Under what name did this former DO post here? I'm interested in reading his post.
is he on this board?
does anyone know the reason he left?
what denomination is his church?.
Under what name did this former DO post here? I'm interested in reading his post.
here's the short article found in the "did you know?
" series found on watchtower documents, and, underneath it, is the unusual comment:.
Salvation p.325 - "Should these marry (single JWs) and have children? NO is the answer from the scriptures".
The Watchtower cannot stand it when they see people enjoying a normal life like getting married, having children, traveling, hobbies and the most evil.....having a college education.
Every second of the JW's life should be spent slaving for the Governing Body. If you dare to enjoy life, you are selfish and not deserving of eternal life under Watchtower rule.
Its ironic that the only growth in the cult is from 30% of JW children. The other 70% of JW kids want nothing to do with worshipping the Governing Body. The WT should be very thankful that many ignored their orders and decided to get married and bear children as the WT cult would be almost non existent today. Just look at Japan, where the population growth is very low. The cult is hurting there in numbers because of JWs not having kids. Older ones pass away and no one is there to replace them.
what is it with this pair?
why do they have to constantly have a bitch about guys like john cedars?
a very recent video of them shows them calling him a 'village idiot' and making other disparaging claims.
John Cedars has an excellent website and has a rational, calm, civilized demeaner when presenting his information. I have benefitted greatly from his website.
I'm disappointed that others would attack his character and his work.
A JW lurker will see these vicious attacks that ex-jws launch against each other as confirmation of what the GB says about former members....namely that we're all full of rabid hate and beligerant. This can scare them to go back to the WT cult and never again question the GB masters.
Rational, calm discussion of the facts without showing extreme beligerant emotions is most effective to opening the minds of those seeking the truth of a matter.
i have heard rumors and anecdotes of j.f.
rutherford calling women "a hank of hair and a stack of bones" but i never thought it was documented.
well thanks to jwfacts i finally found the quote in print.. this j.f.
I have heard rumors and anecdotes of J.F. Rutherford calling women "a hank of hair and a stack of bones" but I never thought it was documented. Well thanks to jwfacts I finally found the quote in print.
This J.F. Rutherford was a despicable, hateful character. He also made racial comments about Jews. Why didn't the board of directors counsel him or remove him for such hateful speech? Why didn't the female members just walk away or leave the convention and demand an apology? Answer is simple....It's a cult and cult leaders are above the law.
C.T. Russel also made demeaning comments about blacks and how it's a waste of time to minister to them. F.W. Franz also spoke about women being "cows in heat" and looking for sex.
Many don't realize that the WT has a history of racism and sexism. It's amazing how no one needs to lie or invent some story to discredit them. They do that by themselves with their own "spiritual food at the proper time."
Their false prophecies and protection of child molesters is greatly exposed on the internet but their history of racism and degrading women needs to be exposed as well.
Watchtower 1941 Sep 15 p.287
"Why, then, should a man who has the prospect before him of being of the great multitude now tie himself up to a stack of bones and a hank of hair?" (Applause)" This was a quote from J,F, Rutherford in a convention talk.
Vindication I (1931) pp.156-157
"The women make monkeys or dupes of men. The men have become effeminate, soft and easily influenced, and have lost their real manhood and sturdiness in the affairs of state and home. For instance, when men are sitting at a table and a woman approaches, all the men arise and pay her homage and thereby elevate her to a place above men. The men remove their hats upon entering an elevator, if a woman is present; and these things are said to be acts of respect and to show that a man is a gentleman. But it is subtle, and the real meaning is much different from that. It is a scheme of Satan to turn men away from God and from his announced rule of the proper position of man and woman. The Lord has declared that no effeminate man shall inherit the kingdom of heaven. (1 Cor. 6:9) This proves that the scheme or habit of paying homage to women is not of God, but from the great enemy of God. It is a veneer of being a proper thing, and therefore it is more subtle than otherwise."
Golden Age 1930 Apr 2 p.446
"Whether the identity of the sexes, as such, will be preserved, we do not know. There have been some well authenticated instances in which women have been transformed into men, and it is possible that this transformation may become general and we shall all be brothers together."
today's wt study spoke about being modest and avoid presumptuousness.
here are 7 questions that the watchtower forgot to add in the article.
questions to ask: .
Today's WT study spoke about being modest and avoid presumptuousness.
Here are 7 questions that the Watchtower forgot to add in the article.
Questions to ask:
01. How has the GB set a good example of modesty? Answer: By giving the other sheep a chance to build their Warwick complex and peddle their books to gain salvation without pay.
02. How has the JW members shown modesty? Answer: By accepting the blame for "inflating their imaginations" regarding 1925 & 1975 and living a life of poverty, living off welfare and food stamps for rejecting higher education
03. How did C.T. Russel show modesty? Answer:By telling the world that they cannot understand the Bible without his books and calling himself the "Laodicean Messenger".
04. How did J.F. Rutherford show modesty? Answer: By advertising himself as being a "Judge" and by removing the 4 majority directors through worldy legal means instead of relying on Jehovah to fix problems like they tell all JW's seeking justice & by removing the editorial committee which was outlined in C.T. Russel's will.
