BoogerMan - “…Is the org worried about something?”I’d be surprised if the Org wasn’t worried about everything.
.....with the name "jehovah.
in all my years, i've never seen such overkill in any jw publication.
is the org worried about something?.
BoogerMan - “…Is the org worried about something?”I’d be surprised if the Org wasn’t worried about everything.
what evidence suggests to you that the wt f&ds is actually more like the es of matthew 24?.
45¶who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season?.
46blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing.. .
Has it occurred to anyone that they were never the “faithful slave” to begin with?
It isn’t much of a stretch to go from “they had it once, but lost it” to “they probably never had it”.
how many remember when the wts changed their policy on alternative service; changed it to alternative civilian service so jw men could choose it because it was not supervised by the military.
shows how the wts quibbles with words to advance a "new teaching.
" flag salute, voting, civilian service p. 212. civilian service.
(following up on my post last page)
I think it’s why they seem so conflicted about how to proceed.
Jaracz’s iron-fist-in-a-velvet-glove legacy has gotten the Org in trouble, because ruthless (and especially underhanded) tactics cannot help but undermine the presumption of exclusive divine favor…
…authentic mainstreaming isn’t really feasible either, as the real thing invariably involves - for all intents and purposes - abandoning the presumption of exclusive divine favor.
Either way, they’re losing their grip on that claim (which should be obvious in retrospect, considering how vocal they seem to have gotten about it in recent years)…
…because they know - just like us - that at this point, without it, there’s next to no incentive left to even be a JW.
how many remember when the wts changed their policy on alternative service; changed it to alternative civilian service so jw men could choose it because it was not supervised by the military.
shows how the wts quibbles with words to advance a "new teaching.
" flag salute, voting, civilian service p. 212. civilian service.
blondie - “…money is most important to the WTS…”
True, but I don’t think it’s about greed, per se.
For the Watchtower Organization, wealth is a means to an end…
…a wall to ensure that its continued survival is never seriously threatened.
After all, if it’s survival is actually threatened, the premise of God’s exclusive favor is too deeply called into question…
…and they simply cannot allow that.
dbm writes on the question: will sodomites get a resurrection?.
i guess it depends the date that you asked this question.
here is a screenshot from a video which gives an overview of the changes (new light) on this question:.
LongHairGal - “…Anybody who wants to experience the end of the world scenario as described in the Bible is just plain nuts…”
When I was a young guy, so much of my life experiences seemed to affirm the WT worldview and ideology, which fostered a fair bit of resentment toward “The World”, to the point where I had indeed come to view the WT Armageddon as my own personal supernatural revenge fantasy…
…not a healthy way to go.
Looking back, I honestly think Roland Emmerich and Michael Bay movies helped cure that.
The older I got (and the more I got to see the vivid illustrations from the Revelation Climax book seemingly brought to life on the big screen), the more I grasped just how fucking horrible the End of the World would actually be…
…and the less I wanted it to happen.
And this was before even I started to consider fading.
so everyone knows the “big news” of this past weekend, no more reporting of hours, placements, return visits, etc.
beginning november 1, jws just tick a box indicating whether they “shared in any form of the ministry during the month”.. so there was a brief comment by a redditor that seems like a brief joke “throwaway comment” but after thinking about it….why not?.
the idea is, what is “any form of the ministry”?
Ding - “…Most JWs assume it's always been that way.”
Let’s be honest.
It has.
dbm writes on the question: will sodomites get a resurrection?.
i guess it depends the date that you asked this question.
here is a screenshot from a video which gives an overview of the changes (new light) on this question:.
"We mustn't be dogmatic…
…unless it’s absolutely necessary…
…and it usually is.”
dbm writes on the question: will sodomites get a resurrection?.
i guess it depends the date that you asked this question.
here is a screenshot from a video which gives an overview of the changes (new light) on this question:.
Ding - “…The WT had a long period in which they felt it necessary to comment on all sorts of obscure topics…”
I think there were a few reasons for that…
…Fred Franz’ position as WT Oracle was one… he was a Genesis literalist, and I think he got into that habit as a way of explaining away Biblical things that academic inquiry called into question, whilst still appearing intellectual and scholarly.
…additionally, some followers have always been afraid to think for themselves, and would prefer having an authority figure explain everything to them, and the WT leadership fell into the habit because it was easy and gave the appearance of legitimacy…
…and most importantly, there’s the old authoritarian idea that deep down, people are inherently shitty and stupid, and can’t be trusted to come to the right conclusion on anything without being kept on a short leash and spoon-fed their beliefs.
dbm writes on the question: will sodomites get a resurrection?.
i guess it depends the date that you asked this question.
here is a screenshot from a video which gives an overview of the changes (new light) on this question:.
“…we can still be dogmatic about not being dogmatic!”
dbm writes on the question: will sodomites get a resurrection?.
i guess it depends the date that you asked this question.
here is a screenshot from a video which gives an overview of the changes (new light) on this question:.
Couldn’t have put it better, Dog.