If you have ever met anyone who was at Bethel for a period of time, worked on the writing commitee and has left, you'd understand why.
all they do is rehash the old dogma if it applies and "cut and paste" cut and paste" etc.
There is no deep philosophical gems there. Just stuff that was created in their own image to present to the "Sheeply JW masses"
You can't argue if you dont have the facts, over the past 10 years many of us have gotten facts from this wunnerful thing called the INTERNET
Their dowfall was not to BAN PC's in our homes when they began to BAN going to college,
Funny, I hear stories of folks bringin ipads to the KH and brothers have asked them to kindly "put it away" as it sets a bad example, oye vey - now that is crazy, setting a bad example at the KH
my rant for the week is now concluded, all may go back to a more meaningful day