This is what is paraphased by an ex-elder who has lots of contacts.
What follows is not a verbatim transcript but a now updated summary. It is not in chronological order; yet useful as it gives in compact fashion the many major revelations by Johnny, who is a Bethelite, a worker in the world headquarters of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Brooklyn, New York (U.S.A.). He became a major whistleblower January 1, 2011 on the Six Screens telephone conference hosted by Rick and Inez Fearon. The whole tape is up now at the following, but it’s some 6 hours long with and with much of the information scattered about in it or broken up instead of compact, thus easier to digest. Some helpful notes appear enclosed with parentheses: ( ). Headings have also been added to help readers navigate better. The full tape is at the following link and its owner Rick Fearon has said it's okay for you to share copies if you want
Please do not represent that the following accounts are confirmed for they are not, but at the least they certainly are highly interesting and Watchtower's own magazines, other exiting Bethelites, etc will be showing us more one way or another. I tend to believe the man, Johnny, given other independent sources about what he says that I cannot divulge here,* though, without putting some people at risk.
If you're reading this, too, Johnny, THANKS for stepping forward at this time in history doing what needed to be done and we wish you well for all days ahead as you yourself also exit and go happily beyond the Watchtower!
*One of these other sources, a genuine VIP among our community of ExJWs and Friends, has independently related for example that in 2003 Watchtower installed on its Bethel area phones the same sort of equipment used by the U.S. Government that detects targeted words (e.g. apostate) then leads Watchtower to the location for finding the person. And how does he know this? Because he was told by a person formerly there who helped put the equipment in. See.
DEEP BUNKERS: For example, at one point Johnny tells of seeing evidence that Watchtower is trying to get all the architectural construction companies they can involved in a massive deep underground construction project. That is, it’s not like with the tunnels at Bethel but for tunnels that are far deeper into the ground. He doesn’t know for sure, but wonders it they may be for bunkers. He also sees Bethel construction crews coming and going about every 3-4 days to and from somewhere they are keeping secret. He said he thinks Watchtower may be putting big money into that project. (Given the time frame this is clearly somewhere off in the distance nowhere near Brooklyn. Bunker usage is nothing new to Watchtower; for example, in and around World War II then Watchtower head Joseph Rutherford had some in California.) THREE-STAGE EVACUATION PLANS: Johnny detailed the evacuation plan for at the world headquarters there in Brooklyn; for example in stage one they are to open a letter kept in a secret location telling where to hide the Gov Body members and do so; at stage two evacuate the Auditng Department and shred documents including tax records; at stage three get the Legal Department staff away. He noted that unlike with other areas it takes two passes for entering and Legal’s work area, only Auditing is harder to enter. The Legal Department is huge, taking up about half of one building. It’s not just pedophile matters they deal with but for example Elders are men and so they do take advantage of the Sisters. TEN-YEAR BETHELITES: Bethelites who have been around for over ten years get a envelope they carry around in their wallet telling where they are to go in case the headquarters gets raided or taken down. Speculation abounds about where the envelope says for the Governing Body men to go. One theory is it’s back of where a picture is on a wall of Rutherford. Another is to a room over the regular meeting room. Contrary to what you may be told the Governing Body men do have mobile phones for he has seen them with such phones although he has never heard one go off before. JOHNNY’S NOT REMEMBERING NAMES OF “THE COMMANDERS” Those who don’t hear all the tape may not understand why Johnny as someone at Bethel only about 2 ½ years would know about the evacuation plans. It’s because Johnny does on the tape, when you listen with full attention all six hourse, at times tell of a his older brother who, although younger, had been there quite a while before he himself and who passed knowledge of some things to him. Another good question is why does he say the Auditing Department would shred tax records for would that not be useless since the government has records of the past tax records that Watchtower files. That ignores that applies only for those of the records previously sent in to the government but not for records yet to be filed, and also not for the “other documents” such as original forms about which Auditing sent in records about rather than all of the more numerous documents themselves.) SPYING INSIDE FACEBOOK ACCOUNTS: Johnny also says on the tape that a current Gov Body member ordered him to spy on contents of Facebook accounts. They have an entire book listing which internet places to go to and deal with. He is one of about 10-20 Bethelites systematically doing the internet monitoring and prying. He replaced a