Or an acronym that reflects the current circumstances…
let's be honest, there's a stigma to the name jehovah's witness.
if they are going more mainstream.
i imagine the first recommendation was a name change.
Or an acronym that reflects the current circumstances…
i am sure we were all shocked at the governing body update #2 with the unusual and impulsive changes set forth.. i am an insider at whq, and when i was on reddit and in communication with avoidjw i explained to the best of my ability that the approach on disfellowshipping was going to change based on the new light at the 2023 agm, that the jubilee rumor was false, and there were going to be changes on how jws approached disfellowshipping in response to the norway situation if it didn't turn out in watchtower's favor.
the decision came because of a legal blow to watchtower, not because "holy spirit" wad directing a faithful slave, who is going to become the "evil slave", more explanation on this soon.. everything i stated came true.
i left reddit exjw community due to the immature and mentally unstable nature there, and yet as has been the case my words came true.
If what redsetter2 described here…
…is actually the case (and I think it is), maybe he only has sporadic windows of opportunity to post, and therefore can’t always predict when they’ll be.
you heard me correct, this is not a joke, and it is not april fools day!
the asl portion of the governing body updated #2 (march 2024) has been released a bit early and someone caught it.
summary: .
Something occurred to me…
…as the various federal revenue agencies of developed countries seem to be fine-tuning the rules for tax-exemption qualification (and more importantly, legal precedents for revoking it)…
…could they be, for all intents and purposes, beta-testing on offenders like the WTS (justifiably), to see how effective it’ll be on worse groups like, say, Scientology?
let's be honest, there's a stigma to the name jehovah's witness.
if they are going more mainstream.
i imagine the first recommendation was a name change.
The way I see it, Rutherford started the Org down the authoritarian path, and Jaracz burned the bridges behind them.
Yeesh, this is fuglier than most.
And that’s sayin’ something.
folks: regarding all the recent changes about dis-fellowshipping and time for re-instatement.
(and, even speaking to persons who are dis-fellowshpped.
) back in 1972, a new book was released at the summer district convention, that replaced the yellow-colored "lamp": book.
Yeah, in retrospect, Jaracz really turned the religion into something miserable.
I like to imagine him and Rutherford as cellmates in Hell, being forced to watch a live video feed of their respective legacies being flushed down the toilet.
it’s been a long time since i’ve kept up with anything jw-related.
but just a couple days ago, i heard about all the new changes—beards, shunning, etc.
i was surprised, so i asked an old friend who i hadn’t spoken to in ages what happened.
Don’t kid yourself.
It’s no Golden Parachute.
More of an exile, actually.
And from what some alleged sources have claimed, he was merely trying to slow down the reforms, rather than stop ‘em altogether.
i am thinking that the "ten year plan" that some have spoken of is the most likely scenario.
the org.
has to both attract new members and retain as many existing ones as possible.. so i think they will let the recent changes "bed in" for a while, maybe a year ?
Depends on how panicked they are.
the parliament of the world's religions, member of the united religions initiative, has on their website a focus24 page, they call this year the year of democracy.. apparently an unusually large proportion of the world's countries are holding national elections this year, it's certainly the case here in ireland.
this somehow is the focus of their mission, it reads well, you know peace, love and justice etc.
i am wondering if the the watchtower society is a part of this movement, seeing as they have the 501c3 agreement they are also a state church, therefore bound to follow the states laws and regulations for fear of fines or loss of the 501c3 religious charity status, loss of tax exemption etc.. if so, we could be seeing many more changes this year.. does anyone have more detailed info on what rules and regulations 501c3 religious charities have to comply with?
Funny thing…
…the WTS always portrayed “Satan’s World” cracking down on “False Religion” and “God’s People” with militant and violent force during the “Last Days”.
Being sued, taxed, and legislated into oblivion never seemed to occur to them.
this was posted on jw leaks.. my truth's | dad seeking truth.
NotFormer - “Identifying paradoxes within their approaches seems never to have been their strong point…”
Why would it be?
They know it’s wrong, but believe it’s True, at the same time.
Just about any paradoxical stance or outcome is possible once you’ve reached that point. 😵💫