They are in agony only if they have a conscience.
with every passing magazine and assembly, i ask myself, why?.
why does the governing body care?
the diatribes against college, against the internet and i-phones and vampire movies and afterschool sports and social networks and everything new, interesting or useful in the world, why?
They are in agony only if they have a conscience.
Welcome Johny!
i am a new member to this forum, but i have visited for years.
i am curious to know why my name would remain as an active member, even though i haven't attended services for the past (i guess) 4 years or longer.
i am still in contact with a few members off and on, but i am really focusing on pursuing interest that i've put off for a long time (attending college).
The elders appointed by gawd lost track of your status, stormy!
any of us who were jw's fell for one kind of fraud.
(faithful and discreet slave/governing body).
we were perfectly sincere.
Crop circles – geometric designs of crushed or knocked-over crops created in a field.
My son and his friends made several near Lethbridge once. The elders told us to keep it quiet and not go to the authorities. Incredible amount of $$$ gets spent on these investigations! (scroll down to Lethbridge)
Sudbury, Ontario, STAR, 4 September 1991, page A4
Crop circles defy any explanation
LETHBRIDGE, Alta. (CP) - The mystery is growing as peculiar circle patterns continue to turn up in southern Alberta crop fields with no apparent cause.
Two new sites of crop circles were discovered near the city of Lethbridge over the weekend.
One site was discovered near an animal disease research institute about five kilometres west of the city Saturday.
Three circles were then found on a farm Sunday, with connecting pathways, about three kilometres southeast of the site discovered Saturday.
Farmer Jenny Skinner said a man combining a wheat field she leases from the city came upon the circles - two of them four metres in diameter, and a third, two-metre circle - all connected by narrow trails.
"It makes me nervous," Skinner said Tuesday. "I don't think I want to be alone out here at night any more. We've farmed this land since 1960 and we've never seen anything like this."
"Sometimes you'll find a spot where a deer has lain down, and you can see the footprints, but that's completely different."
That makes four crop-circle sites which have turned up in southern Alberta in the last few weeks. The first, on Aug. 21, was in a wheat field just north of the Lethbridge city limit.
Gordon Kijek, director of a UFO study group based in Edmonton, investigated the north Lethbridge site and a subsequent finding a few days later of larger circles near Okotoks, a community about 20 kilometres south of Calgary.
He said samples of grain and earth taken from the first two sites are being tested by Alberta Agriculture and a UFO research facility in Winnipeg.
He said several people who visited the north Lethbridge site reported headaches afterward, but added he didn't experience such problems.
Courtesy of my son and his JW friends. I'm soooo proud'a my boy!
during sunday's program of the dc..."donations" came up and there was mention of using "debit and credit cards" wow!....
so i started thinking... we have an assembly hall in our town?
10 mins from where we have our conventions.
Got to keep the $$$ flowing to the Society TM
Take some dance lessons!
Our passion is Argentine Tango
i retired in the middle of may.. i know many of you would love to have endless free time on your hands too.. right?.
ummm, well..... i'm use to being very active.
i use to stand on my feet eight hours a day.. at the bookstore i'd have to squat, stoop, stretch, lift, walk.. i had to sort, answer question, make change.
Terry, just my two cents, but you might want to get a life. Unless you are obsessed with cult-dabbling, you might want to leave well enough alone.
Instead, you might want to look at organizations or groups that you are passionate about and then do some volunteer work.
sooooooooooooooooooooo would i be right in assuming that the sitting at the back of the hall, no contact, no answering mean that the spirituality of the congregation is not that strong?.
to me it would seem that elders are scared that a disfellowshipped person is more strong in reasoning and knowledge than the rank and file of the congregation.. i wonder how many elders are "infected" by the disfellowshipped person but are so caught up in being an under lord they just carry on?
i wonder how many within the congreation are sick of elders throwing people out for free thinking?.
Disfellowshipping is meant to break your spirit. Your independent spirit... your ability to think for yourself.
whenever a newbie signs heart skips a beat.
i wonder if it might be my son?
my daughter?
I agree, mrquik...its all good news to me!
ahh, I see... or not... A disappearing act.