Hello everyone! I've been reading this board for a couple of weeks now. Because of it, I've ordered and received "Crisis of Conscience" and have begun to read it. I've also done many searches about Jehovah's Witnesses, the Watchtower Society, disfellowshipping, etc. This is all because my boyfriend's sister has been attending bible studies with their cousin, and is considering becoming a "witness." Incidentally, our families consist mostly of Methodists, Presbyterians, Lutherans and a few Catholics. I would say we are all relatively mainstream when it comes to faith and religion. Speaking for myself, I've never worried about anyone else's "religion" unless there was blatant evidence that the religion caused harm. Jehovah's Witnesses always struck me as a little odd, but I've never held it against them. When someone is very strong in their faith, I'm inclined to respect that. However, what I've learned about the Watchtower Society in just two weeks is very disturbing to me! We are astounded.
We felt we should present another side to our sister, so we printed page after page of personal testimonies by people who've left the organization, and tons of information refuting the "New World Translation," etc. We gave her a binder full of information, believing that she should make an informed choice. I'm happy for her that she's renewing her faith, but I don't think she should join this organization in the process. It may be too late, though, because I think her cousin has convinced her that she's learning "the truth."
My boyfriend's family has always enjoyed very close relationships. They genuinely love AND like eachother and have fun together. We thought she should know about "disfellowshipping," and that those stories would strike her the same way they struck us. What kind of god advocates hate? Instead, I believe she consulted with the cousin, and the response was that that doesn't really happen the way these people wrote about it. She's convinced that they must have gotten kicked out for a very good reason... they must have been very, very bad to be disfellowshipped. I say, actually, that who cares what the reason is... it's a bad practice regardless! Apparently the bible says to do this, but it also says, "love your neighbor." Of the two conflicting "commands" I choose the latter.
She also doesn't buy the "trinity." Well, I wish she did, but that's not my primary concern. I'm more concern about her two little boys, and her family, and what might happen down the road... to everyone. We also want her to be happy, and if this makes her happy, then who are we to stand in the way? But I guess we just have some major concerns.
Today my boyfriend told me that she said nothing she's read so far (of the volumes of paper we've given her) says anything about how the "Watchtower Society" is connected to her bible studies, or the Jehovah's Witnesses. At this time I'm unsure about her actual statement... I wish I'd heard it... but it's something to the effect that, "what's all this business about the society? I'm just learning about God and the Bible."
Eventually I think it comes does come down to what anyone chooses to believe. I can't believe she doesn't fear the Watchtower Society after reading the same things we read. Can anyone offer us any additional advice? I'm intend to give her Franz's book when I'm done.
Thank you for your time!