Someone posted on facebook that they said JWs are supposed to just about shun anyone who is no a JW.
Is this true? Even family members, the FB poster was saying.
so this years convention was all about:.
1) neutrality means not taking sides.
jws must not have any opinions about politics, even if it affects you or your job or your social class directly.. also .
Someone posted on facebook that they said JWs are supposed to just about shun anyone who is no a JW.
Is this true? Even family members, the FB poster was saying.
i dressed up in a hoodie, double layer so that the cameras at the kingdom hall couldn't recognize me.
i looked in the mirror up and down so i knew that the cameras, at least at the angle that i knew couldn't see my face.
i took this disassociation letter, stuck it in the envelope, labeled it, "(congregation's name...boe" by hand and sealed it.
Nicely put! Short and sweet!
my wife has left to pick someone else's bible study half an hours drive north of us to bring them to the kh 20 minutes south of us, and pick up two other people on the way.. this is the first memorial in 34 years that i won't be at the kh to "celebrate".. if i want to "remember" jesus christ sacrifice and his command to keep doing so, i'm doing so on my own terms.
not controlled by a despotic, oligarchical gobo which directs most attending folks to be there but to "skip" the very thing jesus command explicitly mentions to do.
i'm also convinced that it doesn't have to be exactly on the same lunar month evening as the jewish passover, but that "whenever" it is commemorated by someone, with faith in christ, and belief in his promises it would be best to do it not for show or for the sake of appearances but sincerely out of one's feeling of "communion".. if you are a christian believer are you going to the memorial this year?
The whole thing is un-scriptural. There is no two classes mentioned in the Bible. "One hope," remember? Clearly, from the writings, the early Christians didn't talk about some living on earth, some going to heaven. This is just another JW fabrication.
I am an atheist now. I find the whole thing ridiculous...God demanding his own son come down to earth from heaven to sacrifice his life instead of just forgiving Adam and Eve for eating fruit!!!
i am just curious.. i have a cousin who is a baptist and his church streams their sunday services and i've been checking them out before i go to meeting with my jw wife.. i haven’t been to a church except for the occasional funeral and wedding and the only sermons i had heard were the tel-evangelist type.
anyway, all the church bashing by jws over the years made me unsure what to expect and i was pleasantly surprised.
they do use the bible and they don't spend the whole time begging for money.
I have become an atheist.
my grandfather has been bleeding and the doctors suspect it could be the medication.
any way i was with my father coming out of the doctors office.
when he matter of fact told me that they wouldn't be taking him up to the hospital for a blood transfusion.
So sorry. Hope your grandfather recovers.
guys, you gotta check this out.
she explains the whole religion in a very funny way..
Very funny...very true!
update on mouthy (grace gough)this is graces granddaughter.
i wanted to send an update that today my beautiful grandmother passed away - surrounded by friends and family.
- may 22 1927 - sept 2nd 2016. mouthys_granddaughter.
Granny Grace will be missed.
all us creationists try to do is offer true evidence that the one and only god is out there watching and looking down on us.
we present that certain scientists know the truth about god and that he is everything that we see from trees, life, weather, the air we breath, and even the most simple molecules.
but of course you atheists reject it because it is your nature to not be humble and see god because you want to rule your own life.
I was a JW for the first 57 years of my life and fervently believed in the Watchtower, the Bible and Jehovah.
I am now an atheist and am a better person for it. I am not hateful at all, but even a better person. Now I no longer absolve myself of responsibility...leaving "things in Jehovah's hands.". I actively take steps to help people now!
One way to help people is by alerting them to the fact that believing in an invisible sky daddy could be a foolish notion.
Wonderful! Congratulations!
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