway send a letter to wtbs and told them that they have four weeks to fix that practise.
if they don't do that they will loose their status as a religiouse organisation.. intrestingly jws did not "understand" what authorites meant by that and requested more time.. how can they not understand?
You have to wonder…
…membership growth and success in the courts have been touted as evidence of God’s favor for so long, there’s gotta be at least some cognitive dissonance by now…
last spring norweigian state refused to give public contribution to jws (religious organisations can apply that in norway and previously wtbs has been granted that).
the decision was caused because of practise of disfellowshpiping.. now there is a new twist.. 25.10.2022 authorites in norway send a letter to wtbs and told them that they have four weeks to fix that practise.
if they don't do that they will loose their status as a religiouse organisation.. intrestingly jws did not "understand" what authorites meant by that and requested more time.. how can they not understand?
I really do think sometimes that the WT leadership buys into its own (internal) hype.
08:20 27.1.kristoffer solberg.
jehovah's witnesses denied state aid.
truth_b_known - “…the gall to complain and petition a government in an attempt to demand taxpayer funding while simultaneously insisting on emotionally abusing children…”
The kind of thing a “Karen” would do.
08:20 27.1.kristoffer solberg.
jehovah's witnesses denied state aid.
Rules & Regs- “…Great deception on the Watchtower Society's part blaming the Norwegian Government for ‘religious persecution’…”
Once again, for the newbies, lurkers, and trolls…
…if you have to cheat to defend your beliefs, your beliefs don’t deserve to be defended.
HTF could they not think shit like this wouldn’t come back to bite them on the ass???
08:20 27.1.kristoffer solberg.
jehovah's witnesses denied state aid.
Yeah, being cut off the public teat and having to “pay back Caesar’s things to Caesar” is “persecution”.
Ten bucks says Top-Shelf Tony’s video is a half-assed attempt at damage control in the face of yet another embarrassing loss.
it's becoming unbearable for me to attend another meeting.
i dread coming to the weekly sunday public talk and watchtower study.
the talks are ''repeats'' of a ''repeat.
Hearing all the misinformation, errors, and outright bullshit presented as irrefutable fact was starting to feel like ants crawling under my skin.
any news how things are at bethel just now?
been thinking, strange they have gb members giving speeches when they look so depressed.
but maeby there is not many others too choose from.
Bethel’s like a prison. I mean, it’s got a watchtower and everything.
do jw's still believe that babylon the great is the empire of false religion?
inquiring minds want to know .
The OG cougar.
do jw's still believe that babylon the great is the empire of false religion?
inquiring minds want to know .
Babylon the Great is hot.
'legal concerns seem to be a factor behind the watchtower society reversing its position and allowing vaccinations from the 1950's.'.
"the matter of vaccination is one for the individual that has to face it to decide for himself... and our society cannot afford to be drawn into the affair legally or take the responsibility for the way the case turns out.
" watchtower 1952 dec 15 p.764.
Ten bucks says their “charity” status was on the chopping block if they didn’t budge.