JoinedPosts by Marcial
The New Files Are Back There By The Cinnamon Rolls!
by Atlantis inelder manuals in english and spanish--addendum--and--announcement.. they are sitting back there by the cinnamon rolls and coffee pot.. here:.
You are wonderful and I envy you! Tell me would you have the possibility to find this manual in French language?
Thank you again, I have just done a rough translation of the English manual into French but it doesn't seem to be an exact rendering of the original text although it should be as close as possible.
2021 Annual Meeting Talk, "I Will Never Abandon You"
by RULES & REGULATIONS inthis 19 minute talk by “governing body” member samuel herd lacks enthusiasm, energy and mostly reads his script.
looks like he was forced to talk about something he no longer believes, but goes along what was written to appease the rest of the ''governing body.''.
mr. herd says, ''sometimes we have to make adjustments.
Have you noticed that he appears more and more rarely in videos or programs on jw org . This could be an explanation of his progressive withdrawal and his replacement to come. What about the others? New faces are showing themselves until now invisible. Maybe I'm wrong but ... I'm going to follow this line of young wolves newcomers and old foxes that are slowly being put away which could justify a certain disappointment like the one this Mr. Samuel Herd seems to show in appearance. Marcial
Translated with (free version)
The Interior Bulletins!
by Atlantis inin september 1959, anne and i were invited to serve at bethel in paris, france, where i was assigned to take the lead in printing.
up until the time of our arrival in january 1960, printing had been done by a commercial firm.
since the watchtower was then banned in france, we printed the magazine each month in the form of a 64-page booklet.
And it is here that we see great insight when they create themselves the stick to beat
The Interior Bulletins!
by Atlantis inin september 1959, anne and i were invited to serve at bethel in paris, france, where i was assigned to take the lead in printing.
up until the time of our arrival in january 1960, printing had been done by a commercial firm.
since the watchtower was then banned in france, we printed the magazine each month in the form of a 64-page booklet.
En France, le périodique La Tour de Garde était interdit depuis 1952, mais l’œuvre, elle, ne l’était pas. En allait-il de même dans ce territoire français ? Pendant ce temps, le nombre des proclamateurs ne cessait d’augmenter, ce qui attirait l’attention du public sur les Témoins de Jéhovah. D’ailleurs, en une certaine circonstance, vers la fin de l’année 1959, la police a fait irruption dans la Salle du Royaume, au cours d’une réunion, pour voir ce qui s’y passait.
En conséquence, les frères ont été encouragés à fonder une association déclarée. Le fait d’être enregistrés dissiperait les incertitudes et ôterait la suspicion. Comme les frères se sont réjouis quand, le 2 avril 1960, confirmation leur a été donnée qu’ils étaient bien enregistrés en tant qu’Association des Témoins de Jéhovah !
Néanmoins, La Tour de Garde reste interdite en France. Pensant que cette interdiction s'appliquait aussi à la Polynésie française, les frères recevaient les articles de La Tour de Garde dans une revue intitulée La Sentinelle , qui était adressée depuis la Suisse. Un jour, les policiers ont révélé à Michel Gelas, alors président de l'association, qu'ils savaient pertinemment que La Sentinelle était La Tour de Garde , mais sous un autre titre. Ils n'ont cependant pas transmis l'envoi des périodiques. Les frères ont compris pourquoi lorsque l'interdiction qui pesait sur La Tour de Garde a été levée, en 1975.
En effet, à ce moment-là, les frères de Tahiti ont demandé l'autorisation de recevoir La Tour de Garde sur l'île. Il est apparu que l'interdiction n'avait jamais été publiée au Journal officiel de la Polynésie française : La Tour de Garde n'avait donc jamais été interdite en Polynésie française, au grand étonnement de beaucoup !
In France, the periodical La Tour de Garde was banned in 1952, but the work was not. Was the same true in this French territory? In the meantime, the number of proclaimers continued to increase, which drew public attention to Jehovah's Witnesses. In fact, on one occasion, towards the end of 1959, the police burst into the Kingdom Hall during a meeting to see what was going on.
As a result, the brothers were encouraged to form a registered association. Being registered would dispel uncertainty and remove suspicion. How the brothers rejoiced when, on April 2, 1960, confirmation was given that they were indeed registered as an Association of Jehovah's Witnesses!
Nevertheless, The Watchtower remained banned in France. Thinking that this ban also applied to French Polynesia, the brothers received articles from The Watchtower in a magazine called La Sentinelle, which was sent from Switzerland. One day, the police revealed to Michel Gelas, then president of the association, that they knew that La Sentinelle was La Tour de Garde, but under a different title. However, they did not prevent the periodicals from being sent. The brothers understood why when the ban on The Watchtower was lifted in 1975.
Indeed, at that time, the brothers in Tahiti requested permission to receive The Watchtower on the island. It turned out that the ban had never been published in the Official Journal of French Polynesia: The Watchtower had therefore never been banned in French Polynesia, to the great astonishment of many!
2021-November-S-147-Announcements And Reminders!
by Atlantis in2021-november-s-147-announcements and reminders.
english and german.
Thank you Atlantis
It is interesting to see how the doctrine of blood is still being emphasized as well as the monitoring that is being done so that proclaimers adhere without restrictions to this infamous interpretation of a text that is supposed to prohibit the use of blood to preserve one's life expectancy when it applies only to purely food use.
Although this heresy does not seem to disturb the followers who, moreover, talk about it without measuring its scope. They forget too easily that minors who join the group through their baptism (which is debatable on the presumed enlightened will of the said minor) and who have no idea what it means to die because they were taught or indoctrinated that it was forbidden to receive blood (including when hoping to resurrect) do they understand what it means: non-existence.
For young men and women under 18, death is not considered as a game from which one gets up once fallen. They have no idea what death means to them.
They know that people die but they are not affected by it unless it is their loved ones, because it is a moment of sadness that will be forgotten.
Except that in this case it is about them, about their lives which are placed in the hands of skilled manipulators without any compassion except one, this apparent compassion which they diffuse by their media or internally.
There is a difference between the so-called natural death or the one voluntarily chosen and the one resulting from an external influence that can lead to a premature end before its maturity linked to our mortal nature without the said influence being guilty of having been at the origin.
Should we let minors commit themselves to such risks?
Seen as a Child of Satan!--and--Open Attack on Traumatic Exclusion Policy!
by Atlantis intwo articles you might want to review.
giving credit to a friend who requested the articles be posted.
one of the articles will appear on the right of your screen.. what is it like to be seen as a child of satan?
Excellent !
2021-October-S-147-English-Announcements And Reminders!
by Atlantis in
2021-September-S-147--Announcements And Reminders!
by Atlantis in2021-september-s-147-announcements and reminders.
Merci Atlantis pour ces denrières infos
Mexican/Central American Branch Letter to all Bodies of Elders!
by Atlantis inmexican/central american branch letter to all bodies of elders.
media, or to release news involving jehovah'switnesses.. .
the video that discusses the letter is in spanish, here:.
Réveillez_vous - Awake : décembre 2013
Pouvons-nous croire les médias ?