Not to mention that going around jabbing folks with a stick and then whining when someone finally gives you a black eye for it doesn’t make you a victim.
It just makes you an asshole.
on 10 june 2019, the finnish jw organization lodged an application against finland with the european court of human rights.
the case was quickly - by the court's standards - communicated to the finnish government on 10 december 2019. the complaint itself isn't available online but there is a brief summary (see the link above) prepared by the court:.
the application concerns the jehovah’s witnesses’ religious activities in finland and their compatibility with the data protection regulations.
Not to mention that going around jabbing folks with a stick and then whining when someone finally gives you a black eye for it doesn’t make you a victim.
It just makes you an asshole.
on 10 june 2019, the finnish jw organization lodged an application against finland with the european court of human rights.
the case was quickly - by the court's standards - communicated to the finnish government on 10 december 2019. the complaint itself isn't available online but there is a brief summary (see the link above) prepared by the court:.
the application concerns the jehovah’s witnesses’ religious activities in finland and their compatibility with the data protection regulations.
Journeyman - “… these days most of the cases they try to bring are at best dubious and at worst vexatious…”
I think over the years, they’d come to buy into their own hype that their past court victories were evidence of God’s favor (as opposed to careful planning by shrewd lawyers).
Believing that they’re “destined to prevail no matter what” would definitely tempt them to pick more and more fights they wouldn’t otherwise win.
In fact, I suspect the possibility of losing is almost foreign to them.
"the governing body of jehovah’s witnesses are like the pope is to the catholic church.
they too claim to be god’s mouthpiece or the voice of jesus.
they also demand unquestioning obedience for their members salvation.
ThomasMore - “After all, it's not about religion - it's about business…”
Not quite.
It’s about the business… whose sole purpose is shoring up the religion.
The Org’s survival is of utmost importance…
…not least because without it, the WT leadership would be nothing… they would have nothing…
…but especially because if the WTS’s survival were actually threatened, it would too deeply call into question the Org’s legitimately and authority…
…and from their perspective, that simply cannot be permitted under any circumstances.
After all, “God's Exclusive Earthly Organization” can’t be permitted to not survive… if it didn’t survive, it wouldn’t be “God's Exclusive Earthly Organization”…
…because based on a century’s worth on internal standards and rhetoric, if they’re not “God's Exclusive Earthly Organization”, it is - by default - a “false religion”, and therefore doesn’t even deserve to exist.
And that prospect is simply unacceptable to them.
"the governing body of jehovah’s witnesses are like the pope is to the catholic church.
they too claim to be god’s mouthpiece or the voice of jesus.
they also demand unquestioning obedience for their members salvation.
Easier and quicker to make a list of how they’re not similar.
this is the second tv report on may 3rd at fox 43 news.
there will be another report on may 4th.
Even FOX News?
Didn’t see that coming.
this has been announced on the jw's official website, in the "jw news" section.
this is not a joke.
anthony moron da turd is out as a gluttonous body member!
Vanderhoven - “Why are they scrubbing Anthony's videos on”
Simplest explanation is usually the likeliest one…
…at this point, they’re embarrassing.
Top-Shelf has probably gone off script one too many times.
Letto the Clown, too, I bet…
…anyone remember “…that little baby is an enemy of God…”?
10 bucks says he’s next.
the link is to the tv report - may 3, 2023. .
below is a transcript of the tv report.. a pennsylvania grand jury has recently brought child sexual abuse charges against nine men—all jehovah’s witnesses—in what some are calling the most extensive investigation into the group in history.
Of course, that gambit could be used as a pretext for the leadership to bugger off to parts unknown (*cough*Cayman Islands*cough*) after loving instructions to the loyalists to hunker down in their basements bunkers and wait for the End.
Which, frankly, I’d be kind of OK with.
the link is to the tv report - may 3, 2023. .
below is a transcript of the tv report.. a pennsylvania grand jury has recently brought child sexual abuse charges against nine men—all jehovah’s witnesses—in what some are calling the most extensive investigation into the group in history.
@ ThomasMore…
The database is indeed out in the wild. Attorney Irwin Zalkin confirmed that his firm has a copy.
@ enoughisenough…
Sure, they’d be tempted to play that particular persecution card…
…according to their own eschatology, Babylon the Great is supposed to be attacked first.
That’s been hammered home to the rank-and-file for decades, now. Swapping that one out just as their legal troubles get dialed up to 11 could cause some serious blowback, right up there with the “generation” change from the 1990s.
yesterday, my dad told me an older sister passed away.
she wasn't too old (in her 60s), but i knew her 30 years ago and haven't seen her in 15 years; the main reason being that i faded 10 years ago.. yesterday, i seriously considered attending the funeral and catch-up with old jws i used to know.
after thinking it over, i decided against it.
I just realized…
…the steady buildup of JW numbers was - in many ways - a generational thing.
Stands to reason its slow demise would be similar.
the link is to the tv report - may 3, 2023. .
below is a transcript of the tv report.. a pennsylvania grand jury has recently brought child sexual abuse charges against nine men—all jehovah’s witnesses—in what some are calling the most extensive investigation into the group in history.
The Tide’s comin’ in.
It can’t be stopped.