FFGhost - "...Protection of organization assets... Protection of organizational prestige... Maintenance or extension of power over adherents..."
Yup. The second one is, IMO, the most important, though.
These days, every decision the WTS makes... every decision... is crafted with the overarching goal of maintaining the illusion of "God's Exclusive Earthly Organization".
Maintaining membership loyalty and discipline is a no-brainer, as long as the R&F subscribes to that fiction (what True Believer would dare leave that, after all?)...
...but more importantly, protecting the Society's assets - or, more accurately, staying fiscally solvent - is vital in maintaining the religion's continued functionality, and therefore - from their POV - cannot be allowed to be eroded (how could "God's Exclusive Earthly Organization" fail financially, after all?).
It's the reason I think the WTS has been fighting so hard - and making such seemingly counterintuitive decisions - to keep its "charity" status... I suspect that the Org's business model has become almost completely dependent on its tax-exemption to stay in the black.
Unfortunately for them...
...as we dive further and further into the 21st Century, it seems like it's becoming increasingly tricky to make the necessary adjustments that secular authorities require to keep said tax-exemption without undermining the Organizational fiction.