If you guys haven't had a chance to watch any of these videos, I think they are very well produced and valuable. Definitely take a look when you get a chance:
Here is a sample:
if you guys haven't had a chance to watch any of these videos, i think they are very well produced and valuable.
definitely take a look when you get a chance:.
If you guys haven't had a chance to watch any of these videos, I think they are very well produced and valuable. Definitely take a look when you get a chance:
Here is a sample:
i found this video posted on facebook.
it should also be on freeminds.org and freedomofmind.com .. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_tu5o_webs.
why i know the world is flat.
by iamani diot.
the world is flat.
Good work, SIAM. Hope all is well.
yesterday was my oldest son's 21st birthday.
as many of you know, i've been disfellowshipped for over 3 years now.
in the spring of this year i did write to the local boe and request my disfellowshipping be rescinded.
Try again!
yesterday was my oldest son's 21st birthday.
as many of you know, i've been disfellowshipped for over 3 years now.
in the spring of this year i did write to the local boe and request my disfellowshipping be rescinded.
@00DAD, you have a PM.
is anyone here in contact with this poster?
i had always enjoyed his posts and it has been six months since his last.
i hope he is well.
Is anyone here in contact with this poster? I had always enjoyed his posts and it has been six months since his last. I hope he is well.
yesterday was my oldest son's 21st birthday.
as many of you know, i've been disfellowshipped for over 3 years now.
in the spring of this year i did write to the local boe and request my disfellowshipping be rescinded.
I was born in, 00DAD. Like many here, there were several small pieces that came together to bring me out of my mentally captive state. It was a combination between college education, positive examples of nonJW friends, and illogical doctrine that never quite set right with me. All of it came to a head when I found out I was going to be a father and would need to teach that bullshit to my kids.
I did have contact with nonJW family members while still in, but they were honestly of no help until after I had already quit going. I never felt comfortable confiding in them since we had always had such a dysfunctional relationship.
My biggest help came from a coworker and a friend who left slightly before I did. It was purely coincidental that we both left, but it has been great to have him to confide in. There have also been a few members of this forum that I have been in contact with privately that were a huge help.
I would suggest that you physcially go to your son's house, if you think you can muster up the nerve to get rejected. Forcing him to recognize that it is a real living person, his own loving father, that he is rejecting would have deep emotional impact on him. It's possible that it will make him angry, but it could create just the right amount of congnative dissonance in him to crack his armour.
yesterday was my oldest son's 21st birthday.
as many of you know, i've been disfellowshipped for over 3 years now.
in the spring of this year i did write to the local boe and request my disfellowshipping be rescinded.
00DAD, that's a cyber hug. Just noticed your post to SophieG.
yesterday was my oldest son's 21st birthday.
as many of you know, i've been disfellowshipped for over 3 years now.
in the spring of this year i did write to the local boe and request my disfellowshipping be rescinded.
I'm sorry to hear that, man. Don't give up. I didn't wake up until I was 27. I'm sure the prospect of waiting for him for 6 years or more is depressing but there is still hope! Just keep showing him unconditional love. You know he isn't getting it from the congregation!
rick simons takes the stage and tells why the candace conti lawsuit was the right case at the right time against the watchtower.. this is the first of at least three videos documenting mr. simons' presentation on july 14, 2012. .
last segments of this program should be up within a few hours.. .
Great work! Thanks for posting Juan! I put these on reddit, as well.