Please do your own research, if you're an exjw. Spoon-feeding days are over.
just recently there have been calls from heavyweight statesmen to set up a new global authority to tackle the covid-19 pandemic and the economic crisis it creates.they are henry kissinger, former uk primeministers gordon brown and tony blair.former prime minister of uk, tony blair is fervently advising governments around the world how to get the corona virus under control and how to restart the economy after the lockdown.
he is running tony blair institute for global changeon its webpage we can learn about his work with this: ... t-covid-19"create one crisis-management centre.
governments should have already repositioned themselves towards crisis management.
Please do your own research, if you're an exjw. Spoon-feeding days are over.
just recently there have been calls from heavyweight statesmen to set up a new global authority to tackle the covid-19 pandemic and the economic crisis it creates.they are henry kissinger, former uk primeministers gordon brown and tony blair.former prime minister of uk, tony blair is fervently advising governments around the world how to get the corona virus under control and how to restart the economy after the lockdown.
he is running tony blair institute for global changeon its webpage we can learn about his work with this: ... t-covid-19"create one crisis-management centre.
governments should have already repositioned themselves towards crisis management.
I see you are very knowledgeable on the issue. Please itemize the science flaws that makes "that guy" (which guy?) a charlatan. Please enlighten me, because I'm no expert. My tinfoil hat still sits proudly atop my head. I'm counting on your wisdom.
Much appreciated.
just recently there have been calls from heavyweight statesmen to set up a new global authority to tackle the covid-19 pandemic and the economic crisis it creates.they are henry kissinger, former uk primeministers gordon brown and tony blair.former prime minister of uk, tony blair is fervently advising governments around the world how to get the corona virus under control and how to restart the economy after the lockdown.
he is running tony blair institute for global changeon its webpage we can learn about his work with this: ... t-covid-19"create one crisis-management centre.
governments should have already repositioned themselves towards crisis management.
I don't believe in any religion, especially the JWs. But JWs did know about the NWO. I used to hear that expression almost every meeting, when I used to attend JW meetings.
I figure the COVID is a global false flag to force people into calling on the global government. Bill Gates (not elected, nor a doctor) wants to keep people quarantined at home until everyone is vaccinated and chipped. Chipped, like we're no longer human, but computerized??? This seems really Orwellian to me. After leaving JW, no one is going to control me again.
Whatever happened to the common flu this year?
I've been looking at alternate explanations for "COVID" and one explanation that makes more sense than some mystery virus, is a science term called exozomes. Researcher Sayer Ji video:
Also, there is a patent:
which suggests it was made up in a lab to frighten humanity into submission.
Your comments?
2020-04-addendum letter..
2020-04 shepherd the flock of god elder manual.
Wonderful addition to my 2ions Watchtower library!
Thanks to all our beloved whistleblowers!
so funny, the guys from "what's up watchtower" join susan gaskin for a round-up of the crazy goings on in the jw/exjw world over the last year.
at 34.00 mins the discussion about the naked, tripped out "car group"who were busted attempting to save their neighbours from an imminent armageddon had me in stitches.
Too funny!
i resigned from the jw's in my 20's over 30 years ago, i was immediately shunned by my entire family and it's remained that way with a few exceptions ever since.
one of those exceptions was being contacted by a cousin a few years back and during that conversation i discovered that my mother had been and still was the prime mover in my complete and continuing shunning.
i then used what contacts i had left to confirm it.
@Gemmel "Jayhoover provides" so let him do the providing. Your alienated family just needs to pray more, read their Bible more, and go in service more. I'm sure their "loving international brotherhood" will help out most generously, now that help is needed.
Karma's a bitch!
i'm a member on jw talk (until now at least) and have been regularly checking up on their thread regarding the annual meeting.
there hasn't been a great deal to report on except for this recent post that has been made.
i may get outed but that's no loss.
What if the "north" has a metaphysical kind of meaning? I did an Internet search. What do you think, anyone?
