ThomasMore - “After all, it's not about religion - it's about business…”
Not quite.
It’s about the business… whose sole purpose is shoring up the religion.
The Org’s survival is of utmost importance…
…not least because without it, the WT leadership would be nothing… they would have nothing…
…but especially because if the WTS’s survival were actually threatened, it would too deeply call into question the Org’s legitimately and authority…
…and from their perspective, that simply cannot be permitted under any circumstances.
After all, “God's Exclusive Earthly Organization” can’t be permitted to not survive… if it didn’t survive, it wouldn’t be “God's Exclusive Earthly Organization”…
…because based on a century’s worth on internal standards and rhetoric, if they’re not “God's Exclusive Earthly Organization”, it is - by default - a “false religion”, and therefore doesn’t even deserve to exist.
And that prospect is simply unacceptable to them.