One of Evangelicalism’s dark alters, obviously.
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One of Evangelicalism’s dark alters, obviously.
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Wicca/Paganism… Catholicism’s old hippy-chick next-door-neighbor-slash-frenemy (and former occasional late-night bootycall who called it quits after one too many drunken rants).
Sikhism… Hinduism’s ambitious younger brother.
Zoroastrianism… everybody’s late great-granddaddy who’s rarely talked about, but never disrespected.
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Whoops, I just thought of another one to sandwich in just after mainstream Protestantism…
…Evangelicalism… the WTS’s bipolar twin sister (i.e. perfectly agreeable as long as she stays on her meds).
EDIT: aaaaand Islamic terrorism… mainstream Islam’s miniature but admittedly dangerous clone.
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Judaism? The WTS’s elderly and eccentric but surprisingly insightful grandfather.
Buddhism and Hinduism? Judaism’s old, laid-back college buddies.
Islam? Judaism’s outlier son from a previous marriage who’s a bit behind the rest of the class, but still stands a chance at catching up.
Scientology? Everyone’s crazy, paranoid, and mean-as-fuck neighbor from down the street.
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I’ve long felt that the LDS is the WTS’s nicer but weirder older cousin.
Mainstream Protestantism? The WTS’s somewhat out-of-touch but generally well-meaning (and eventually willing to try new things when something’s obviously not working anymore) mom.
Catholicism? The WTS’s old alcoholic uncle who finally seems to be going through his twelve steps.
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“…they have driven away everyone that could put two verses together and they have been left with no theologian amongst their ranks that could have made meaningful changes in ministry and doctrine…”
Agreed, that kind of thing takes some serious chops, and Fred Franz never left any kind of protege.
They’re supposed to be trying to overhaul the Org’s eschatology at the moment, but I’m not holding my breath.
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“…For decades, missionaries’ clean-cut suits were signs of prosperity, Bowman said, and an effective way of appealing to converts. But they now feel ‘outdated’…”
Yeah, these days, more and more people realize that a squeaky-clean image tends to hide very dirty secrets.
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raymond - “…the exjw community is far more millitant in exposing the cult than ex-Mormons are…”
That’s ‘cause individual XJWs are far more likely to have been far more hurt than XMs.
'many survivors of clergy sexual abuse have never received an apology or any acknowledgement of the harm they suffered.
but at the may 3, 2024, meeting of the general conference of the worldwide united methodist church in charlotte, north carolina, the following resolution of apology to all survivors and their families was approved.. .
“the united methodist church apologizes for the times we allowed our desire to protect the church to outweigh our desire to care for victims and survivors of sexual misconduct.
Beth - “…The Borganization as we know it, is fully dependant on its tax free status, & cannot survive without it…”
It seems almost painfully obvious in retrospect, considering how their lawyers mobilize the moment it looks even a little bit threatened.
'many survivors of clergy sexual abuse have never received an apology or any acknowledgement of the harm they suffered.
but at the may 3, 2024, meeting of the general conference of the worldwide united methodist church in charlotte, north carolina, the following resolution of apology to all survivors and their families was approved.. .
“the united methodist church apologizes for the times we allowed our desire to protect the church to outweigh our desire to care for victims and survivors of sexual misconduct.
BTW, regarding the irony of the WTS possibly being “attacked” by the “Wild Beast” first, rather than last…
…I used to think that’d be problematic, too, until reports of a recent CO pow-wow in Florida to go over some updates to the Org’s eschatology.
Considering that regular study of the Revelation Climax book was discontinued well over a decade ago (suggesting in retrospect that Fred Franz’s Cold-War-centric End-Times narrative was already being shelved)…
…ten bucks says that particular aspect won’t be emphasized at all in the new-and-improved version (not to mention any portrayal of the UN as an archvillain).
Sorry to be the one to say it. 😕