The Watchtower produces a culture within their cult apart from the rank and file that actually works for a living.
These ones called full time service have been told that they are special and better than the regular publishers. Pioneer parasites is what I like to call them. The vast majority of full time servants have developed a feeling of entitlement and feel that the regular publishers should help them out with gas, food and even rent.
This is especially true with those in "special full time service". These include bethelites, special pioneers, circuit overseers and missionaries. Although regular pioneers are not included in full time service as they need to support themselves, nevertheless most, not all, have also developed the feeling of entitlement. Special full time servants have signed a vow of poverty and obedience and do not work.
Special full time servants receive housing, food, healthcare, monthly stipend, personal saving act (called pea for personal expense account). All this is provided for by the regular hard working publishers that are berated at conventions and meetings for working full time.
Being a pioneer parasite living off others and the government while feeling superior to them is a sad and depressing life.