Eden One - "...when I asked about it, they claimed that their congregation Elders were aware of their initiative on Second Life and approved of it..."
I believe that's called "lying".
('Cause there's no fucking way that's true.)
so, there's this social game called second life.. there one creates an avatar and can lead a parallel life.
there's a bit of everything, from general environments to adult.
it can be a hub for creative people, it can be a magnet for creeps.
Eden One - "...when I asked about it, they claimed that their congregation Elders were aware of their initiative on Second Life and approved of it..."
I believe that's called "lying".
('Cause there's no fucking way that's true.)
so, there's this social game called second life.. there one creates an avatar and can lead a parallel life.
there's a bit of everything, from general environments to adult.
it can be a hub for creative people, it can be a magnet for creeps.
Eden One - "...Fast forward. Another person comes in, pretending to be a curious visitor. In a couple of minutes the mask falls of. It’s another JW (pretending to be a student)..."
I believe that's called "stealth evangelism".
nwt luke chapt 1.
41 well, as elizabeth heard the greeting of mary, the infant in her womb leaped, and elizabeth was filled with holy spirit 42 and loudly cried out: “blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruitage of your womb!
43 so how is it that this privilege is mine, to have the mother of my lord come to me?
I can do it, too...
...Ephesians chapter 5: verses 5-7; the Bible passage that proves Abolitionists were wrong and slavery is right.
...Genesis chapers 1-3; the Bible passages that prove 150 years of biological science is wrong and creationism is right.
...the entire book of Joshua; the Bible passages that prove peaceful immigration is wrong and invasion/genocide is right.
whether they go back to door-to-door or not, what will be different?
do you think there will be a noticeable drop-off in attendance as we have read on here that many have left or faded?
will there be a mass selling of halls?
Steel - "It think the WTS have played the pandemic quite well. They didn't act like a bunch of selfish and crazy assholes like the evangelicals..."
Don't forget, though, they played ball because it almost certainly fitted with their overall agenda... altruism was not a factor.
Rather, non-compliance might've put their "charity" status in jeopardy, and I've long suspected that the Org's business model is still hopelessly dependent on its tax-exemption*.
Don't kid yourself, BTW.
They have way more in common with selfish, crazy evangelical assholes than you might think.
They're just better at hiding it.
*They caved on the Australian redress scheme at the last minute, when it became painfully clear that their tax-exemption Down Under was approaching the chopping block, after all.
whether they go back to door-to-door or not, what will be different?
do you think there will be a noticeable drop-off in attendance as we have read on here that many have left or faded?
will there be a mass selling of halls?
DesirousOfCHange - "It will be 'spun' that it was Divine Direction that the D2D work be 'phased out' (just as the Paper & Ink printing has been phased out) because it's too dangerous, or it's not productive because everyone must work in this shitty old world, so no one is at home. HOW MUCH BETTER it is to greet people while doing Cart Witnessing!! Yes! It's just like the apostles in the 1st Century who witnessed in the marketplaces because that is where the people were and where they are today!..."
Hmm. Hard to argue with, I gotta admit.
(What a "loving provision" from the Faithful and Discreet Slave...)
so sam rolex had this months talk on jw cult broadcasting.
my question to sam rolex is why not sell your rolex and give it to the cult?
how about muppet lett, why not sell your rental property in ga and give it to the cult?
Jofi_Wofo - "...Another elder took me aside and told me that I looked miserable and that I needed to cut it out because it makes the religion look bad to unbelievers. We need to give them the impression that being a JW is pure joy, even if we are hurting badly in the inside..."
Wow, what a great recipe for an entire group of people who are experts at faking shit.
You know what this actually sounds like? Mandy Moore's character in Saved...
...she literally and deliberately pressured all her evangelical friends into actively pursuing that precise agenda.
Guess what happened? She was completely discredited and humiliated by the end of the movie.
so sam rolex had this months talk on jw cult broadcasting.
my question to sam rolex is why not sell your rolex and give it to the cult?
how about muppet lett, why not sell your rental property in ga and give it to the cult?
Jeezus, it's like they're actually trying to trigger anxiety in the R&F.
this article on the latest gallup survey:.
in 1937, 73% of americans would be affiliated with some organized religion; that number remained steady until 1999: (70%); the 21st century brought about a major shift: 50% in 2018; 47% in the latest survey.. children who grew up in households without organized religion are less likely to affiliate to some form of organized religion.. it's not only a generational difference; the growth in those who express no religious preference is also on the rise in generation x (those born between mid 1960's and early 1980's).
"...God-shaped hole..."
I just got the weirdest image in my head of a cartoon Jesus leaving the room at super speed, smashing right through a wall, and leaving a ragged edged, cross-shaped hole behind him, Loony-Tunes-style.
interesting little video from a youtuber called david stewart.. he puts forward an interesting idea that fan following around films and music is comparable to people being in a cult.. stewart is a film reviewer among other things, putting out several videos critiquing the force awakens (2015) and receiving lots of abuse and even death threats.. enjoy ….
Rabid fanboys...
...putting the "cult" in Pop Culture.
whether they go back to door-to-door or not, what will be different?
do you think there will be a noticeable drop-off in attendance as we have read on here that many have left or faded?
will there be a mass selling of halls?
I can't help but wonder just how conflicted the WT leadership feels about all this.
So much in recent years has suggested that they wanted to move the ministry away from door-to-door work, transition to an "e-church", and prune out all the "lukewarm" to bring the membership down to a more manageable size...
...the Org's long-standing - nay, defining - characteristics of door-knocking, disdain towards anything resembling the methods of "worldy" religions, and practically baked-in rhetoric of "growth=God's blessing" practically fly in the face of all that.
Gotta be tough for the poor bastards.