FragrantAddendum - “…it's almost like wt wanted people to think ‘apostates’ are all scary/out-of-control lunatics…”
You mean we’re not?
on february 22, 2023, anthony morris iii was officially removed from the governing body of jehovah's witnesses.
a few months later it was revealed that the watchtower bought him a house in lumberton, north carolina.. however, and correct me if i am wrong, since leaving the gb nobody has reported seeing tony attending jw meetings or participating in field service.
in fact nobody has reported seeing him anywhere, not even at a local liquor store.
...or can you?.
(we'll see...).
as an educated guess, the august 2024 watchtower may be delayed because 2 complicated subjects need to be discussed in this issue which haven't yet been approved to be included in the revised shepherding textbook.
perhaps the revised shepherding textbook must be finalised before this watchtower is released publicly.. the 2 subjects may be as follows:.
how to shepherd and appoint brothers based on the removal of the hour requirements, getting to know the brothers instead (does this mean prioritising appointing men who have auxiliary pioneered during the co visit and campaigns or men who are regular pioneers?).
slimboyfat- “…I just said KHs aren’t emptying the way that churches are emptying, that’s all…”
The WTS operates differently that most religions, so it stands to reason that if/when it declines, that decline’s gonna look a little different, too.
For one thing, the Org’ll bust its hump trying to conceal said decline. Regular churches don’t seem to be doing that.
i open a new topic, to find out how it's going in your area.
from what i see as a southern european in my constituency the situation is patchy.. the congregation where i am now has 30% old people on zoom but also young couples with almost all their cameras off.
no increase but a slight decrease in the total number of publishers.. circuit assemblies: before covid you couldn't find a free seat if you arrived 10 minutes before the start.
on february 22, 2023, anthony morris iii was officially removed from the governing body of jehovah's witnesses.
a few months later it was revealed that the watchtower bought him a house in lumberton, north carolina.. however, and correct me if i am wrong, since leaving the gb nobody has reported seeing tony attending jw meetings or participating in field service.
in fact nobody has reported seeing him anywhere, not even at a local liquor store.
warning, mikey rant & adult language!!!.
The over-the-top rant approach kinda turns me off (it’s why I stopped reading Alex Jones all those years ago).
While I don’t doubt for a second that their efforts make a difference, Kim and Mikey remind me a bit too much of the TV guy in Iron Man 2 who kept smacking coffee cups with a baseball bat to “make his point”.
I dunno, maybe it’s just the Canadian in me.
as an educated guess, the august 2024 watchtower may be delayed because 2 complicated subjects need to be discussed in this issue which haven't yet been approved to be included in the revised shepherding textbook.
perhaps the revised shepherding textbook must be finalised before this watchtower is released publicly.. the 2 subjects may be as follows:.
how to shepherd and appoint brothers based on the removal of the hour requirements, getting to know the brothers instead (does this mean prioritising appointing men who have auxiliary pioneered during the co visit and campaigns or men who are regular pioneers?).
jwleaks - “…Something to do with IBSA owning kingdom halls, assembly halls, and branch building assets, and having ownership under various trust names such as The Kingdom Hall Trust…”
Huh. Now, that’s interesting.
’Specially if you take this little revelation into consideration.
what are your memories of hall cleaning?.
i actually enjoyed it on the whole, my dad as the elder always tried to keep it to under one hour but in my later years in a hard-line congregation it was a chore.
the po's wife had a printed list and we had to complete it all before left (or got disapproving looks if we left after an hour).. as well as vacuuming the whole building the lost said you had to dismantle the vacuum and clean and polish all the internal elements.
as an educated guess, the august 2024 watchtower may be delayed because 2 complicated subjects need to be discussed in this issue which haven't yet been approved to be included in the revised shepherding textbook.
perhaps the revised shepherding textbook must be finalised before this watchtower is released publicly.. the 2 subjects may be as follows:.
how to shepherd and appoint brothers based on the removal of the hour requirements, getting to know the brothers instead (does this mean prioritising appointing men who have auxiliary pioneered during the co visit and campaigns or men who are regular pioneers?).
Wanna hear something funny?
Way back in the early 90s, almost the exact same thing happened with the “Spawn” comic book.
Art and writing SNAFUs had forced a delay on a couple issues, which weren’t released till months later… which completely disrupted the series’ continuity (and that book was very continuity-heavy).
Collectors everywhere were confused and upset, but to his credit, Todd McFarlane apologized profusely.
as an educated guess, the august 2024 watchtower may be delayed because 2 complicated subjects need to be discussed in this issue which haven't yet been approved to be included in the revised shepherding textbook.
perhaps the revised shepherding textbook must be finalised before this watchtower is released publicly.. the 2 subjects may be as follows:.
how to shepherd and appoint brothers based on the removal of the hour requirements, getting to know the brothers instead (does this mean prioritising appointing men who have auxiliary pioneered during the co visit and campaigns or men who are regular pioneers?).
WT articles are written about a year in advance.
Simplest explanation?
There was some stuff in the Aug issue that wouldn’t synch with recent “reforms” they’ve had to implement on short notice, and they hadn’t caught it in time to replace it, or had backup material for that month.
Oct and Nov’s content were probably fine(ish), but swapping out the dates for everything might have been too much of a hassle.