05. How did Rutherford set a good example in accepting correction & counsel? Answer: By expelling and using the Watchtower magazine to demonize Canadian Branch overseer Walter Salter and WT attorney Olin Moyle for the letters they wrote him exposing the Judge's drunkenness, abuse of power, mistreatment of the Bethel family, vulgar language and his lavish lifestyle.
06. How does the current GB show that they're humble and accept correction? ANSWER: By refusing to apologize to the victims of child abuse, refusing to give authorities the names of confessed abusers in their database, refusing to change the policy of calling the legal dept first instead of the police regarding molesters in their midst, preferring to use donations from hard working kids, widows & seniors to pay out of court settlements instead of changing policy.
07. How do Circuit Overseers demonstrate modesty & humility in our day? ANSWER: By having the Congregation members pay for their comfortable apartment with cable, healthcare insurance, gas card, new car, vehicle maintenance, paid vacations and green handshakes. While at the same time giving talks condemning those that work full time (those that pay for their material benefits) by using guilt trips for not pioneering and being materialistic.
jehovah's witnesses asked to hide a one-million-euro entrepreneurial hole at a northern spain supply firm.
the cult appealed to the "peace" of the congregation to pressure the co-owners of the firm and prevent them from reporting the case to ordinary justice.. the case concerns a well-known construction supplies company based in a large northern city.
When the power of the Watchtower or it's money is not at stake, they tell anyone else to just forget about and move on. They will also use scriptures to support their "exhortation"
If it was their own money, they would get their legal team to file lawsuits so fast that your head would spin.
does the rank and file or the elders view us as disassociated or disfellowshipped or simply "weak" or possibly a "prodigal son" type?.
Inactive ones are treated with suspicion and don't expect to be invited to social gatherings. Not that any inactive one would like to be in the midst of mindless robots.
IT'S best for inactive ones to keep their mouths shut as to what they know about the history and scandals of the WT. Just respond with kindness when the elders call and let them know you're going through situations that require you to work extra or spend time with caring for the family.
Basically inactive ones are in "PURGATORY"'re not a wicked apostate but you aren't a brown nosing, die hard worshiper of the Governing Body.
controversy has arisen regarding jesus versus paul as scholars debate the different emphases and messages of jesus and paul.1 jesus preached the kingdom of heaven.
paul did not.
paul preached justification by faith alone.
Jesus did indeed contradict YHWH. The two couldn't be more different.
The OT god was very legalistic. For example killing Aarons sons for not burning the right incense. Killing a man for picking up wood on the Sabbath. Yet Jesus preached reasonableness and aplying the spirit of the law.
The OT god sanctioned killing, taking revenge on enemies, yet Jesus taught to turn the other cheek and be forgiving.
OT god said it's OK to have slaves, beat them up (as long as they don't die within 3 days) Yet Jesus preached humility.
The OT god sanctioned poligamy, kidnapping women and rape (Deut chaps 20-22) Yet Jesus preached the golden rule of doing unto others...
OT god blessed his servants with wealth yet Jesus preached a simple eye.
It is very traumatic to accept the reality that what we have been taught to believe all our lives was just fables and myths. So our confirmation bias kicks in and many dismiss or ignore the reality that the Bible and all religious scripture for that matter is the invention of imperfect men. The contradictions are too glaring.
the yearly rejection of the blood of christ aka jw memorial is coming soon.. jw's will be engaging in an invitation campaign.
elders are instructed to personally visit inactive ones or faders.
some sarcastic ideas of how to respond to the memorial invitation that will scare or piss off the cult members:.
The yearly rejection of the blood of Christ aka JW memorial is coming soon.
JW's will be engaging in an invitation campaign. Elders are instructed to personally visit inactive ones or faders. Some sarcastic ideas of how to respond to the memorial invitation that will scare or piss off the cult members:
01. Thanks for the invitation but for me, I remember the death of Jesus everyday not just once a year.
02. I feel guilty for rejecting the sacrifice of Jesus all those years by not drinking or eating of the emblems as Jesus said his followers should to have life. Will Jesus forgive me for allowing men to dictate my faith and rejecting him by just passing his body and blood instead of believing what the bible teaches? That's why I have become inactive because I feel I have been a follower of men instead of the Christ and the guilt is really bad. How can you help me? Will I be forgiven?
03. Thanks for the invite but didn't Jesus say that the memorial of his death would cease to be commemorated when he arrives? If Jesus arrived in 1914 isn't blasphemous to continue to celebrate the memorial? I'm just afraid of offending my lord and savior.
04. I will be busy that night praying for the victims of child abuse within the Organization. I will also be praying for Gerrit Losch and Geoffrey Jackson for lying to authorities in California and Australia about protecting molesters and not having anything to do with the policies of the WT. You are welcome to join me if you want?
february 13, 2017 to all bodies of elders re: memorial and special talk.
What arrogant bs!
Convey the love of the GB?!
Glorifying these delusional false prophets.