Riz and Think
When I was reading Daves post this morning I said like father like son. He said you better make sure you say King David and Solomon.
You must have read our minds.
BugEyes Wife
i just reread song of solomon for the first time in over ten years.
despite using the nwt, which butchers most biblical poetry to admiration, i was nevertheless struck its beauty.
if you haven't read it, it is about a shepherd's love for one of solomon's concubines, and it evokes a delicious, aching, tantalising, desire - yup really.
Riz and Think
When I was reading Daves post this morning I said like father like son. He said you better make sure you say King David and Solomon.
You must have read our minds.
BugEyes Wife
the following is a recent jw advertisement about their upcoming conventions.
it can be found on the jw-media.org site under recent news.
i will quote them in italics and then make my own observations.. jehovah's witnesses office of public information.
Hi XJWBill
So what DO all those hungry people do nowadays for food?
The lucky buggers get to bring their own. That way the voluteers don't miss out on the vital "spiritual food". You know the constant reminders about not committing immorality, young ones no masturbating, field service, not to miss those so important meetings and association, don't steal from your boss, ..... you know.
They did such a good job on me I can't even remember any more of their "reminders". Hard remembering those ones.
They just didn't get it! Thats why most volunteered in the first place. It was more fun in the kitchen.
Bugsy Wife
let's have some fun.did you find out some juicy gossip about a witness that you are just dying to blab?.
here's one from me.. i went to a hairdressing salon for the first time and the stylist was a camp male who never stopped chatting from the second he got his gesticulating paws on my scruffy mop.. my mum who is a devout jw was sitting reading a mag waiting for me.. next thing he's telling us about his gay male friend who is a bit down because he is having an affair with a jw.
to make things worse he is married with kids (the brother not the gay friend).. stifling my shock and trying not to look at my mum who is staring wildly and unseeingly at her mag i asked his name or address and although he didn't know the name he told us his street and district!.
I don't know of any of these cases because I didnt grow up here.
There are so many cases like these though that its almost as if its the "norm" in this org.
As sad as it is that a baby was lost, it was better for the young girl and her baby.
I don't know about everyone else but what really annoys the stuffings out of me is comments like this:
Witness spokesman Brown says that the incidence of pedophilia is no worse in his religion
than in others,
Why are they even comparing themselves to other religions. Aren't they supposed to be no part of this world?
Moreno agrees with Bowen's claim that no investigation is initiated in the church if there is only one
witness and the accused denies the charge,
When was the last time anyone heard of a pedophile inviting an audience. Or being so open and honest about it.
But thats another thread I'm sure.
BugEyes Wife
that's the title of another poxy thread on witnesses online that has me scratching my head in disbelief that anyone could be so deluded.. i would love to be able to post a reply in the thread saying something like: "well, i guess none of you have any unbelieving relatives, then?"..
link: http://www.witnessesonline.com/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/witnessesonline/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=1&t=000345.
I find it sad how we used to "cut off" family members as if they didn't even exist. Up until recently even though we hadn't been going to meetings for a few years, we still viewed it as the "truth" and "the closest thing to Jehovahs organisation" there is. We "cut off" family members who were df'd and when we saw them we pretended they weren't even there. You feel bad at the time but you always console yourself that its for their own good. (What a joke!)
The thing is they would never have come back into the Borg anyway. We get on good with them now but I still have the guilts for what we did to them.
I had an aunty who told here son that she would never look on his face again. She never did and died a sad and bitter and lonely old lady. I feel very sad for the way the Borg puts these feeling into people.
Maybe one day they'll lax up a little but I won't hold my breath.
BugEyes Wife
let's have some fun.did you find out some juicy gossip about a witness that you are just dying to blab?.
here's one from me.. i went to a hairdressing salon for the first time and the stylist was a camp male who never stopped chatting from the second he got his gesticulating paws on my scruffy mop.. my mum who is a devout jw was sitting reading a mag waiting for me.. next thing he's telling us about his gay male friend who is a bit down because he is having an affair with a jw.
to make things worse he is married with kids (the brother not the gay friend).. stifling my shock and trying not to look at my mum who is staring wildly and unseeingly at her mag i asked his name or address and although he didn't know the name he told us his street and district!.
Maybe we were all asleep I'm a newbie too and just found your post.
I have been lurking over my husbands shoulder for some time now and had a really... really... really big adrenaline rush every time I thought I might post for fear someone was going to attack me for saying something that didn't fit their criteria. But most seem quite nice
I remember how hypocritical some were (a lot were) when I was growing up in the Borg and being shocked when I found out people were living double lives. I remember when I was a kid there was an elder who used to sit on committee meetings disfellowshipping "wrongdoers". He was smoking the whole time himself. I'm glad to say he was on the receiving end himself for his traitorous ways. When he was found out he got disfellowshipped.
(My dad was an elder at the time so we knew lots of juicy things.
