I have to keep explaining that I am still in healing mode and it is important to question myself... and learn who I really am...view myself through my own eyes, instead of how the WT sees me.
It's about finding my own identity.
most people in my life that know how frequent i post on this forum find it very troubling.
i have often been accused of "not being able to let go.
" i don't agree that i post here because i'm not willing to let go, i think i post here because i think this place helps other people and i want to be part of it.
I have to keep explaining that I am still in healing mode and it is important to question myself... and learn who I really am...view myself through my own eyes, instead of how the WT sees me.
It's about finding my own identity.
Lots of people choose not to choose --- out of fear of choosing. The fear paralyzes them. After all, fear is a paralyser.
That's one reason for sheeple to stay in cults. Then elders can make their choices for them.
just this past week i went to see a jbub relative that was in the hospital.
there was an elder there from her hall.
he was probably there for support but also to make sure no blood was used.
How dare he step into your yard, then shun you!
Where is the respect?!?! JWs have no sense of "boundaries" I have noticed.
i think i am but am not exactly sure what it means..
Interesting theory, Terry. And I certainly agree that we have to reframe our definitions until we can re-situate ourselves in a healthier new environment upon exiting the jws. If we kept their mindset, we would surely self-destruct.
However, I still consider myself spiritual. The best way I can explain why ... is something I blogged about http://hey-whichwayisup.blogspot.com/2011/03/kindness-of-stranger.html. I was feeling really bummed out about my brother and my two children who shun me, until I viewed it from a "spiritual" standpoint. Once I realized the "spiritual" implications about the kindness of a stranger shown toward me, the entire event taught me a valuable "spiritual" lesson. Without my new --- what I call a "spiritual" perception, I would have continued feeling down.
my jaw is on the floor.
after many years my youtube video about jehovah's witnesses and mind control has been taken off the internet.
here is what the page says.
Lady Lee,
Are the predators that are following you around ...whoever... JWs???
'cuz if they are jw...aren't they supposed to be shunning you instead of harrassing you?
JWs without morals... Guess it takes all kinds.
Anyway...I sure hope to hear you are mobile again shortly!
im just curious about a couple things:.
1. most of you seem to be pretty satisfied that you left the the witness world but now that your gone what drives you now?
what makes you excited about life?
You are here breaking the elder rules about associating with "sinners" as defined by your elders.
You know the scripture about judging. "As you judge others, so you will be judged."
This forum is my "sacred space" --- You being here is the same thing as my ex-husband walking in on my therapy session and "should"-ing on me.
Many folks here have a lot of anger --- and the anger is valid because of the way the religion has treated them.
my jaw is on the floor.
after many years my youtube video about jehovah's witnesses and mind control has been taken off the internet.
here is what the page says.
Lady Lee,
I watched the three videos you posted. They are truly wonderful!
I did not hear you say you were a therapist; in fact, I heard you say you went to a therapist who had no comprehension what you had been through in the cult. I, too have been to many therapists and most of them were wasting my time. I did find a few good ones, thankfully.
I can't see YouTube taking down the video --- unless someone at YouTube is a JW---or else got paid by the WT to take it down.
I feel sure that one day all their deception will come out in the open.
It doesn't matter how many web sites and YouTubes they take down, it only serves to cause another stir. The JWs are only drawing undue attention to themselves. They are afraid of us "Apostates" now because we have grown in number and we are making a lot of noise! And its getting louder, too!
Anyway, Lady Lee...keep up your good work! It is a very important work you are doing...
my jaw is on the floor.
after many years my youtube video about jehovah's witnesses and mind control has been taken off the internet.
here is what the page says.
Overzealous jws fighting for more freedom...?
What about your freedom to speak? Your freedom is just as valid as the freedom of a fanatical religion!
Geez, that sounds twisted.
im just curious about a couple things:.
