Lights Out,
Bro Cunningham let your father not trying to "save" you!
i'm still a semi member of the kh but not at all active and have major doubts when i started reading all kinds of opposing literature.
talked to elders about this and also my father but my father but he still believes it's the "truth".
anyways jist of this story is i gave my father a copy of "crisis of conscience".
Lights Out,
Bro Cunningham let your father not trying to "save" you!
*sigh* i have been noticing lately there are a number of groups of "christians" signing up as members of this forum, with the obvious agenda of gaining converts for their own cult-like religions.
i have been wondering things like:.
hmmm...maybe i'll try ignoring them.. thank you simon for the space to vent.. satinka.
godrulz wrote:
It seems there is an anti-Christian spirit here. People also did not like Jesus, the Son of God, perfect Teacher. The problem is with our hearts and minds, not the truth of God.
I am at the point where I seriously doubt that Jesus would call himself a Christian. Jesus had genuine love --- from his heart --- for everyone.
Do you seriously think Jesus would judge another human like what I am seeing here.
i don't post a ton here because i'm kinda shy.
that's the amazon link (which is currently the most affordable, i believe, but it's also available for preorder at b&n, borders, indiebound, and indigo-chapters if you're in canada, if you prefer one of those retailers).. .
You did it! I'm so proud of you on getting your book published!
I ordered a copy and can hardly wait till it gets here.
*sigh* i have been noticing lately there are a number of groups of "christians" signing up as members of this forum, with the obvious agenda of gaining converts for their own cult-like religions.
i have been wondering things like:.
hmmm...maybe i'll try ignoring them.. thank you simon for the space to vent.. satinka.
jgnat wrote:
I apologize, satinka, in advance. I'll give my grouchy anwer. What agenda? To heal you "right" of course.
jgnat... You? Grouchy? I see you as a truly loving soul.
And I don't see you as a stranger.
Which brings me religious strangers know what is "right" for me?
*sigh* i have been noticing lately there are a number of groups of "christians" signing up as members of this forum, with the obvious agenda of gaining converts for their own cult-like religions.
i have been wondering things like:.
hmmm...maybe i'll try ignoring them.. thank you simon for the space to vent.. satinka.
One's physical appearance does not matter because all souls are beautiful.
One's self-perception however DOES matter, especially when projected onto someone else.
Self-perception, when coming from a place of love is authentic. ...Coming from ego is not, and others will sense a lack of love. The "sense" may be perceived as an "agenda" or "motive."
Back to the questions of the original post. What "agenda" or "motive" do religions (who do not have an ex-jw experience) have for visiting this "healing space"?
*sigh* i have been noticing lately there are a number of groups of "christians" signing up as members of this forum, with the obvious agenda of gaining converts for their own cult-like religions.
i have been wondering things like:.
hmmm...maybe i'll try ignoring them.. thank you simon for the space to vent.. satinka.
Jesus is love incarnate. Those who know Him should be experts on love.
This...coming from someone who thinks of himself as fat and ugly---Is this a person who is an expert on love?
Jesus may very well be loving, but what does that have to do with unloving, harsh, judgmental religion?
*sigh* i have been noticing lately there are a number of groups of "christians" signing up as members of this forum, with the obvious agenda of gaining converts for their own cult-like religions.
i have been wondering things like:.
hmmm...maybe i'll try ignoring them.. thank you simon for the space to vent.. satinka.
Speak the truth in love.
My point is if one does not know how to love the self, one is also incapable of loving others. Love is foreign to one who does not love.
The lack of love is not the fault of such a one.
Has not religion withheld such vital knowledge about how love operates?
*sigh* i have been noticing lately there are a number of groups of "christians" signing up as members of this forum, with the obvious agenda of gaining converts for their own cult-like religions.
i have been wondering things like:.
hmmm...maybe i'll try ignoring them.. thank you simon for the space to vent.. satinka.
godrulz stated:
I already know I am fat and ugly.
Perhaps this statement explains why he is harsh with people on this forum. ...He is harsh with himself!
Godrulz, have you ever thought about loving your Self first? Then it would be easy for you to find love for others. Matthew 5:6 says, "Happy are those hungering and thirsting for righteousness, since they will be filled." What religion fails to explain is it is not possible to help others from an empty cup. Take for example, when on an airplane and you hear the spiel about what to do in an emergency. The instructions are to put the oxygen mask over your own face first; then you will be able to help your child or someone else in need. If you are the one without the oxygen mask, you will die.
The point is, we cannot serve another if our own cup is empty. If, on the other hand, your cup is filled to overflowing, then you will not deplete yourself when extending a hand to help another.
To religious patriarchs I would ask the question, "Why did I NEVER hear this little-known explanation when I was a member of the JW-christian flock?" It was considered "selfish" if we thought of ourself first. I don't believe that any more.
Food for thought...
*sigh* i have been noticing lately there are a number of groups of "christians" signing up as members of this forum, with the obvious agenda of gaining converts for their own cult-like religions.
i have been wondering things like:.
hmmm...maybe i'll try ignoring them.. thank you simon for the space to vent.. satinka. now you can read my heart...?
*sigh* i have been noticing lately there are a number of groups of "christians" signing up as members of this forum, with the obvious agenda of gaining converts for their own cult-like religions.
i have been wondering things like:.
hmmm...maybe i'll try ignoring them.. thank you simon for the space to vent.. satinka.
SweetBabyCheezits said:
I view you as extremely arrogant. Your pride in your faith is a shortcoming, just like that of JWs.
I could not have said it better! Here is yet another similarity to the JWs... which happens to repel me.
Well put, designs, when you said:
'Hell flows from the love of God'....................... ok
Punishing belief systems from a punishing gawd. What I've seen on this thread.... makes it harder and harder to believe in Christianity. It seems so convoluted I can't imagine whatever attracted me to it. Oh yeah... maybe I was never really attracted to it. After all, I was born into it. Now I have lots of good reasons to leave and never look back.
Thanks for sharing your ... wisdom beliefs ... christians-shmistians!
It has helped me a lot!!! 'bu-bye!!!