Another elders daughter was a pioneer and we all "thought" she was such a good girl. She came to the meeting one day with a young guy who had been studying and you could see she was pregnant. How we missed it I'll never know. Must have grown bigger overnight. Her sister was we found out later climbing out the window at night to give boys "head job". I know because my brother was on the receiving end.
Then there was a jw guy who we used to go ice skating with (we were such a "wholesome group") who one day wasn't around anymore. He was we found out a homosexual and had choofed off.
I could keep going but don't want to bore anyone.
Such good christians these witnesses are aren't they.
BugEyes Wife
i found this a few years back on one of the sites which has since closed down ..... .
remember: there is a time for everything under the sun.
helpful techniques for getting in your pioneer time .
This was a trip down memory lane.
I have to admit that the whole time counting thing is a joke. Its not till you leave that you really realise how ludicrious it was.
I used to knock at the door really softly and hope nobody came out. And then when I realised there was nobody at home I could relax and just keep knocking occasionally "to make it look good for the neighbors" so we could stay there talking. Took the pressure off hoping the block would be finished by the time we came out. LOL
Then stand on the street corners or under a tree chatting and feeling really important and definitely writing things down because the neighbours were probably watching. They were definitely going to die because they were too "ignorant to listen to our "life saving" "important" message.
It amazes me how the Borg (including me at the time) used to make ourselves feel better by thinking these "ignorant toads" were going to die for not listening to our message. I guess its not until we're out of the box that we understand why they didn't listen.
But I would have appreciated it if we had thought to
call up a relative to tell them your day's plans to witness for Jehovah ..... getting your time started early.
Although we did use some of the other pointers especially when we pioneered.
The Longest Point Between A and B
My friend used to walk the territory, from suburb to suburb for "Back calls" as they were called then. It was always better for time when she did one call here then over there and then back again. More time counted She knew what she was doing. In school holidays I'd go with her. (she was a couple of years older than me)
Oh the good ol days [8>]
BugEyes Wife
the following is a recent jw advertisement about their upcoming conventions.
it can be found on the jw-media.org site under recent news.
i will quote them in italics and then make my own observations.. jehovah's witnesses office of public information.
I have to say I love this thread. I grew up in the "truth" and reading these posts it reminds me of all those growing up years.
I have to say I really did enjoy buying
new clothes/hairdos/bags/accessories because you cannot be seen in the same outfit twice
And this one I can't stop laughing about
How often dare I get out of my seat during the program to try and catch the eye of that dishy brother a few rows behind?
How my girl friends and I used to strut our stuff to catch the guys eyes. But it was always better if you were on your own then you'd have no competition.
When I got married and a bit older and "outgrew" this my husband and I would watch other young ones struting their stuff and it would really crack us up till I realised I used to do the same thing.
I always wanted this too
sorting out a night out after the program and I hope Brother Right turns up...
but having such strict parents I had bucklys of that ever happening.
Reading these posts made me realise we did have some good times too even if they weren't "spiritual" ones.
Thanks for the laugh.
BugEyes Wife
the following is a recent jw advertisement about their upcoming conventions.
it can be found on the jw-media.org site under recent news.
i will quote them in italics and then make my own observations.. jehovah's witnesses office of public information.
Another thing that I really "enjoyed" at conventions was being late so we missed out on the super spiritual family "inspiring" us all with the daily text. Ugh I shudder at the memory.
BugEyes Wife
the following is a recent jw advertisement about their upcoming conventions.
it can be found on the jw-media.org site under recent news.
i will quote them in italics and then make my own observations.. jehovah's witnesses office of public information.
This brought back "fond" memories
I remember as a kid that I always looked forward to the dramas.The recreation of bible events were always my favorites. Then they started switching
more and more to the "modern times" dramas.
Dramas were the highlight of my assemblies too until the "modern day" ones. How I hated them, but I figured they were just getting lazy. The platforms weren't as elaborate, there was no more cooking, eventually not having food available at all.
I remember my brother and his mate used to sit away from the crowd and watch the games on a portable TV. I used to think how unspirtual. Now I look back and realise how he was actually doing himself a favor. Saving himself from becoming more braindead than necessary.
BugEyes Wife
has anyone on this board ever experienced contact with demons?.
i have heard demons talked about for years, however i have never known anyone that has had any real experiences with them, i have only heard storys.. .
(some quotes).
Hi everybody I'm new here although I have been lurking for some time.
I can relate to this thread. Growing up as a witness there was always the fear of demons. My father was always having attacks from the demons. And it always turned out to be an article someone had given us, be it babys clothes, photo albums, gifts, anything.
The amazing thing was that it was only my father that experienced these "demon" attacks. Reason being we were told he was suseptible to the demons. These attacks always seemed to be at night, but come morning my mother would tell us about it and the offending article was thrown away and lo and behold everything was back to normal.
With the problems that he had and looking back now I can well understand why he was the only one in the family to be affected with these "demon" problems. And in his case it was more than likely a guilty concience plaguing him.
However, as humans we can explain anything away, but the fact is there is so much we don't understand. I personally try to keep an open mind.
BugEyes Wife