That sounds like a very typical meeting. I am so glad I don't waste my time and my energy going to those zombie classes at the Kingdom Hall anymore.
JoinedPosts by whathappened
for those of you that do'nt go to the meetings anymore you missed.......
by nowwhat? inat our service meeting we studied for half an hour on what our meetings are like!!!!
through the who is doing gods will brochure.. another letter asking for more more money!.
an 80 year old brother that was totally giddy he placed two tracts at a door!.
Overheard some JWs on the train today- going to be interesting this year
by lrkr incruising down to the city this afternoon we were behind a group of j-dubs on the train.
part of the conversation centered around the "generation" teaching.
all of them clearly trying to wrap their heads around it.
We must not give up hope that our loved ones will wise up with the multitude of doctrinal changes they are continueing to make.
Well it is time for me to say GOODBYE!!!
by mouthy init has been nice talking with you.but i seem to upset a few because of my faith.. so have a great christmas.... & be good, i wont be here to send you to your rooms .
i have grown close to many of you.... if i have ever said anything to hurt you sorry!!!!.
when i kick the bucket i am sure "mary" who ssometimes post will let you know.. mouthy grace gough.
I would not let them run me off, Granny. Don't you either. I am an atheist and the believers don't bother me. I just don't comment on threads where I don't have anything productive to add. I don't think you should leave us.
Dubbies stopped by
by rebel8 inwell just like everyone else, we were visited by 2 old ladies.
mr. rebel8 was home and it went something like, "we're on a worldwide mission and we wanted to know if we could just leave this in your door.
" so he said ok and took it (because he knew i'd have fun with it later).. the tract reads like a note i passed to a boy in 1st grade:.
Take the tract into the bathroom and use it as toilet paper next time you take a dump.
Greetings to All!! I'm Baaaaaack....
by Elders_Kid inwell it's been over a decade since i've been active here.
life got busy, had some ups and downs, but life is good!.
it looks like simon is still in charge of the place, although the look is a bit different from last time i was here.
Welcome back, Elder's Kid. Who's your Daddy???
The fiance brought in witnesses today oh joy. QUESTIONS
by OneStepOut93 inso it's been seven months since i moved out of my parents place and in with my (now) fiance.
they came to our door this morning and it's been a long time since i spoke to my parents.
i was never disfellowshipped because i was never baptized but there is still online limited contact.
If you want to have a happy life, keep away from the cult. Nothing good can come from joining a high control religious group. Your fiancé is unaware of whattheirs religion does to people. Educate him.
=( Sad... waking up my mom is going to be next to impossible
by ILoveTTATT inmy mom showed me how ferocious a mind-controlled person may be.. i started talking to her about the septuagint... i don't know at what point the conversation went wrong but she just got angry and said, "well, i trust that jehovah has kept the bible intact... i want to end this conversation"... and i said, "mom, you haven't even let me finish.
"i don't want to continue this conversation!
stop the car".
Some of our family left the organisation easily, others not. I think pride has a lot to do with it. We were taught we had the truth and were proud of that. To learn that it isn't true hurts, it hurts bad.
Planting Seeds--Plants Do Not Grow Overnight
by blondie ini see some post here that want family and friends to see ttatt immediately.. i'm a gardener, a serious one.
we make sure we put in an area that gets sun, check the soil each year, put in compost and other amendments, make sure we plant seeds compatible with the ones next to them, plant far enough apart, proper amount of water.
everything can be perfect but when i go out the day after planting...nothing has broken through yet.
I agree. It did take a long series of crazy sh#* to happen to gently wake me up. Once I made the decision to leave it did seem like it happened overnight. There was a straw that broke the camels back and that was learning the info about the history of Jehovah's Witnesses.
When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.
How trashy to shun the head of the house while under his roof. Hypocrites!
Interestingly disturbing!
by DS211 ini work in the medical field and every 2 years i need 24 hours if continuing education to stay licensed.
my deadline is coming up and i am taking the classes this week and next week.
heres the thing, i scheduled them both on sundays and ive procrastinated over this two year renewal period.
If you were a main stream Christian it would not be a problem, but Jehovah's Witnesses are a cult.