Great thread, whereami!
Religion has too much power. People have created a monster that threatens the continued existence of our planet.
"it really is terribly simple, .
1) models with predictive capability are of utility.
2) science is in a class of its own, a process without competitors, when it comes to its ability to form such models.. .
Great thread, whereami!
Religion has too much power. People have created a monster that threatens the continued existence of our planet.
jehovah's witnesses sue ra public televisionjanuary 15, 2011 - 11:40 amt 07:40 - the christian religious organization of jehovah's witnesses, as well as representatives of the organization submitted a claim against the public television of armenia, as well as journalists gevorg altunyan, sona torosyan, nune alexanyan to the court of general jurisdiction of kentron and nork-marash administrative districts.. director of the center of rehabilitation and aid for the victims of destructive cults alexander amaryan told a reporter that jehovahs witnesses accuse the public television of armenia of publishing and disseminating wrong information concerning their honor and dignity.. according to amaryan, court hearings will start in january.. we would like to recall that 23-year-old resident of sevan town arman torosyan, who killed his parents in november 2010, was declared a member of the organization of jehovahs witnesses.. while the organization will try to prove during the trial that the criminal is not a representatives of the organization and that similar aggressive.
behavior is not typical for the organization members..
Jehovah’s Witnesses accuse the Public Television of Armenia of “publishing and disseminating wrong information concerning their honor and dignity.”
'scuse me??? ...honor and dignity???
Since when?
Religion has far too much power. Too bad they feel they must use it to bully and maniuplate the media.
Keep sending money to the worldwide work!...someone's gotta pay them legal bills!
i think us gun laws are s-t-u-p-i-d ... and the legal system more so.
saw a very good suggestion yesterday though - force people who want to own a gun to require insurance (hey, you have to have it for a vehicle for gods sake).
single-shot hunting rifle?
So sad.
sleep eludes me.
she plays coy, then retreats, laughing as she looks back at me.
i vacate my disheveled bed with less than quiet resignation.
Hi CoCo,
Wonderful writing! You are very creative when you can't sleep. You are positively inspired!
Mr Satinka is a night owl; wandering around all night. He weight-lifts, works on his computer, takes a bath, goes for a run---all kinds of things.
Sorry to hear you are having difficulty sleeping, though. I have been there --- sporatically --- maybe a few weeks; then just as suddenly, I sleep deeply. When I do experience insomnia, I write.
Those wakeful hours make it just about impossible to get up and go to work.
funeral pickets to be met by 'angels'startclickprintexcludeendclickprintexclude by the cnn wire staff
january 11, 2011 9:04 a.m. esttucson, arizona (cnn) -- tucson just isn't that kind of town, says christin gilmer.. gilmer is referring to the actions of westboro baptist church of topeka, kansas, which has made its name protesting the funerals of people who died of aids, gay people, soldiers and even coretta scott king.. but when the church announced its intention to picket the funeral of a 9-year-old girl -- one of six people who died saturday during the attempted assassination of u.s. rep. gabrielle giffords -- gilmer and others put their feet down.. tucson is a "caring, loving, peaceful community," according to gilmer, who said two of the six people killed were friends.. "for something like this to happen in tucson was a really big shock to us all," she said.
"our nightmare happened when we saw westboro baptist church was going to picket the funerals.
*Sigh* I can't get on the old post to write what I wanted to write.
Apparently, the picketing of the funeral is being called off. It seems the church only wanted publicity. Quite a way of getting it, I say...
funeral pickets to be met by 'angels'startclickprintexcludeendclickprintexclude by the cnn wire staff
january 11, 2011 9:04 a.m. esttucson, arizona (cnn) -- tucson just isn't that kind of town, says christin gilmer.. gilmer is referring to the actions of westboro baptist church of topeka, kansas, which has made its name protesting the funerals of people who died of aids, gay people, soldiers and even coretta scott king.. but when the church announced its intention to picket the funeral of a 9-year-old girl -- one of six people who died saturday during the attempted assassination of u.s. rep. gabrielle giffords -- gilmer and others put their feet down.. tucson is a "caring, loving, peaceful community," according to gilmer, who said two of the six people killed were friends.. "for something like this to happen in tucson was a really big shock to us all," she said.
"our nightmare happened when we saw westboro baptist church was going to picket the funerals.
as i said in my earlier post, my nephew took his own life yesterday evening.
my sister is a die-hard jw and this religion is her comfort more than ever right now, so she accepts everything they throw at her.
the elders will meet this evening and decide whether they will allow a memorial service at the kh.
(((Hugs, mimimimi)))
I am so sorry for your loss.
I am sorry, too, for the heartless way the elders have treated the situation. What came to mind is the FEAR that the JW religion teaches about so many things...including demons, death and suicide....and a whole lot more. Too bad they don't realize that fear is the opposite of love. Does not 1 John 4:18 say that "perfect love throws fear outside"? Their God Jehovah is a God of fear. He wants everyone to fear him. Well, he has a group of followers who do indeed fear him --- and he feeds off of their fear. Fear is how he gains his power. The JWs are a group of fearful followers whose fear Jehovah feeds off of.
When I left the religion in 2000, I realized the only way to heal was to purge myself of all the JW beliefs that promoted fear. Just my two Canadian cents.
Donuthole, thanks for sharing your experiences about the victim. He sounds like a beautiful and thoughtful soul who just could not stand the abuse anymore --- and he perhaps did not know how to communicate that to anyone. I feel he did not die in vain. The lesson will stay behind for others to become more aware of the fearful coldness that the Jehovah's Witnesses are now becoming known for.
Again, my sincere condolances to you and yours, mimimimi,
no field service in edmonton today.
twenty centimeters of the white stuff is expected over the weekend, "double whammy to wallop edmonton.
" our deep freeze winter festival is going ahead as planned, however.. p.s.
I snow days!
2010 will go on the record as a great year for me!
in november i heard from my youngest son (a jw), who i have not heard from in 8 years (i am an exjw).
hearing from him was wonderful enough, but he added to that joy by telling me he was married (to a non-jw) and i have a grandchild.
Hi EM,
Very nice news to know your son has reached out to you in this way.
I wish you lots of family happiness, and I figure you will know how to make that work, now that you have another chance.
he was an interesting presence on this board.
he had integral knowledge about bethel and the like.
i am an emotional guy too so i can kind of relate to why he left.. but, you gotta get thick skin on the forum.
Not everyone is who they might appear to be on the worldwide web, most unfortunately. Posters posing as men might be women, for example, but that is the least "threatening" of possible scenarios. I wonder when people pm me for information, if it is an elder from an old congregation fishing to see if I am someone they might know, for another example. I figure there are many jws on the forum just "fishing" for information about people in their congregations. If they indeed do find congregation members posting, how safe are the members after that?
Or, what if bethel sends out differing letter content to different congregation elders, to see what information gets leaked onto the forum? Bethel could trace the information back to the source of the leak, could they not? Spying and counter-spying even on their own trusted elders...?
I wonder if Bethel keeps lists of disfellowshipped names. I'm sure they do, and I'm sure they fish for information right here on this forum.
If you can't afford to be without your resource books and literature, please don't let them out of your possession. That is my best advice.
Maybe I'm paranoid, but I had to say it. It's one good thing my apostate father taught me... that appearances can be deceiving.