villagegirl that may be true for India to a point. But if adam and eve are the first humans and kicked out of the garden. Were did they get the seeds to feed themselves. If the ground was cursed growing food was even harder. To feed just one person on a veg. diet takes alot of certain food to keep them alive. To me it makes no sense they just ate vegtables to keep alive. Your food source you show are good herbs for all but still how did they know about all this at the get go. It takes years and years to develop knowlege on these herbs. Not over night if it is true adam and eve was kick out of the garden of eden to fend for themsevles. Many seeds we have today are hybrids of other plants which took time to develope. Corn is a great example. If you saw the first corn plant you most likely would not know what it was. I just saying humans had to have other food sources other than just plants. Totally ADD
JoinedPosts by TotallyADD
Assuming the flood story was true , did humans eat meat before the flood ?
by smiddy inor did the slaughtering of animals as sacrificed to god from abel`s time on , just appease his blood lust.. smiddy.
Missing my Mountains
by jgnat inhere's an album of my recent artwork.
the watercolors i whipped up in the last few days, as a distraction..
Great job. I know what you mean being born in the flat lands but now living in the mountains but not as big as you show in your artwork. I truly love the mountains. As G.K. Chesterton said "One sees great things from the valley; only small things from the peak." Thanks for sharing. Totally ADD
Millions now living will never die
by MrFreeze inyes, rutherford proclaimed in 1918 that "millions now living will never die.
" well it's been 95 years since.
how many 95+ year old people are alive on earth today?
Rutherford said "Millions now living will never die" the Wt. in 2010 change it to "Millions now living may never die" Totally ADD
Why do witnesses listen to their GB
by speargrass55 inhello everyone, i want us to discuss the gbs right to control jws.
the gb claim, and rf jws believe that they can't understand the bible without help from the gb.
when you ask them why they listen to the gb you hear stuff like .
I feel many who became JW came in with a need to be part of something. The GB teach a us against them thinking. And many can relate to that. Also I know for my parents they came from really messed up background and Cults are great in giving these type of people structure in their lives. Again this is just some of the reasons and when told if you don't listen to the GB you are actually not listening to God. Will that is the cement that keeps this bond working. Totally ADD
Who from JWN would you most like to have dinner with?
by laverite inif you could pick anyone from jwn to meet in real life to meet and have dinner with, who would that be?
let's exclude all those who you are already friends with, who you know and love from jwn in real life.
so or me, that excludes my friend ann and also curious butterfly.
I think almost anyone on the board. Since we have a small house I could only have about four over at a time I would pick "flipper, mouthy, Barb Anderson and finally simon". But then I think it would be great to meet all of you to break bread with. Totally ADD
Introducing Myself
by DilloTrace ini'm new to this forum and wanted to give everyone a shout out.
i've been a silent observer of this forum for a long time, but now i feel it's time for me to break the silence and get involved.
i've been inactive since november of last year.
Welcome Dillo Trace. Nice to have a another new one. What you said rings true for many of us. Take care. Totally ADD
DC: apostates are the Anti-Christ
by under_believer inthe more you know, i guess.. also, they used a metaphor likening them to known sex offenders.
good times over here in day 2. .
The problem must be very large in the eye's of the GB. As was told to me many years ago by a fellow elder which he said "Have you ever notice certain elders that talk alot about certain sins alot on stage? I said yes I have. Then he said, that's because they are guilty of doing it." I found in my many years as a elder his statement was true. If they was the true relgion they would not be afraid to bring the concerns of what many of us have and talk about these things out in the open. After all truth would be on their side but we all know this is not the case. They are a cult. Because of that they use this type of scare tactics. For the most part it works. Mind control is a very, very, very powerful thing. Totally ADD
Millions now living will never die
by MrFreeze inyes, rutherford proclaimed in 1918 that "millions now living will never die.
" well it's been 95 years since.
how many 95+ year old people are alive on earth today?
The Wt. of Feb. 15 2010 were they change that one word "will" to "may" was the cement that convinced me the Wt. is lying to us. Even though I had waken up knowing the TATT this manipulation of this statement made by Rutherford really was a eye opener for me. As a child into adulthood the Wt. would pull out this saying from Rutherford to convince the flock on how close the end was. As far as notjustyet said. It's true the Wt. can twist this saying into anything they want. They are master at that but I know what they meant from their earlier teachings of this saying. Hey Mr. Freeze what are you doing posting at 3 A.M. in the morning? Could not sleep last night? Hot date? LOL Take care friend. Totally ADD
Religious Fundamentalism and the fear of Education and its results
by designs inwe experienced this phenomenon first hand and the rationale that went with it- the evil world and satan are out to destroy our minds and faith.. for many of us it meant no college, no institutes of higher learning.
no careers in the sciences and other fields which required university degrees.. our country is deeply divided along religious lines with proponents of the bible and quran holding to claims long disproven by science.. a terrible news story came from afghanistan today- road bombs killed six children.
we hear of this many times, way to often, but here the story takes a sadder turn.
Religious fundamentalism has become a very dangerous element in the world. Denying scienfific research. Denying their children to go to public school but home school their kids with material from the fundamental church were half truths abound. I heard the other day some churches have started a program called Drones for Christ. Teaching teenager how to fly drones with their computers. Just like the WT. The dumber the better. Totally ADD
Hi! I'm new here.
by abbasgreta ini have so enjoyed all your threads and input this last year!
i really feel like i know you all.
very briefly, all four of us left da troof exactly one year ago and dissed ourselves within days.
Welcome to the fourm Greta. Enjoyed your story. Look forward to future comments from you. Totally ADD