ThomasMore - “…suspect that they feel the need to lighten up on the UN…”
Yeah, ‘specially since in reality, it’s a lot less like Darth Sidious’ Galactic Empire, and a lot more like Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory.
my understanding* is that the un is supposed to be the wild beast of revelation.
the un only came into being after wwii, so what was the beast before the new light came about?
i can't see a speculative organisation like the wt not having an interpretation of the beast before the un came into being.
ThomasMore - “…suspect that they feel the need to lighten up on the UN…”
Yeah, ‘specially since in reality, it’s a lot less like Darth Sidious’ Galactic Empire, and a lot more like Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory.
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If they have any sense, the GB is paranoid AF about how many closeted apostates (“aclostates”?) are sneaking around undetected at Warwick.
Wouldn’t it be a kick if they started looking suspiciously at each other???
so, it’s gonna be a marvel studios production.. i’m holding out for the following titles:.
”deadpool: agent of shield”.
”deadpool v spider-man: dawn of bromance”.
TonusOH - “Some kind of samurai version?”
Ha! “Roninpool”…
…probably Blake’s idea of making him even prettier.
what does jump the shark mean?.
the phrase “jump the shark” is a term in pop culture that originated from the tv show “happy days” and is used to describe a decline in quality.
it refers to the moment when a tv show or other product has reached its peak and starts to decline in quality.
The carrot and the stick are wearing out.
Like I keep saying, if they keep doubling down, they alienate more and more decent members, get in more and more trouble with the secular authorities, and run the risk of going broke…
…if they implement authentic mainstream reform (and take it to its inevitable conclusion), they eventually eliminate the very things they’ve been using to set themselves apart and “prove” they had The Truth.
Eirher way, they basically neuter any remaining incentive to even be a Jehovah’s Witness.
so, it’s gonna be a marvel studios production.. i’m holding out for the following titles:.
”deadpool: agent of shield”.
”deadpool v spider-man: dawn of bromance”.
An update:
Ryan Reynolds is making a cameo as…
…“Chadpool”? “Douchepool”?…
…help me out, here.
i wonder how many witnesses are aware that the wt and their team of lawyers are currently suing the government of norway for millions of dollars?
i thought that the wt taught that all the governments were run by satan.
when i was a witness, this would have really bothered me.
Phizzy - “Another court case the Org will lose?”
I gotta say…
…at this point, it doesn’t feel like they gave their lawyers much to work with.
what does jump the shark mean?.
the phrase “jump the shark” is a term in pop culture that originated from the tv show “happy days” and is used to describe a decline in quality.
it refers to the moment when a tv show or other product has reached its peak and starts to decline in quality.
Honestly, I’m starting to think that they just have a big bulls-eye board with their favourite ideas on post-its, and they take turns throwing darts.
what does jump the shark mean?.
the phrase “jump the shark” is a term in pop culture that originated from the tv show “happy days” and is used to describe a decline in quality.
it refers to the moment when a tv show or other product has reached its peak and starts to decline in quality.
If they’re jumping the shark, it doesn’t mean they’re out of new ideas.
It means they’re out of good ideas.
from ske graduation this past weekend.
(sent from a pimi).
from ske on zoom: .
Mikejw - “I doubt the three pictures with the goatie they were fake.”
FedUpJW - “Perhaps a faked photo from a fake person in attendance and put on exJW sites for the sole purpose to ferret out anyone who might attach it and send it to someone who was PIMI?”
Or maybe that’s just what they want you to think.
i’m hearing paraphrasing like “we just don’t know” .
is this regarding 1914?
or micheal the arch angel?.
ThomasMore - “…My source indicated that things were dire - that was a few years ago…”
Not heard from ‘em lately?