I will say to the north, Give; and to the south, Keep not back; bring My sons from far, and My daughters from the end of the earth (Isaiah 43:6);
"the north" denotes those who are in ignorance; "the south" those who are in knowledges; "sons" truths; and "daughters" goods. Again:--
If thou draw out thy soul to the hungry, and satisfy the afflicted soul, then shall thy light rise in the darkness, and thy thick darkness as the noonday (or south-meridies) (Isaiah 58:10);
to "draw out the soul to the hungry and to satisfy the afflicted soul," denotes the goods of charity in general; the "light rising in the darkness," means that they shall have the intelligence of truth; and "the thick darkness as the south," means that they shall have the wisdom of good; "the south," from its heat, signifies good, and from its light, truth.
[3] In Ezekiel:--
In the visions of God brought He me into the land of Israel, and set me upon a very high mountain, whereon was as it were the building of a city on the south (Ezekiel 40:2)
concerning the New Jerusalem, or the Lord's kingdom, which, because it is in the light of wisdom and intelligence, is "on the south." In David:--
Jehovah shall bring forth thy righteousness as the light, and thy judgment as the noonday (Ps. 37:6).
Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror of the night, for the arrow that flieth by day, for the pestilence that walketh in the thick darkness, for the destruction that wasteth at noonday (or in the south) (Ps. 91:6, 6);
"not to fear for the destruction that wasteth in the south," means not to be afraid because of the damnation which comes upon those who are in knowledges and pervert them. In Ezekiel:--
Son of man, set thy face toward the south, and drop (thy word) to the south, and prophesy to the forest of the field of the south, and say to the forest of the south, All faces from the south to the north shall be burned in her (Ezekiel 20:46, 47);
"the forest of the south," denotes those who are in the light of truths, and who extinguish it, and thus those of this character who are within the church.Like,
7 years ago i had my last conversation with the toxic jw that mostly raised me.
every conversation was toxic for my entire adult life with her.
the last time we spoke was right before the memorial 7 years ago and she was laying on the usual heavy guilt and fear mongering about how jeho counts his people at the memorial.
When I discovered the lies and slander going on behind my back in 2000 after being DFd, I just silently made plans to move away to a new province. From Saskatchewan to British Columbia in Canada. I stopped by to see my daughter who lived in Vancouver and her words were: "I thought I told you never to speak to me again!" and I replied, "Sweety, that religion teaches conditional love." We haven't spoken to each other since.
It took about twelve years before my jdub brother, an elder, called to see if he could visit. We met in a restaurant. I didn't want him at my home. We didn't talk religion, just mindless stuff. He didn't tell me one important thing: that my son and his wife had a baby and I was a grandma. How evil do you have to be to treat your own sister that way?
But karma is a cruel taskmaster.They were out camping and something went off the rails. His wife took their two daughters, called a cab, and caught a flight home. By the time bro/elder got home, she had a restraining order put on him and changed the locks on the house. I don't know the details of what happened. No one will say, but his wife is now divorcing him.
i was doing research on the political powers in the u.s. and what exactly was the drive, goals, and ambitions between the different parties.
i stumbled upon information regarding the illuminati/rothchild family having great power throughout the world with different parties and the rothchild's goal to have a new world order from hundreds of years back and how they were involved in satanic worship.
it was interesting to see that c.t.
@JakeM2012 The link you provided is full of ads.
i was doing research on the political powers in the u.s. and what exactly was the drive, goals, and ambitions between the different parties.
i stumbled upon information regarding the illuminati/rothchild family having great power throughout the world with different parties and the rothchild's goal to have a new world order from hundreds of years back and how they were involved in satanic worship.
it was interesting to see that c.t.
Hi there, I see you know something about the Russel/Rothschild connection. I've been following Mike & Kim's video channel where an interesting conversation arose about a letter written by Pastor Russel to Rothschild. I wonder if you might have a pdf version of the letter discussed at
If you don't, do you know someone who might have such a letter?
Thanks, much appreciated,
satinka (aka: Esther)