I don't know of any of these cases because I didnt grow up here.
There are so many cases like these though that its almost as if its the "norm" in this org.
As sad as it is that a baby was lost, it was better for the young girl and her baby.
I don't know about everyone else but what really annoys the stuffings out of me is comments like this:
Witness spokesman Brown says that the incidence of pedophilia is no worse in his religion
than in others,
Why are they even comparing themselves to other religions. Aren't they supposed to be no part of this world?
Moreno agrees with Bowen's claim that no investigation is initiated in the church if there is only one
witness and the accused denies the charge,
When was the last time anyone heard of a pedophile inviting an audience. Or being so open and honest about it.
But thats another thread I'm sure.
BugEyes Wife