The Life of Brian
okay,hittin the wall now.the downs are more common than the up days at this early point.i read about post cult trauma syndrome, so i understand now why i feel numb, then angry,then weepy all in a nanosecond, like i'm gazing out of a fishbowl at a distorted world,why i'm having nightmares about congregation members.why my brain feels like a fried egg.why i want to run back to the only life i've known for 20 years, even though the thought of stepping foot inside of a kingdom hall causes me to panic.. sooo, can anyone recommend any good movies to rent to help me process some of this?.
i watched matrix twice,after i saw it mentioned on the discussion!how's funny-i watched this movie while still a wavering dub and it disturbed i know why.. i also like chocolat, the scarlet letter (i'm sending my da letter in a red envelope hehe), and the wall(plan to rent this again ).. i'm reading 1984.. i know i probably shouldn't be so focused on this-i need to start getting out there and finding the positive,and some days i manage to do that, but right now i seem to have a need to try and make sense of it all.. any more suggestions?.
The Life of Brian
okay,hittin the wall now.the downs are more common than the up days at this early point.i read about post cult trauma syndrome, so i understand now why i feel numb, then angry,then weepy all in a nanosecond, like i'm gazing out of a fishbowl at a distorted world,why i'm having nightmares about congregation members.why my brain feels like a fried egg.why i want to run back to the only life i've known for 20 years, even though the thought of stepping foot inside of a kingdom hall causes me to panic.. sooo, can anyone recommend any good movies to rent to help me process some of this?.
i watched matrix twice,after i saw it mentioned on the discussion!how's funny-i watched this movie while still a wavering dub and it disturbed i know why.. i also like chocolat, the scarlet letter (i'm sending my da letter in a red envelope hehe), and the wall(plan to rent this again ).. i'm reading 1984.. i know i probably shouldn't be so focused on this-i need to start getting out there and finding the positive,and some days i manage to do that, but right now i seem to have a need to try and make sense of it all.. any more suggestions?.
I hope no one minds if I resurrect this thread.
It's a good one! Great movies to help unravel the numbing mind control of the JWs.
i would like to hear people's opinions on intolerant religious groups?
who wins?.
somehow, i have this notion that pentecostals would win 1st place, followed by baptists, followed by jw's.
NewChapter wrote:
Some religions attract more extremists than others. JW's don't recognize any other religion as being valid, but they aren't likely to get violent.
JWs are "extremists" in another way. What about the extreme practice of shunning that results in suicide? Getting "cut off" from your family and friends in a second is based on the scripture in Liviticus 24 which talks about stoning of Apostates. JWs take that to mean you must treat Apostates as dead. Maybe not in a literal way do the JWs kill, but the result might be the same namely, suicide. Could the JWs not be viewed as "blood guilty" for their unwarranted judgment? I say "unwarranted" because no human has the right to judge another. The result of "shunning" is (sometimes) violent death because of religious action.
taken from the watchtower media website today:.
maybe im reading this wrong!!!.
Did the WT almost go bust? you ask...
Not yet, but it will!
this is a sickening one sided article in a florida newspaper.. i call upon all of you to please post a comment and state the real facts ..
Sounds like a commercial.
i was inspired by a recent thread i know i aint gunna crumble the wt, but a girl can dream to look at the effect we as individuals are having on the watchtower society.. 3dogs1husband quoted a story to show that even helping only one person is worth it.. it is encouraging to note that the one person you may have helped has lead to millions being helped, due to the power of compounding growth.. compounding growth is well illustrated by the rice on a chessboard problem.
if you start with 1 grain of rice on square one, and double it to 2 on the second, 4 on the third, 8 on the fourth, by the last (64th) square there would be 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 grains of rice.. likewise, if you help one person out of the grip of the watchtower this year, then next year you help one more and they help one, in a few years that is going to have a formidable result on the number of jehovahs witnesses.
look at the following statistics.
Love the charts, jwfacts! Thanks for the great research.
Indeed, the jws were off with their projections.
Reading this thread reminded me of what the elders used to say to justify erecting all those quick-build kingdom halls. Something to the effect that, "The day is coming when people will be arriving in droves to the kingdom halls, so we have to be ready for the crowds!"
Anybody else remember this?
i would like to hear people's opinions on intolerant religious groups?
who wins?.
somehow, i have this notion that pentecostals would win 1st place, followed by baptists, followed by jw's.
All patriarchal religions are dangerous because they downgrade women.
I look forward to a time when religions no longer exist. People's consciences will guide them in a healthy way, without religion.
Only spirituality shall remain.
muslim youth in senegal, africa, encouraged to march in protest against what they considered as "acts of aggression against their faith", burn a kh in the senegalese capital.
the kh was targeted because of jw proselytizing, literature distribution and "handing out crosses".. link contains citations.
Something is not adding up with these stories. Crosses? Alcohol and a bar? Hmmm...
Cult against cult for sure. has another version of the story:
Senegalese Youths Burn Church, Destroy Bar by The Associated Press
DAKAR, Senegal June 27, 2011, 03:34 am ET Hundreds of Muslim protesters descended on a Jehovah's Witness temple and a bar in a conservative Muslim neighborhood of the Senegalese capital on Sunday, setting the buildings on fire in a rare instance of religious extremism in the predominantly Muslim nation.
Thierno Mbeugne, spokesman for the local imam association, said the head imam in the conservative Yoff district of Dakar had asked the youths to march on Sunday against what they considered "acts of aggression against their faith." They were targeting the temple because they claim its members were proselytizing, and the bar because it was selling alcohol.
He said the Islamic religious leaders did not endorse the violence, "but they do think that the youths were right" to destroy the church and the bar.
One of the rioters Mame Faye, 24, explained that the mob set upon the temple while churchgoers were praying inside before setting upon the bar.
Other witnesses, however, said that the hundreds of protesters burst into the establishment and began drinking the cans of beer. They then stripped the building, making off with the refrigerator, the air conditioners and the furniture. Then they set it on fire.
A doctor who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the press said his clinic had treated 37 people, including several wounded police officers. One had a stab wound. The police used tear gas to disperse the crowd.
Mbeugne claimed that the head of the temple had been actively trying to convert locals. He said that under the cover of teaching English, she had started handing out crosses and Jehovah's Witness literature.
With both patriarchal religions claiming to be "moderate"...I wonder what is really going on?
to me...the following story exemplifies why freedom of speech is so important.
people should be exposed to differing ideas & beliefs for their own good.. my comment is highlighted below, it's funny, sad & i realize...not representative of most christians.
(most, i believe will think about it, but, not act on it) .
LOL!!! It seems athiests know about peace... and Christians don't!
so, i am getting ready to move across the state.
we bought a home there, and have taken a couple of loads over, with the main move being this next week.
i went over this last week cause i wanted to paint the kitchen and dining room before we moved in (a lot easier to do without grandkids and dogs under foot).. anyway... here i am painting away when there is a knock on the door.
Dear such and such Kingdom Hall. Two women from your organization visited my home today. I was extremely busy painting and told them no thank you, but they continued the conversation. I disagreed with something they said and they called me an apostate. I don't even know what that means or why they would call me names, but could you please advise your followers that if they continue to come to my door and call me names, I will have to notify the police. Should I expect further abuse in my new home?
Good letter!
It seems to me JWs are extremely afraid of us! And why wouldn't they be? Their god teaches FEAR!