Hi beksbks/Berengaria, Comatose and clarity from the other thread at http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/267793/1/Looking-for-beksbks-or-Simon-or-moderator#.UpVgdOL9woM
beksbks/Berengaria wrote,
Anyone remember a story being written by a poster here. A woman, and she spoke of her youth, her father buring down the house, etc?? I would love to read that again, or read the next installment if there is one...This lady was writing a book.
I can't believe I never saw this thread for me from four years ago. I guess I have not posted that much lately. Don't hesitate to PM me, as I do check my messages every time I log in.
Comatose, thanks for your kind words and I'm excited to know of all the interest in the story.
Clarity wrote:
Found those first chapters of your book & now am waiting to read more, good stuff! Omg what a "father" you had!!! Anyway, Satinka, Simon was refining some of the many posts(?) on here a few weeks ago ........ maybe that is what happened to your stuff. I'll try to find it!
Clarity, thanks for letting me know about the "refining" Simon was doing. It helps explain the weirdness. I had a post about my name change, but I don't see it in my posts anymore. Basically, the name ESTEE was a pet name given by a JW friend I knew when I was JW. I call her Gabi in my book.
Also, for anyone local in the lower mainland of Vancouver, my book is available at Reflections Books, so that is one way out of the shipping charges. It is not available as an eBook.
The book has grown to 368 pages and 43 chapters and talks about my entire life growing up and being a mind-controlled JW, until I left the religion in the year 2000 via disfellowshipping---and beyond. The df'ing truly was a door opening to freedom! And the door wasn't even locked! How good is that!
I know I've said it before, but I have to say it again: I couldn't have done this writing without the support of JWN and I truly appreciate this forum. To me it was a lifesaver. When my mom was df'd a generation before me, she had no one. And she lived in a small gossipy town.
And NO, I did not put smiley faces in my book!
I love you all