We don't have a definition of consciousness or intelligence other than that other animals have the same sort of thing in various stages of development.
I'm not a creationist. I accept the whole theory of evolution.
And yes we have an intuitive definition of consciousness. That's why I mentioned law. Maybe the definition of consciousness is just like the undefined terms of geometry (point, line and plane). But I know you're very biased toward scientism and will never accept humans can get knowledge beyond the scientific method.
The theory of evolution doesn't grab consciousness. Darwin tried all his life include consciousness in ToE.
Wallace is not well remembered because he knew ToE was lacking an explanation of consciousness then he spent the rest of his life trying to get a paranormal explanation into science.
Darwin and Wallace always knew the problem of consciousness and the inability of ToE to explain it.
There is no single feature that makes us all that different from most of our primate cousins except that we lucked into a situation ~20k years ago that benefited us greatly.
Sense of justice, infinity, art and so on. Please show me traces of our sense of justice in animals.
At that point you see the emergence of tools, fire and art which accelerated the development even further.
As I said tools don't need consciousness only intelligence.
You can't really pinpoint a particular emergence of our species to a fixed period, that is the above posters' fallacy.
I never said that.
These things take time thousands of years worth of time where you see what we now call "humans" interbreed with what we now call "proto-humans".
Not proto-humans. Anatomically they were identical. Adam was only the first homo sapiens to receive consciousness. An unsouled human was just like a person with a mild mental deficiency.