Folks, I dont post much although I have been raised a JW all my life.
It has been awhile since this begain to bother me but I have to ask...What is the TRUE STORY of why the WTBTS created a 2nd edition for WT magazine placement purposes only? I have been puzzled but can only suppose the reasons, costs, control, etc...but truly did they think that When CT Russell started the magazine it was for ALL to read, not published for a "select few" and if you come regular to the meetings we'll get you the "Real issue" with real articles?
I know this has probably been discussed over and over, but please humor me and tell me how they can with a straight face "THEY" think this was "OK" to publish in this manner.
This alone smacks of hypocrasy, as it was not the intention of the Faithful slave to do such a thing when Jesus put control on earth in CT's hands, funny how that works out. They have decided to create a 2-tier system of knowledge.
Somehow I dont think that is what Jesus wanted when he said "Come all who are thirsty drink". Maybe he would have said, "Come all who are good enough, I will give you CLEAN water, those that are not worthy, I will find something almost as good for the time being"
Okay, let the responses begin I want to read how this is justified by those that know
thank you!