previous person who asked the head of that section if some of what he was reading about pedophiles in the Watchtower Society was true. The guy said yes then had the questioning Bethelite removed. The guy reports directly to the Governing Body (all or just one member not clearly known) and then elders are notified to act on those using Facebook. He detailed precisely how they get into the accounts but I find what he says unclear when he does so readers can locate it on their own and figure it out if they are into higher tech terminology. The accounts are not hacked into in the sense of being destroyed but rather pried into, information copied and then exited from. SILENTLAMBS APPEARS TO BE WATCHTOWER ENEMY #1: He gets lists from elders of their congregations’ youths and non-elder adults, looks for them on Facebook, enters to spy on them. Watchtower watches constantly but does not go into it, Open Room Ministry and ExJW Forum. They are private servers connecting with individuals. The ExJW Forum includes a lot of active JWs. Watchtower thinks that the moment a person becomes a JW, they are part of the Watchtower religious organization, and so that gives them as a religious organization the right to hack into their accounts. Watchtower has a list Overseers have of Troublemakers whom Johnny’s team hacks and reports on. They go to etc etc....... FINANCES: Johnny responded regarding what stock Watchtower invests in, spoke about Watchtower’s real estate investing, gave details about their equipment for monitoring the lives of Bethelites there as well as on the local level. He said if you doubt that Watchtower owns stocks then you can simply call Brooklyn headquarters, ask for Watchtower’s Treasury Department, then once connected there and asked who you need ask for Brokerage. Kids of dying Jehovah’s Witnesses need to be aware that parents are willing stocks and other assets to Watchtower which the kids will never get. He has stumbled electronically upon a lot of interesting things. For example he has seen that for about ten years Watchtower finances were well-balanced, but for the past ten years something has caused the finances to drop deeply. TWO BANKS; OIL COMPANY STOCK: WT deals with two banks. One is to pay Bethelites. The other is for other money that comes in. They use the announcements of deficits at assemblies to try to squeeze you for more money. He revealed the name of a small, “progressive” oil South American company He pronounced it like Drillo Americano, and said that it steadily makes them money. In googling I found that a was deleted as a domain name on August 2, 2010 according to ] He says in the last couple months in the New York area Watchtower began arranging for donations to it via credit cards. He believes this could become a natural widespread practice since these days Jehovah’s Witnesses are not donating as much. JOHN BARR GOT UPSET OVER SURVEILLANCE: He says there are now 3 main Gov Body members of the 7 total who are wielding the most power. He said Governing Body member John (or Jack) Barr who died not long ago was the “last voice of reasoning” on the Governing Body. When alive Brother Barr became extremely upset at learning the extent to which Jehovah’s Witnesses are now being put under surveillance by the Watchtower. Without Barr around now things seem really turned upside down.
THE COMMANDERS DISRESPECTED BARR’S WIFE: Barr was so upset to learn of what the Big 3 were up to that Johnny said if he exclaimed that if they were going to do that then they might as well be putting a bug in every Watchtower magazine they sent to people to know what they were saying in their homes, that he intensely regretted the Watchtower Society had come down to this. Johnny spoke with Brother Barr, who was very approachable and much loved, from time to time and he said Brother Barr also wept often after his beloved wife (Mildred) passed away. Like himself she too had partaken of the Memorial (Last Supper) emblems and so was one of the Anointed. LOOKING DOWN THEIR NOSE: Yet, even though anointed and a Governing Body member’s wife, when she tried to ask questions, the “Dark” side (doubtlessly meaning the main three on the Governing Body in charge of the organization and headquarters with a hand from their secretive Service Department) had her to shut up. They considered her a feisty spitfire, but all the same a nobody athough feisty, just a woman. HOW THE THREE GAGGED BARR: Johnny used the word “Dark”to describe the darker, harsher doings of Watchtower and those involved in such operations. Johnny said he, his peers on the hacking team and others into darker matters are sometimes called Darksiders. He and his team wear badges and someimes check for signal bursts indicating unauthorized use in headquarters for example of a transmitter. He says over the past four or so months before Brother Barr died, the three put a gag on him at the Governing Body meetings. He disapproved of about everything they were pushing through so to intimidate him they pushed his buttons to the limit. They knew what those were and so they were able to neutralize him. GIVEN “THE TALK:” Johnny noted that when a man named Crouch was alive at Bethel he would corner all new Bethelites and give them masturbation talks. He used to give details about how it’s done and call it “selfish.” This drew a comment from Mary, who just