JoinedPosts by Marcial
More Circuit Assembly Leaked Videos and More!
by Atlantis in2019 circuit assembly videos.
pioneer meeting with elders.
be bold circuit assembly .
2019 Prenez soin du troupeau fr
by Marcial inprenez soin du troupeau 2019 fr.
ce document ne sera plus disponible à partir du 30 mai 2019 .
Je viens de supprimer ce document mais j'espère que vous avez pu le télécharger autrement ... dans un message privé. Marcial
2019 Prenez soin du troupeau fr
by Marcial inprenez soin du troupeau 2019 fr.
ce document ne sera plus disponible à partir du 30 mai 2019 .
2019 Elders Manual and a Whole Lot More!
by Atlantis insingle zipped folder
2019-02-02-musical preludes
s-21-e congregation's publisher record (2018-12).pdf
Merci .
6-BOEs-Just Arrived!
by Atlantis in2018-03-31-general data protection regulation in seldom worked territories and reminders for personal data sheet!.
Merci beaucoup Atlantis !
2018-3-21-BOE-Special Preaching-Campaign in Ireland!
by Atlantis in2018-3-21-boe, special preaching campaign in ireland.!.
Change of the 2 Baptismal Questions Soon?
by The Fall Guy inq1 - on the basis of the sacrifice of jesus christ, have you dedicated yourself to god & the governing body?.
q2 - do you understand that your dedication and baptism as one of jehovah's witnesses identifies your belief the wtbts's literature is equal in authority with the bible?
having answered yes to these questions, candidates are in a right heart condition sufficiently brain-dead to undergo christian jw.borg baptism..
Change of the 2 Baptismal Questions Soon?
by The Fall Guy inq1 - on the basis of the sacrifice of jesus christ, have you dedicated yourself to god & the governing body?.
q2 - do you understand that your dedication and baptism as one of jehovah's witnesses identifies your belief the wtbts's literature is equal in authority with the bible?
having answered yes to these questions, candidates are in a right heart condition sufficiently brain-dead to undergo christian jw.borg baptism..
Atlantis!-More Paton Files-(The World's Hope)
by Atlantis inhi folks:.
grab these for your archives while the link is still active.
these are in addition to the ones i released a few years back.
Merci cher Atlantis pour ce lien
Pendant la tentative de téléchargement, je reçois un message disant que seulement 10 téléchargements consécutifs sont autorisés, ce qui m'empêche d'obtenir le fichier.
Votre immense travail n'aura jamais la récompense que vous méritez, vous êtes si précieux pour nous.
Merci, Cher Atlantis.
Excellentes vacances de fin d'année. Marcial - France
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