As far as I’m concerned in regards to shunning, attempts at lawsuits or criminalization, et al are all a waste of time and resources.
The simplest (and, IMO, most elegant) solution is initiate legislation that any organization who shuns - religious or secular - becomes ineligible for charity status / tax exemption.
Federal governments and their revenue agencies have every right and responsibility to set (or revise) bare-minimum requirements for qualification… especially ones that that minimize discrimination in any form… but more importantly…
a) …nobody’s being “forced” to do anything, ‘cause applying for and acquiring charity status / tax-exemption is entirely voluntary…
b) …the only real opponents would be groups and their lobbyists who actively - and obviously - want to shun / discriminate, and those assholes are rarely on the winning side of history, and…
c) …anyone stoopid enough to holler “persecution” just because they have to either follow the rules they already agreed to OR “pay back Caesar’ things to Caesar”, doesn’t look like a champion of religious freedom, a victim of tyranny, or a righteous martyr.
To anyone with half a brain, they just look like a whiny little bitch.