1. most of you seem to be pretty satisfied that you left the the witness world but now that your gone what drives you now?
what makes you excited about life?
deservingone26 wrote:
the witness world gives you a structure
On the outside of the organization we re-learn to structure our lives. The JWs are not the only ones in the world with structure. Believing that is part of the JW brainwash.
some people look at the world and see nothing but bad so they join in with the bad
Just because we left the JW organization, does not mean that we automatically join in with the bad. That is more JW brainwash. All my new friends are honest, hard-working, and beautiful souls.
they get involved in different acts of crime, sexual acts, harm against there body (drugs,alcohol and many other things)
When I was a jw, I knew people in the congregation who practice what you described in the above sentence. Open your eyes, you will see it, too, if you look past the brainwash. The elders would have everyone believe that when members leave they become degraded and demonized. Open your mind just a crack, okay?
You honestly dont believe that if maybe they had been introduced to god, example to jehovahs witnesses that maybe they would have thought twice,
Being "introduced to god" is not the same as being introduced to Jehovah's Witnesses (humans). The JWs have placed the human elders and the society on a pedestal. The word of the elders is law that surpasses what the Bible states. It seems to me that you are confusing god with humans. If the human elders are reflecting god's qualities, then your god is a cruel and vicious persecutor. Who could love a god like that?
i personally would rather tell them that god is your creator and he does have a purpose for you!
Being a magazine and book peddler is purposeful??? The JWs are being "used" by a book publishing company. Looking back, I was a free marketing system for the jws.
my youngest brother is the family jw patriarch, and an elder, maybe even the po in a small northern town.
in an email i asked him if he ever hears from my kids.
i happen to know he lives in the same small town as my son, who might very well be an elder, too...by now.
I received this letter after my mom, who was disfellowshipped at the time, came to visit me when I lived in Saskatchewan. She lived in a small community in Manitoba. The congregation was viciously shunning her and I swore that since she was my mom, I would never do such a beastly thing. A week after her visit, I received this letter, typed, errors and all as received:
Aug 20/85
Dear [XXX]:
I'am writing you in regards to the visit of your Mother and [my youngest brother] in July/85.
I would like to inform you that one who is disfellowshipped should not have fellowship with anyone in Jehovah's organization including relatives who are in the truth, not even eating with such a person. (1Cor. 5:11).
This incident has somewhat confused [my two younger brothers named] (not yet baptised) as the [Surname] family had to be counsilled by the elders for the same reason as we all know Jehovah does not have two sets of standards.
As for information on this matter of disfellowshiped relatives please refer to Sept 15/83 WT pages 26-30.
Naturally this poses a major test on you as well as [my two younger brothers named] and the rest of the family.
However, association with a disfellowshiped person whether a relative or any other member of the Cristian congation is not going to help that one repent of his wrong doing.
One who is disfellowshiped receives disipline from Jehovah through his Theocratic Organization. (Heb 12:5&11).
If a disfellowshiped person shows proof of sincere repentance he then can be helped to have Jehovah's favor.
It may be [my name] you have forgotten about this information in Sept 15/83 page 26-30 Watchtoer. It would be good to look it over, so as to help you reason on this important matter.
I was priviledged to go over this article with the boys to help them understand that it is not an easy thing to take ones stand on this matter but it is a test of our loyalty to Jehovah.
In conclution, I would like to commend you [my name] for the spirtual progress you and your family have made since you moved from [location]. Please accept our Theocratic love for you and your family, hope to drop in and see you all sometime if circumstances permit.
Yours with Christian Love,
[Elder Signature]
Correct me if I am wrong, but as far as I can tell, I think this elder meant 1981, not 1983.
While he did not say the words, "stop associating with your mom or you will get disfellowshipped," I felt that the implication was there. Everyone in the congregation "knew" that the standard for treating disfellowshipped ones was to shun them, even if it was my mother. Apparently, it was a big sin for me to invite my mother for a visit because I wasn't even supposed to eat with her.
Your comments are welcome...