Its all good - relax....
JoinedPosts by curiousconfused
Curious Confused - Another One for you
by truthlover inthe new numbers for the annointed are out -- 11,202 - up again this year - is there any buzz as to why this is happening?.
with all the old guard gb gone now with bro barr's death - we should never be at this point in time -- does this concern you?.
Some observations from the KM Elder School I wanted to share with you.
by miseryloveselders inmy school was a couple weeks back, and it was interesting to a degree.
to be honest with you, it reminded me of a police crime scene investigation with yellow tape.
what i mean is, in one respect it was business as usual.
Nice commentry. I attended recently. In fact I had a part - something of a noteworthy one as it turned out, although it wasnt the education talk. Im finding this whole thing slightly bewildering, and Im wondering who else at my school was thinking like me.... this is all quite weird for me, but Ill think about what else I can add in time..
Curious Confused - Another One for you
by truthlover inthe new numbers for the annointed are out -- 11,202 - up again this year - is there any buzz as to why this is happening?.
with all the old guard gb gone now with bro barr's death - we should never be at this point in time -- does this concern you?.
Im not ready to bear my soul here - but to answer your questions, the number that partake has never concerned me - how was ever a truly reliable figure anyway? And the passing of the 1914 generation? Well, I have concerns, or course, otherwise I wouldnt be here.
Please explain the deal with Smurfs
by not bitter ini keep reading comments about smurfs but i don't understand.
please can someone explain..
I had a smurf in the early 80's - no problems that I can recall. Some JW's are prone to some pretty ridiculous rumors. That said there are some pretty ridiculous ones on here as well....
Curious Confused: Can you Answer this
by truthlover inwelcome to the board -- it does have a lot of good information on it with a lot of sincere people, i mostly sit and read the comments, dont make a lot of comments... however,.
one question i have, since the new elders book has been released, i was wondering why the term "brazen conduct" is now being used - is it to narrow down pubs actions so that they are in more of a corner as to why they did what they did when in front of a jc??
would that not allow for more df's??
Its designed I think to create a clearer differential between one who errs, once, perhaps a few times, in conduct that would be catagorized as Loose Conduct, and the person who makes a practise of that conduct - even if it becomes known about - becoming brazen in their actions and attitude. Thats my take anyway. I think in practical terms it will result in FEWER people sitting before a JC rather than more.
To all lurking JW elders
by Mickey mouse income on in, the water's fine.
you may even realise you have close friends and family here.
Ynot - you have a PM
To all lurking JW elders
by Mickey mouse income on in, the water's fine.
you may even realise you have close friends and family here.
Thanks. I think I am at a point where I have concerns over certain things - but at heart, I dont believe in the Trinity, the immortal soul or a Heaven-only Kingdom. I dont think any other Christian religion has the truth, and Im not interested in Atheism, or concocting some personal form of worship that suits only me. However, I dont believe that getting something wrong repeatedly (Generation) constitutes a brightening light.
Its a dillema, and I need to work it out. Im not here for the "the GB are a bunch of *********" type conversations - or to swap war stories with those who have decided that the standards required to be JW (membership rules if you like) dont apply to them, yet they still want to remain.
I am so far entrenched, I cant ever see a way out even if I wanted to - so maybe this is the outlet I need for now.
To all lurking JW elders
by Mickey mouse income on in, the water's fine.
you may even realise you have close friends and family here.
Mad Sweeney
Its comments like yours that likely disuade some from getting involved here. I know these books exist, and you obviously believe what they have to say, but dont accuse others of lacking the capacity for intelligent comment just because they havent read them. Its arrogant and impolite.
Thanks for your comments. I wont reply line by line, but I'll think about what you have to say.
To all lurking JW elders
by Mickey mouse income on in, the water's fine.
you may even realise you have close friends and family here.
Thanks for your comments. You raise an interesting question - and Im not sure I can provide a satisfying answer to it really. In terms of this site, and others like it, then no, I shouldnt be here - I consider it research - and I believe and I can distinguish between thoughtful doctrinal anaylsis, and angry, abusive and bitter rhetoric. I was born-in, and have seen many friends leave over the years. I've not taken that path, and may never.
I do try to respect others - and their desisions. But yes, I have pracised the shunning doctrine. I take the view though that if you dont want to be a JW, then thats your choice - leave, and be as happy as you can. I dont fully understand why so many carry on the psudo-association that exisits here. I especially dont understand those who read the literature with such a fine tooth comb just to criticise it. I would have thought if you disliked the religion so much you'd rather hear no more about it?
Would I sit on a JC for one accused of Apostasy - Ive not had to. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.
As for comments made by others regarding cover ups etc, I'll keep my thoughts to myself.
To all lurking JW elders
by Mickey mouse income on in, the water's fine.
you may even realise you have close friends and family here.
This is my 1st post. I am a serving Elder in a congragation in the UK. I have been lurking here for a while, and I'm not yet convinced what these excursions on JWN are acheiving. As an insider, and a reasonably well educated person, I have some concerns about certain aspects of proceedure and current developments. However, I struggle to see whats so great about the "other side". I have good friends, enjoy the whole "collegiate thing" of life as a JW, and believe that my spiritual need is being largely met.
If I had a gripe right now its with the overlap teaching. Its flawed and does little to provide reassurance about a central part of the faith. To be cynical, I think Barr came out with it, and then there was some furious "back-filling" to avoid the appearence of a gaff. The power-grab by the GB seems unedifying as well. I thought they were in charge anyway - wasnt aware we needed weekly reminders..
I respect anybodys right to leave the Organisation, and to comment positivly or negativly about their own experiences, but it just seems to me that rather than offer a better alternative, that most ex-JW's - and certainly the more ardent posters here, just want to extract more folks for its own end.
Anyway, Ill lurk for a little longer I suspect, if only for the amusing conspiricary theories here....