LongHairGal - “…Anybody who wants to experience the end of the world scenario as described in the Bible is just plain nuts…”
When I was a young guy, so much of my life experiences seemed to affirm the WT worldview and ideology, which fostered a fair bit of resentment toward “The World”, to the point where I had indeed come to view the WT Armageddon as my own personal supernatural revenge fantasy…
…not a healthy way to go.
Looking back, I honestly think Roland Emmerich and Michael Bay movies helped cure that.
The older I got (and the more I got to see the vivid illustrations from the Revelation Climax book seemingly brought to life on the big screen), the more I grasped just how fucking horrible the End of the World would actually be…
…and the less I wanted it to happen.
And this was before even I started to consider fading.