left the meetings. She noted that such talks also go on at local level kingdom halls. She was in a car going shopping when it was talked about. Gary Cox then commented that he knew an elder who also talked like that and they guy later was alleged to be a pedophile. Mary said kids complained they had been called into the back and accused of masturbation by an elder. I believe someone else said, yes, it’s an opening for pedophiles to get to talk to kids about the act. It was brought up that when alive Governing Body member Ted Jaracz (also died in 2010) and Leon Greenlees, also a Governing Body member but dead for years, were both alleged to have been pedophiles. BARR WARNS OF MORE DARKNESS; LOCAL ANOINTED ALSO DISRESPECTED: Johnny noted that Barr was adamant that we are slipping into darkness, a camera will be coming into every bedroom. Perhaps it was in connection with when it was noted that Mildred Barr although one of the anointed was told she could not ask things because she was only another woman in the eyes of the Governing Body’s three main members, that Mary interjected that the disrespecting of anointed ones goes on these days not only at Brooklyn but locally. For example she knows an anointed woman who has had to stay out of the hall and to communicate call her from a parking lot. A “DIFFERENT” VIEW OF GOD: Johnny related that his anointed Grandmother had stressed that God’s main characteristic is LOVE at a study at the hall. For that the elders had nearly disfellowshipped her. They said it’s wrong to put love over God’s over attributes like power, wisdom and glory. I think it was at this point that I noted they now seem to say God is more like at most only 26% love, then the other attributes to them are now of nearly the same or greater even in their eyes. Their view of God is different now as we get closer to 2014. Johnny shared that with the darkness going on he no longer feels good, but more as if he’s having to give people cyanide. MASSACRE OF ANOINTED ONES IN S. CAROLINA OR VIRIGINIA: Johnny recalled it may have been in Virginia or South Carolina not so long ago when Watchtower discovered about 40-50 anointed Jehovah’s Witnesses were holding an extra once a week meeting to read the Bible together. They were doing nothing wrong, but Watchtower disfellowshipped all but maybe two of them. [I noted I have heard the word “Dark” also used like when elders speak of some congregations being Darker than their own]
THE WAR AGAINST NON-BETHEL ANOINTED ONES: The three main of the seven men on the Governing Body going into 2011, fear and are at war with the other Anointed ones who work outside of Bethel and will also do whatever it takes to shut up any other anointed ones who question them. Johnny said tensions are so high there at Bethel right now that he can see it would take very little for everyone there to split into two opposed camps. Bethelites are having mental breakdowns not just monthly or weekly but now on a daily basis. [Rick Fearon had when in been interviewed by Gov Body member Loesch who expressed especial interest in anything Rick could tell him about the anointed]
WHO IS IN CHARGE: Who are the three? Johnny did not name who they are although he said the other Bethelites speak of the Big Three often, (possibly because during the show he was as Jacqueline noted later, under stress, and stress causes memory loss at times.) For example he was asked, I believe by myself, if they might be Gerritt Loesch, David Splane and Guy Pierce or just who if not Samuel Herd, Geoffrey Jackson, Steve Lett or whoever, and he wouldn’t say other than that they rule as if “a trinity of three,” getting their way over the rest. They are referred to as “The Commanders” and some also have called them “The Trinity.”
STOCK-ISSUING CONSIDERED IN 2010: When Barr lived they considered sending in papers to turn the Watchtower Society into a stock-issuing company so that people could directly invest money in it which would have helped some with the money crisis, but they finally voted not to do so because it they did, they would have lost tax exemptions and other benefits that go with staying a nonprofit. This matter was apparently considered then rejected in 2010. Some years back they had also split Watchtower assets into some newly created corporations.
ORGANIZATION FINANCIALLY IMPERILLED: However, other methods can be used to get more money. Outside of the possible secret project that Johnny believes includes some kind of underground work, he said he has no idea as to for what the money is going. He pointed out that the money problems are so severe that the Watchtower organization must defer making major repairs to the Stanley Theater meeting place, especially the balcony, and it is so overused that the Stanley Theater is in danger of a possible collapse endangering many Jehovah’s Witnesses inside of it. They have imperiled the organization so much that even safety takes a back seat to their mysterious need for dollars. At some point in the tape I myself mention speculation that the U.S. Government may be making Watchtower cough up back taxes and or penalty taxes. The IRS is powerful enough to put the fear into them to sell off skyscrapers, branch facilities etc and I know no one else that powerful save perhaps for regular JWs so unhappy as to not be donating but a fraction of what used to be donated.
