I really do. If I divulged just a few things she had done to me, you would never believe it. So here it goes. I don't believe in this utter nonsense at all! It is make belief brainwashing fear and guilt. I NEED to get out of this cult badly! My wife believe in it all the way, devote, but mostly because every single person she has ever known in her life has been a jw. More than that she treats me like dog crap on the lawn. We fight every single day, she almost always starts them and when I do it is out of complete sadness of what my on shot at this world is like. It is horrible and would not wish it on my worst enemy. When we fight it lasts usually for about 3-4 hours of her constant screaming extreme cursing emotional abuse. I honestly try with her, I am not a bad guy at all.I need to start over!
Question is: How do I leave this cult with a wife like this, all hell would break loose! Also how do I leave her and the cult together, because believe me she will not make it easy and when it comes to that point I will actually be in fear of my life. This is very serious stuff here. I need help more than ever. Please help me with this horrible situation/prison I am in.
Big Hugs to you. I would tell her straight. You hate all this arguing and abuse and that if she persists on talking & treating you badly as she does then your going to walk. In this JW situation you are in you are the head of the house and she ought to respect that. Clearly she wont so get your walking boots on, and enter into the real world :~)
Lifes too short to stay in an unhappy realtionship. Have a good look at your finances & work out how you can do a sharp exit. Get out, Dont look back and Keep moving forward, regardless of whether the rest of your family are JW.. I just hope that there are no children involved.... x