I'm new here and don't have much in the way of esteem on this site, and I don't know much about you as yet or the ordeal you;ve been through (except I've enjoyed your commenting on different threads) - but still I couldn't go to bed w/out at least wishing you the best.
A person's home, family, or means of livelihood is his castle... something WT has no respect for. And to attack it is a violation of that person's 'rights by ownership'. If that happens, they are not out of bounds to defend themselves to the best of their abilities. What reasonable person would not stand up for what he/she feels are their rights?
Today's hearing was the best so far. Seeing Angus riled was priceless! and McClellan is tougher than a two dollar steak. These are men we can truly trust. I feel good for you, knowing the RC will take care of you. But they are really taking care of ALL of us. I don't think any of us believed in Dragon-Slayers before this commission, let alone that we would see one in action in our lifetimes. We have hurt long enough.