manned by people who have the knowledge and expertise to handle the unique problems that JW victims face
remarkably good idea ... an ad hoc committee . .. an overdue idea.
I liked you before, Crow - now I respect you. :)
i have been mulling over the options that the wt has to take in regard to child abuse.
in my mind there are the following ones:.
1. overhaul their entire system, and apologize to all abuse victims.
manned by people who have the knowledge and expertise to handle the unique problems that JW victims face
remarkably good idea ... an ad hoc committee . .. an overdue idea.
I liked you before, Crow - now I respect you. :)
there's been quite a number newspaper articles quoted over the past week, but i would recommend this as a good summary of the first three days of the royal commission hearing in australia - complete with some scathing commentary.. apologies if this has been posted elsewhere, but have not seen this posted previously..
just one thing that is not quite right is that the article refers to joe bello as a narrogin elder.
the assualts took place while the victim was part of the narrogin congregation.
Thx pants. Printed in out and left it on kitchen table for JWwifey. Especially liked the last subheading's descriptive language. (made me get out my dictionary for some words though, lol)
I liked: "gormless elders"
"Men who demanded fealty from women"
"Solipsists who qualify their transgressions"
"men who must make a strategic choice to portray themselves as either bumbling or mendacious"
"cultures turned mouldy by self-perpetuating secrecy"
wish i could talk like that. shoulda gon to collage ;)
does anyone in the uk know any details about the above congregation?
it seems it was disbanded by the co specifically because of "lack of love" and members reassigned to other congregations in the reigate and crawley areas.. i've checked the charities commission web site and the charity was removed in may 2012..
the cobe was a guy called rossiter (sp?
WMF: "drinking the koolaid " What I found - if you spike it a little, soon you won't have to give those stand in talks anymore. ;) Worked for me
a catholic forum has a discussion thread: "jehovah witness now appear with the royal commission".. i have made the comment before that dr. applewhite's appearance in support of the jws is not surprising if you consider that the royal commissions' findings will impact the structure of the cathoilc church as well.
the catholic church has a vested interest in the jws' hearing - if the jws are forced to change their organizational structure, so will the catholics.. the following post is an excellent discussion on the similarities and differences between the catholic church and the jws structure.
a catholic forum has a discussion thread: "jehovah witness now appear with the royal commission".. i have made the comment before that dr. applewhite's appearance in support of the jws is not surprising if you consider that the royal commissions' findings will impact the structure of the cathoilc church as well.
the catholic church has a vested interest in the jws' hearing - if the jws are forced to change their organizational structure, so will the catholics.. the following post is an excellent discussion on the similarities and differences between the catholic church and the jws structure.
will this rc turn out to be the beginnings of a watershed time in wbts history?.
do you have any thoughts regarding this?.
i've updated my jw wife on the highlights of the rc proceedings each day as they occur.
but tonight she said something that made my blood boil (which i am usually in complete control of).
she said something to the effect that victims need to not dwell on what happened and let it control their lives.
Oubliette: 1006 abusers
yes, i knew that but typed in haste w/out thinking. Thanks for setting that clear for everyone.
OnTheWayOut I was encouraged somewhat by your comments: " they are doing a huge service and should stay focused on that- allowing these victims to be heard in a way that people stop and pay attention and believe them. That's way more than Watchtower did" And I might add that Wt not only FAILS in the part of Good Samaritan, they are actually the very ones who rob, beat and leave the victim half-dead on the side of the road in many cases. (blood boiling again) WT helps no one.
umbertoecho you said: "His Honour, warned a WT lawyer on Friday, that it's focus was not going to be swayed away from past wrongs perpetrated against victims... don't see WT lawyers being able to bully or derail this commission". VERY encouraging, I almost forgot that I had heard him say that too! thx - that helped me.
I thought about it last night in bed and wondered whether any of us who are "concerned citizens" here are doing what the Samaritan did - that is, actually reaching out to victims in a tangible way that reflects where are hearts are in this. Or are we mostly just out to discredit WT. I'm a newbie, but so far I like it here.
i've updated my jw wife on the highlights of the rc proceedings each day as they occur.
but tonight she said something that made my blood boil (which i am usually in complete control of).
she said something to the effect that victims need to not dwell on what happened and let it control their lives.
i've updated my jw wife on the highlights of the rc proceedings each day as they occur.
but tonight she said something that made my blood boil (which i am usually in complete control of).
she said something to the effect that victims need to not dwell on what happened and let it control their lives.
possum - what you describe is absolutely typical treatment by JWs.
I think the transcript from the first day of the RC stated it best when summing up the religion: "The Jehovah's Witness Church is preoccupied with sin and sinning." They are a punitive religion - experts at finding the bad and absolutely feeble when it comes to healing the sick, feeding the hungry, etc. And it seems that anyone who tries to reach out gets to feel their contemptuous displeasure too. Delightfully non-helpful.
Listener - maybe you're right. It's up to the victim to reach out for help first. So tragic when you compare that to the good Samaritan parable. Maybe witnesses are right: they'll get the help they need in the new system. (heavy sigh)
i've updated my jw wife on the highlights of the rc proceedings each day as they occur.
but tonight she said something that made my blood boil (which i am usually in complete control of).
she said something to the effect that victims need to not dwell on what happened and let it control their lives.
I've updated my JW wife on the highlights of the RC proceedings each day as they occur. But tonight she said something that made my blood boil (which I am usually in complete control of). She said something to the effect that victims need to not dwell on what happened and let it control their lives. I told her to nip it in the bud because she's never been a victim and can't possibly give advice or know what victims go thru, and so on. Then I started thinking about what they go through and what they need to recover from their sense of isolation and worthlessness. How tragic for those who never get help. Many suffer for years, perhaps the rest of their lives.
Anyway, I thought about the RC and the empathy they show toward the victim - always focused on the victim getting the support and help they need. Do they have the names of these 1006 victims and is it something they would look into - that is to say, would they reach out to any of these victims to see if they might help them or how they are coping? Seems like that would be a concern of theirs. But I wouldn't know how they would go about it or if they even are able to do that. I just feel so bad about the ones left behind, that's all.