COMPARTMENTALIZATION THAT “SQUEEZES:” The Commanders have compartmentalized everything. They are trying to squeeze all they can. They have had Johnny and others out checking for transmitters in the Bethel complex of buildings. So besides himself, Johnny guesses there may be others at Bethel who are also in the closet to not be detected. At one point he gave details on how sweeps are done. The Governing Body’s office is regularly swept for mikes. I believe he said especially in more recent days they don’t just stay in that office but go over to 50 Sands, then the 104 building, then the main building. Memos about a meeting for the Governing Body now don’t go out until only about fifteen minutes before they occur.
“WE’LL BITE YOU!”: Asked who’s now over the Service Department, Johnny said Dale Brauer (?Brower) is. He also noted he has reason to believe the Watchtower magazines issued only to Jehovah’s Witnesses will be taking a turn, that is you will be feeling you have No Privacy. It will be more like “We won’t just grab you but we’ll bite into you!” They won’t be just scaring about shunning but intimidating, getting it across that “if you leave we’re going to take Everything from you!!” For example, the Watchtower magazines will go more in depth into the internet and expression against privacy. (People who leave take their MONEY with them; see.)
ELDERS’ WIVES NOSIER THAN EVER: Mary or possibly Tara commented that on the local level it seems that elders’ wives are interrogating more as to when and where you sent somewhere, etc. Johnny said he too at headquarters has experienced this. He knows one elder’s wife who makes a point of telling him he’s good-looking and try to get personal details out of him. Mary (or Tara?) said you may go somewhere when suddenly they text you and say tee-hee they know what you’re doing.
MAIL SORTING: He talked to a Sister about mail. She sorts through mail deciding what goes on say to the Legal Department or Governing Body or not. He asked, How can you read the letters from victims. She answered, “I know that if I stop it’s a fact that they’ll try to shut me up.” She knows she’d be ruined if she quit for the Watchtower Elders ruined her predecessor. Johnny noted the Governing Body get letters that deal with cases in which the police are involved.
IN THE TRASH: From a trash can or bin Johnny found the mostly charred remains of a letter. The Governing Body doesn’t just shred but tries to burn all their trash. It had on it something like “At times under attack, we must use all our assets. From time to time we must use intimidation or...” So he has reason to believe things are going to get even worse. OVERLAP THEORY’S EFFECT AT BETHEL: He was asked what kind of excitement was generated at headquarters among the Bethelites about the new Overlap Theory (,that is, that not those alive in 1914 but an overlapping generation will see the End followed by paradise.) He said there was no excitement whatever about the new lap over theory. It was business as usual. BIBLE STUDENTS: Jacqueline asked if he knew of the hacker team talking about the Bible Students as she attending meetings of Bible Students (those who quit Watchtower about 1917). Johnny said there is at least constant monitoring of groups like the Bible Students. Jacqueline noted that an Australian elder had abducted two South African girls. As a result that elder’s congregation has just been dissolved.
SPYING ON OTHER JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES ON THE INTERNET: Among the many places that the internet monitors watch, he noted three in particular. I don’t recall what they were but think one was a particular forum and also get especially close, daily monitoring. The book listing the many websites is a thick one about the size of Watchtower’s publication commonly called the Daniel book. He described how hacking is done into the Facebook accounts of active Jehovah’s Witnesses. Trojan viruses are sent to JWs and enter whenever the JWs click on a Facebook wink or other item. Rick’s own is also much monitored.
ENEMIES LIST: Johnny revealed that Watchtower headquarters regularly communicates via emails it sends out to its Elders. Watchtower also has a list of Jehovah’s Witnesses whom the Watchtower’s Elders think are especially big troublemakers. Watchtower’s enemies list of Ex-Jehovah’s Witness includes not for example just Bill Bowen but in particular others who are organizing protests against Watchtower. He said for example the Governing Body member who has him spying on active and former Jehovah’s Witnesses also likes to get items that apostates (dissident ExJWs) write about the Governing Body.
WATCHTOWER CLAIMS TOTAL RIGHTS OVER BAPTISED ONES: He said Watchtower thinks that the moment a person becomes a JW, they are part of the Watchtower organization, and so that gives them the right to hack into their accounts. (Comment: Sounds like they think they OWN you totally like a religious SLAVE of theirs. If say the Governing Body or Legal or anyone there in Brooklyn want to operate under this clearly illegal misconception and really believe it then they sure need to talk to the U.S. Attorney General and U.S. Marshalls! The Constitution gives no religion the right to break the law like that! NONE.)
FAMILY WORRIES: Johnny said that in fact most often they find nothing being written against Watchtower. I believe he said that instead he has seen a lot of fear expressed about matters by parents and kids over if their families can stay intact in view of Watchtower turning more confusing and darker.
