LongHairGal - “…Everything they did was in response to outside threats to their ‘wealth’…”
I agree, but with a caveat.
The Org leadership doesn’t pursue wealth and “position” for its own sake… all available anecdotal evidence indicates that rather that greed-driven shysters, these guys really are, in fact, full-on True Believers (and IMO, the kind of ideology-based blunders they’ve repeatedly made over the years absolutely backs that up)…
…i.e. they’re not having cocaine-and-viagra-fueled call-girl orgies on beds of cash (…at least… I don’t think they are).
For the WTS, wealth is, first and foremost, a means to an end… an impenetrable wall to ensure its continued survival.
It has to be.
After all, if it lost its wealth, it couldn’t function…
…and if it cannot function, it - ultimately - cannot survive…
…and if it can’t survive, it can’t very well be “Gods Exclusive Earthly Organization”, now, can it?
And from their POV, that possibility is unthinkable.
Therefore, as you said, everything they do is, indeed, in response to outside threats to their wealth…
…because, in truth, outside threats to the Org’s wealth are, in fact, existential threats to the Org’s very survival.
And that simply cannot be permitted.