Nine ways in which the claims of Christianity just seem unlikely:
1 - The brutal competition for survival
2 - Mass extinctions
3 - "Nature red in tooth and claw"
Non sequitur statements. These statements doesn't lead to the initial conclusion (Christianity is unlikely).
Christianity says the physical world is ruled by impersonal natural laws.
Christianity says only the immortal soul is directly and metaphysically created by God in His image (Original Justice). The nature of this immortal soul is temporarily broken (Original Sin).
4 - Lack of clear bible prophecy
5 - The complete ordinariness of the bible
6 - The moral failings of scripture
Axiomatic statements. Acceptance its not necessary.
7 - The credulity that is required to believe in miracles
You must stop to talk in a pejorative way about faith because you use faith too (every time when you accept an axiom).
8 - An earth perfectly designed to randomly kill millions of its inhabitants
Non sequitur.
9 - The confirmation bias that is required to believe in answered prayer
Axiomatic statement.