FedUpJW - “… this is not about anything other than pure, unadulterated greed by the WT…”
Maybe, but I don’t think so.
There’ve been more and more indications lately that the Org is in serious financial trouble.
The $3B they got from the sale of the Brooklyn properties is apparently gone, due to massive over-budget costs on Warwick, hundreds of CSA settlements that haven’t even hit the news, and payouts for outstanding debts that the rank-and-file have no idea even existed…
…the membership is the lowest educated in the world, and therefore the lowest earning, so they can barely make ends meet, let alone financially support the organization with meager donations…
…and the sheer fucking panic the Org displays when it looks like they might lose their tax exemption or get cut off from the public teat in some parts of the world is the strongest indication, IMO.