JOHNNY’S LOCATION; AND, WAS HE DISCOVERED THAT NIGHT? He said he is thoroughly tired of the spying, feels it is wrong. Johnny revealed he was speaking from inside a closet room somewhere within the Bethel buildings, undetected as using a prepaid mobile phone card. At one point contact with him was lost but he later came back briefly to say that he had just lost the signal. However some emailed me who felt that when he returned his voice sounded unusual or different. They wondered if maybe he had been discovered, told to go back on briefly to say that; wondered and still wonder about his staying safe and alive for that matter. I can only say that on replaying the tape I believe they were correct. My guess, and that’s all it is, is that he is highly intelligent, and to avert Watchtower’s getting him may have employed one of his own voice changer devices but on a different setting when he came back – if it was him who seemed to come back on near the end. Otherwise, frankly, my guess is no better than anyone else reading this.
DOCUMENTS; INTIMIDATION: Johnny had earlier noted he had already gathered a large bundle of documents. He has them stored to where Watchtower cannot get them, and if anything were to happen to him then the documents could still also be revealed. As also noted elsewhere here, not long ago he found part of an item in a trash container, I believe he said at or near where the Governing Body holds meetings. It mentioned that more “intimidation” would be coming. If not Johnny then someone else noted that Scientology for example tries to intimidate people into silence by suing them, draining their money and time via the lawsuits. That way their voices are silenced.
GIRLFRIEND: He said in any case he no longer cares if Watchtower catches him or not. He is tired of the nonsense. He said he had had a girlfriend who suddenly vanished one day and not even her parents know where she went. I think he said this happened after she expressed doubts about Watchtower. In any case, constant gossiping turned her into a wreck, embarrassed her, made her crumble, have a total break-down. Before Johnny entered Bethel her parents hadn’t heard from her in two years and he’s been in Bethel about two more years now.
TENSIONS: Bethelites are extra tense, awareness widespread of the ongoing surveillance, and mental breakdowns now daily. He said not long ago for example the then head of the cafeteria broke down, took a knife and tried to stab someone. There has been talk about Bethel headquarters getting its own pharmacy. Heavy drinking is not at all unusual. [Not sure but I think he or another person mentioned headquarters has an internal bar better stocked than most bars in the liquor businesses.] People are being disfellowshipped (=excommunicated/cruelly shunned) for the most stupid things left and right. He doesn’t really understand why and would like to know why. Bethel has the right to screen your phone calls and text and history. Bethelites get phones for special rates.
“BARBER’S BIBLE:” Asked about it, Johnny noted that private Bible Studies are forbidden unless you are part of the Governing Body or “The Committee.” When Barber passed away he was in a hospital room but still had own personal room. He went with his brother to clean out the room and there was a Bible that was thicker, it had different words; it had a weird symbol on its top. I think it was Diane who wondered outloud if it might have been a copy of one of the books the spiritist Johannes Greber claimed to be a superior Bible, though demonically influenced. As soon as the two fleshly brothers touched it though three elders popped in and told them to take the other stuff but leave it alone. Others including Jacqueline also talked about the cameras that have been installed at many of the kingdom halls and the Bethel world headquarters in Brooklyn, both visible and not visible cameras..... Again, this tape will be an especially interesting one to hear as soon as Rick gets it up.
INTRODUCING MARY: Also on the show was Mary, who is mentioned here and there in the preceding too. She is a newly exited JW, who in speaking with Johnny also discussed various things including the lack of privacy on the local level. She left due to her stomach becoming upset or having diarrhea every time she went to a Watchtower meeting at the kingdom hall, and she said she especially worries about the older remaining ones whom she loved and who have said they miss her so much. Diane, who has been on the show a number of previous times knows her Mary actually is, and Mary asked her to please be sure not to tell her real name. She gave an email for herself but since the show I’ve tried to email to it and it’s bounced back saying the account has gone. (Another mystery at this point.)
Mary said that for example in the past ten months or so her congregation lost some forty people although she knows one nearby that is friendly and full of people. She says at her hall there are cameras and even when she goes into the bathroom she feels it necessary to turn off all the lights as an elder such as her congregation’s overseer who misses a lot of meetings may be peeping at her using it via a hidden camera. She says more buzz words are being used at all the meetings. Elders inflict stress and then say they are just stress-testing. It is being stressed to tell everything to the Elders, resulting in no privacy. (She is clearly in one of the “Dark” congregations where Elders operate it as a full-fledged cult primed for and already practicing Armageddon craziness.)
