Technically speaking, you won't be dfd for having different beliefs or for disagreeing with the GB... AS LONG AS YOU KEEP THOSE BELIEFS TO YOURSELF!!! (Proclaimers p. 628)
The moment you discusss your new beliefs with anyone in the WT cult, you are "causing divisions" and will be dfd. JW facts had a c.o. write to the branch about him (Paul Grundy) and the C.O. wrote that disbelief is not a dfing offense. A former D.O. from Australia, that stopped believing in the bible and became inactive was never dfd because he never spoke to others about his beliefs or better said he never spoke bad about the WT corporation (he had posted here yrs ago).
If you really want to irritate the elders, just fade .....that way they cannot label you a mentally diseased apostate. Just stop going to meetings and stop knocking on empty doors. If anyone asks, just tell them you cannot discuss it as you will be dfd. Another option, although somewhat risky is to tell those asking that you are waiting to see if the GB will turn in the pedophile database and apologize for protecting child molesters before you return to the KH and knocking on empty doors. You can also say I'm waiting for the GB to change the belief about..........(you fill in the blank)