"...non-profit religious organizations that are not doing any type of commercial activity..."
Ironic, considering just how much profit the Org generates for itself from flipping KHs.
once again, watchtower doesn't want to respect our human rights.
"...non-profit religious organizations that are not doing any type of commercial activity..."
Ironic, considering just how much profit the Org generates for itself from flipping KHs.
i'm doing a little background research for a novel.
what is the craziest thing you heard a witness say was demonized, and what did they do about it?.
I almost forgot...
...this little guy:
the watchtower has always banged on about not pursuing worldly careers and that best career was 'theocratic service.
but now i am wondering what line they will take.
let's have look at the options;.
LongHairGal - "...I knew it would be a disaster when JWs who didn’t plan for their future..."
The entire WTS is generally unable to plan for the future beyond perhaps five years or so, not just individual JWs.
Their worldview and belief system simply doesn't enable them to (as to do so would - among other things - too strongly imply a lack of faith that The End is nigh).
It's why, as an organization, they are predominantly reactive, rather than proactive.
this and several other articles are here: https://bitterwinter.org/excommunication-looking-for-a-balance-of-interests-between-opposite-freedoms/.
Weren't their transfusion-related rules rejiggered in response to wanting registered charity status in Belgium?
Perhaps Belgium is finally onto their weasel-wording.
i don't think anyone has mentioned that the february 2021 study wt (p. 15, 16; par.
8) changed wt's long standing view on headship within the congregation.
wt used to view all baptized males as being the head of all baptized sisters.. this view led to such absurdities as a sister having to wear a head covering on a bible study because her baptized 10 year old son was sitting in on the study with her.
mynameislame - "...This whole thing is probably because they're having a hard time getting young men to reach out for 'privileges'..."
A strong argument could definitely be made.
Plus, there's a possibility their tax-exemption might be in danger if they don't at least attempt to adapt to changing federal laws regarding registered charities.
Some of us suspect that was the real reason they discontinued the bookstudy in peoples' homes; as quite a number of child abuse allegations involved bookstudy locations.
if someone comes to you with a knife or a gun, would you defend yourself if you could?
if someone tried to beat you up , would you physically engage, run away or just try to talk the person out of beating you up or robbing you?
if you did have a gun to defend yourself would you shoot to kill or would you simply aim for the ankle to incapacitate the person?
Any conversation about the validity of the Org's "spiritual" arguments against firearms and self-defense are academic, IMO...
...the WTS "discourages" that sort of thing simply because victims are more useful than victors.
Interesting fact, BTW...
...polled American JWs' (i.e. the Org's) positions on firearms/self defense (and affordable/universal healthcare) are just about the only things they differ on when compared to the Christian Right.
Everything else ticks all the same boxes.
the pandemic has made the situation worse for single young jw girls.. i'm hearing tons of sad stories of single jw girls who are going, or have gone into deep depression.
with many having thoughts of committing suicide and hoping for a better life in the new order.. the pandemic has made it almost impossible for young jw girls to find a suitable marriage mate.
especially since the single jw boys-men want young, gorgeous, thin, virgins, who look like models and summit to the headship arrangement.
Seriously, though... you know what's weird?
I lamented how few attractive JW girls there seemed to be when I was growing up.
Honestly, I kept wishing all the good-looking "worldy" girls I knew were JWs, 'cause I found almost none of the Witness girls good-looking.
Maybe it was just where I lived, I dunno.
the pandemic has made the situation worse for single young jw girls.. i'm hearing tons of sad stories of single jw girls who are going, or have gone into deep depression.
with many having thoughts of committing suicide and hoping for a better life in the new order.. the pandemic has made it almost impossible for young jw girls to find a suitable marriage mate.
especially since the single jw boys-men want young, gorgeous, thin, virgins, who look like models and summit to the headship arrangement.
Queequeg - "There were also a fair number of well groomed, 'zealous' young men involved who, sadly for the girls, seemed to be completely uninterested in the opposite sex."
waton - "...t must have something to do with monsanto, dupont bayer, the hormones that are the residue of those treatments in our food..."
You boys sure they weren't simply gay?
i'm doing a little background research for a novel.
what is the craziest thing you heard a witness say was demonized, and what did they do about it?.
JeffT - "What is the craziest thing you heard a witness say was demonized?"
The 80s Transformers cartoon.
On a related note, I lost count of how many times an uber-Witness labeled information they didn't like as "worldy wisdom".
maybe i`m a just a bit more impatient than some ,but the govt.
did say they will name and shame those who do not sign up to the redress scheme didn`t they ?
and take away their special priveledges , etc.?.
Sneaky buggers.
At no point do they mention that technically, Jehovah's Witnesses don't actually have to be registered as a charity.
The only real advantage to the Org being a charity is the tax-exemption it affords.
The grudging acceptance of voluntary joining the scheme...
...i.e. showing their throat to agents of "Satan's World', tacitly admitting that the problem was real and their fault, and potentially undermining their authority in the eyes of the membership*...
...therefore suggests that they signed up not because they "respect and cooperate with the authorities", but because they want, nay, need said tax-exemption.
Just how badly, I wonder?**
*I freely admit that I actually thought the Org wouldn't budge on this for these reasons. Surprise, surprise.
**A rhetorical question; I think a really strong argument could be made that at this point, they just might be fucked without it.