BODY EQUATED TO CHRIST: “Your Leader Is One” is an article in the September 15 Watchtower for active Jehovah’s Witnesses. (Johnny said Barr had disapproved of that article among others which the Commanders or Trinity put through.) Toward the end (p. 8), it says the Governing Body men in Brooklyn, not at all the Anointed Jehovah’s Witnesses all around the world are representing Christ; that the Other Sheep and Anointed must follow the Governing Body men in order to be a follower of Christ. She confided in a man, I believe who is a Ministerial Servant at another kingdom hall that she was alarmed and concerned about it. She asked “What if Babylon’s where you’re at?!” He told her for her good she had better never repeat that and get back to the meetings regardless of her health problem. She had not been back in two weeks or so. He added you just have to take the persecution if you get it.
PHARISEES STRIPPING THE ELDERLY OF ASSETS: She said the oppressive wolves are in the hall; the elders are modern Pharisees. Two of her hall’s elders are dark-siders. You don’t know what they will do; they are stripping the elderly of assets, are not Christians. The Bible says true Christians are thrown out of the synagogues or nowadays out of the kingdom halls. Of late they have been forcing her to do some things she doesn’t want to do. She is carrying baggage and they know it.
JACQUELINE CONFIRMS MONITORING: Jacqueline has noted before that when Jacqueline was visiting at Bethel a friend told her the tunnels are monitored. Johnny said point-blank: It’s True, TheTunnels Are Monitored. You can’t turn a corner, can’t go anywhere without someone knowing what you say. When at Wallkill Jacqueline was with a person there who had her to drive about five minutes beyond Wallkill before talking. They did that and then Jacqueline asked about it. She was told by the person that her husband had helped put sound monitors into devices on top of poles. Jacqueline said this is in the back where you get gas at Wallkill. She also said rooms are bugged so that the spies can overhear when for example people come together and complain about things such as having gotten the wrong mattresses. Johnny noted there are camera at shower stalls. You can’t go anywhere without being overheard. There may also be audio-recording inside the bathrooms.
WHY THE GROWING USE OF HALL CAMERAS: Somewhere in the tape if not here, Johnny is asked why he thinks more of the halls now have cameras. Cameras are for security when the Great Tribulation comes. The elders have a Point Of Plan. Newer halls now include back exits for quicker evacuations. WHAT HIS BROTHER GOT ON LEAVING BETHEL: His brother on leaving after many years of serving at Bethel got this cold notification on leaving Bethel: “Dear Brother --, Thank you very much for your many years of service in Bethel. We have enjoyed many times with you. We would like to let you know that as of this moment you no longer have any benefits left at Bethel. Your stipents have been terminated. You no longer have any health insurance or benefits that are left in Bethel. Please remove all your belongings as soon possible to make room for the next Bethelite.”
CONFESSING: Johnny was asked if Watchtower gave any kind of counseling for him and the others for looking at the internet material from those who dissent from Watchtower. He replied, yes, and it was almost like Catholics going to confession. Daily someone comes up from not the Governing Body but from The Committee and a Committee member or a Gilead speaker say to beware and remember you are looking at these things for Jehovah, to be strong, and let us know if you feel it’s affecting you. However, if you say it is affecting you, you will be removed. In less than a day, Johnny’s predecessor was removed after asking if things he was reading about the pedophilia crisis among Jehovah’s Witnesses were true. For asking some questions, they got him out. He has almost a suitcase full of things he considers “outrageous” and the suitcase is not in Bethel. Everything else is on a Sundrive, not in Bethel.
MEDIATOR: It may have been Sheila who noted the April 15, 2010 Watchtower magazine claimed again that Christ is only the Mediator for 144,000. Johnny said it was confusing including for older anointed (most living at the 90 Sands building). The Governing Body didn’t want Bethelites to go to the older anointed ones about it, only to themselves, the Gov Body. They ship off troublemakers upstate in New York to Wallkill or Patterson. Older anointed have been bothered that Watchtower has allowed blood fractions.
This summary is by Joe Emerson whose own website also offers many useful items at:
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Note Jaracz' fisted hand gesture (front, R), | | Front L-R: Loesch, Splane, Barr, Jaracz, at least 3 w the special "Service Dept" |
Going left to right in the front roll in photo above are Gerritt Loesch, David Splane, John Barr and Ted Jaracz. Barr and Jaracz died in 2010. Thus far a Big Three of those remaining are wielding dominance evidently based on clout from the secretive Service Depart |