"People laugh behind our backs... (overlapping generation)
Just 'cause we won't see the cracks... (overlapping generation)
No retirement plan, I'm told... (overlapping generation)
Hope I die before I get old... (overlapping generation)"
i have heard a few whispers that once again they are going to be changing the generation teaching.
does anybody have on info on this?.
i would love to be able to hit my family with a. .
"People laugh behind our backs... (overlapping generation)
Just 'cause we won't see the cracks... (overlapping generation)
No retirement plan, I'm told... (overlapping generation)
Hope I die before I get old... (overlapping generation)"
we were told we were part of the world if we got involved in politics.
if we had employment that had political involvement we were instructed to get another job.
we were told we might be considered disassociated if we voted and then it became questionable.
minimus - "Are Jehovah’s Witnesses wrong regarding staying out of politics?"
Well, considering how wrong they've been about everything else...
i recently had an online exchange with an active jw about the blood issue.
he originally wanted to talk about the potential dangers of transfusions but i pointed out that the risks of transfusions have nothing whatsoever to do with the reason that jws reject blood, and therefore i didn’t see any value in debating that topic.. not able to let it go, he then insisted that the blood mandate was a common theme throughout the bible, quoting acts 15:29.. it’s been a while since i looked into the subject, and i admit i’m now a little rusty when it comes to recalling where to find biblical quotes, but i remembered that there are passages in both the new and old testaments that, when read in the context of the time they were written, call into question the watchtower’s rendition of acts 15:29.. i offered to do some bible research and get back to the jw, suggesting that rather than letting our discussion become combative, we could have an informative and interesting exchange of ideas.
i reassured him that i was not looking to undermine his convictions, in fact i was more than happy to be corrected if my thinking was wrong.
Kudos on the effort and research.
Assuming that logic and reasoning will even resonate in the first place, the sheer volume of it will probably just go over the head of any loyal rank-and-filer, though.
I could be wrong.
australia: jehovah’s witnesses to join redress scheme for child sexual abuse survivors.
Well surmised, Sea.
They're still trying to frame the narrative in their favor.
Points for consistency, I suppose.
australia: jehovah’s witnesses to join redress scheme for child sexual abuse survivors.
IMO, the real issue is...
...why is holding onto their tax-exemption so damned important?
It couldn’t possibly be because the Org’s actual survival is dependent on it, could it?
australia: jehovah’s witnesses to join redress scheme for child sexual abuse survivors.
Huh. They actually caved.
Didn’t see that coming.
It’s weird...
...not surprised by the sour-grapes attitude, but definitely didn’t expect the public admission of it. I wonder if that was a specific further requirement.
Eithe way, they still haven’t come out of this looking like the good guys.
i would like to get some feed back from pomo's who's spouse is still pimi.
since myself and our son's left the jw cult.
my wife has been m.i.a has a mom and a wife.
Those of us able to WTexit with our families should never forget how lucky we are.
some interesting quotes from evolutionists.
natural history, vol.
' new scientist, vol.
Creationists’ arguments against evolution are all moot, IMO.
On a fundamental level, they reject it for ideological reasons, not scientific ones.
so about a month in to biden's presidency and they are already bombing a country.. remind me how trump was going to bring about wwiii with north korea, iran, china and god knows who else?
did he?
no.. but straight back to business as usual for the military industrial complex and crickets from their media buddies..
i have heard a few whispers that once again they are going to be changing the generation teaching.
does anybody have on info on this?.
i would love to be able to hit my family with a. .
Some Biblical historians have suggested that Sodom was leveled as punishment for their tolerance of violence and refusal to extend hospitality to strangers.